The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something With Wheels That People Push
Pram Trolley Wheelbarrow Go Cart Bicycle
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tags: kids transportation vehicles toys games category: no points
2. Name a ball that can fit in your pocket.
Answers are hidden.
3. Name a trick you do with a yo-yo.
walk the dog 79 around the world 10 rock the baby 5 spaghetti 2 spin it 2 cradle 2
Answers are hidden.
4. Name Something Kids Play With On Their Way To School
Ball Tin Can Rocks Sticks Yo-Yo Mobile Phone
Answers are hidden.
tags: school kids funny childhood games toys category: no points
5. Name something you could own that might have a superhero’s symbol on it.
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tags: clothing accessories toys games school kids category: no points
6. Name something little girls don't like.
Boys Bugs Dirt Snakes
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tags: kids girls toys clothes school games category: no points
7. Name Something Associated With The 50?s
Mr Potato Head Hula Hoop Barbie Yo Yo
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tags: school transportation music fashion games home category: no points
8. Name Something Kid Takes If Planning To Run Away
Clothes Food Money Bedding Toys Backpack Bike
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel school clothes money food toys category: no points
9. Name a way someone might travel across the country.
airplane 60 train 18 car 9 bus 5 hot air balloon 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation vehicles kids school category: 5 answers
10. Name an accessory a kid might put on their bike.
Horn 45 Bell 21 Basket 14 Reflectors 10 Lights 6 Streamers 4 Flag Pegs Cards Stickers
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids transportation toys safety outdoors fun category: 10 answers
11. Tell Me The Number Of People Who Can Ride Comfortably In A Van. #
6 47 7 23
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tags: family transportation school work travel kids category: 2 answers
12. Name a type of ticket
Concert Sporting Event Movie Traffic Parking Airplane
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tags: school transportation travel parking concert category: no points
13. Name something that people swing.
baseball bat 27 arms/hands 15 rope 11 keys 6 swing set 5
Answers are hidden.
14. Other Than A Hand-Buzzer, Name Something You’d Be Sure To Buy At A Gag Shop
Whoopie Cushion Fake Vomit Squirting Flower Rubber Chicken Can O’ Snakes Fake Nose
Answers are hidden.
15. Name An Accessory Children Put On Their Bikes
Bell Light Things In The Spokes A Clapper Stickers
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tags: kids transportation toys funny safety childhood category: no points
16. Tell Me Something You Hate To Discover That You’re Missing A Piece From.
puzzle 57 earring 15 car 10 board game 6 pie 5 cake 4
Answers are hidden.
17. Name A Way People Get To Work In The Morning.
Car 44 Public Transportation 20 Carpool 15 Bike 10 Walk 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation commute work school travel funny category: 5 answers
18. name a place where people always seem to have to cram into
Car Elevator Bathroom Roller Rink Public Transport
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tags: travel school work elevator audience transportation category: no points
19. Name Something That You Can Spin
Spinning Top Bottle Money Wheel Ball
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tags: kids fun toys games family friends category: no points
20. Name something that bounces.
ball 51 check 20 trampoline 13 bouncer 6
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tags: kids games toys fun playtime outdoors category: 4 answers
21. Name something you might see in a children's playground
Merry Go Round Monkey Bars Sandbox Swing Set Slide
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tags: kids fun outdoors childhood toys games category: no points
22. What would you do if you found a proton pack and laser on the street?
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23. Name a toy you might find in a little boy's room
Truck Teddy Cars
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24. what would you see at the rummage sale of someone was not planning to have more kids
Car Seat Baby Clothes Stroller Crib
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25. Name a toy associated with the 50's
Barbie Yo-yo Slinky Red Wagon Hulahoop Teddy Bear Mr. Potato Head
Answers are hidden.
26. Name a place perfect strangers sit next to each other.
movies 20 bus 16 diner 14 airplane 13 theater 8 church 8
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tags: travel transportation public spaces school work hospital category: 6 answers
27. Name a kid's game that a grown man would look pretty silly playing
Hide And Seek Twister Tag Seek Hopscotch And Seek Hide-n-seek
Answers are hidden.
28. Name A Toy That You Could Buy Your Friend’s Child That Might Ruin Your Friendship
water gun 54 drums 41
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tags: funny kids games toys friendship parenting category: 2 answers
29. Name Something That Keeps Kids Amused For Hours
TV Video / DVD Video Games Toys Games
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tags: kids toys games animals pets entertainment category: no points
30. Name something that a child might save their money to buy.
bike 36 video games 29 candy 27 cell phone 8
Answers are hidden.
31. Name something you might see at a kid's birthday party.
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tags: kids birthday toys games food cake category: 5 answers
32. Name a kind of hoop.
Hula-Hoop 1 Basketball hoop 2 Earring hoop 2 Embroidery hoop 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: sports fitness games toys kids hilarious category: 4 answers
33. Name something kids can do that adults can't.
play 45 fit in small places 16 cart wheel 15 nap 14 throw tantrums 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids childhood games play toys imagination category: 5 answers
34. Name Something Kids Love To Ride On.
bicycle 30 pony/horse 25 carousel 14 dads shoulders 12 riding mower 9 school bus 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny toys games family children category: 6 answers
35. Tell me something that kids hate to have taken away from them. Be specific.
toy 38 tv 23 cell phone 12 candy 9 video games 6 computer 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny family toys games candy category: 6 answers
36. Name Something That Kids And Some Adults Both Collect
coins 37 baseball cards 22 stamps 19 comic books 9 toys 7 records 3
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tags: kids adults collectibles hobbies toys games category: 6 answers
37. Name something an 8-year-old might bring with them when they stay over at Grandma's house.
stuffed animal 36 sleeping bag 5
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tags: kids family toys games clothes books category: 2 answers
38. Name Something That Most Children Have In Their Bedroom
Bed Toys Teddy Bear Books TV Wardrobe
Answers are hidden.
39. name something that people bounce
A Check A Baby Bubble Gum A Ball
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids funny games toys exercise sports category: no points
40. Name a piece of kids’s play equipment that adults would probably hurt themselves using.
monkey bars 35 slide 28 swing 27 merry go round 5 seesaw 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids playground funny childhood toys games category: 5 answers
41. Name something you can spin
Jar Top Quarter Bottle Penny Spinning Top Dreidel
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tags: kids funny games toys play imagination category: no points
42. Name a christmas gift a toddler might get.
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tags: kids christmas family toys games books category: no points
43. Name a famous Andy
Williams Andy Amos And Andy Amos & Andy Griffith
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tags: tv toys games movies cartoons pop culture category: no points
44. what might you find out about a date that would make you fear he was much younger than you though
Lives With Parents Not Legal To Drink Can't Drive Still In School Birth Date No Facial Hair Voice Cracks
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tags: school work travel music movies games category: no points
45. Name something you might find in a kid's room
Toys 57 Bed 17 Computer 10 Posters 6
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tags: kids home toys games books stuffed animals category: 4 answers
46. Name Something You Might Buy That’s Made In Japan.
car 33 camera 28
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tags: food clothing electronics cars toys games category: 2 answers
47. Name A Board Game People Give As A Holiday Gift.
Monopoly 49 Scrabble 17 Life 10 Triveal Persuit 6 Family Fued 5 Candy Land 3 Sorry 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: games family holidays presents toys classic category: 7 answers
48. If diamonds are a girl's best friend, what's a guy's
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships friends toys tools sports video games category: no points
49. Name Something You’d See In The Back Seat Of A Car That Would Tell You They Have Children
car seat 54 toys 6
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tags: kids family car travel entertainment toys category: 2 answers
50. Name a reason a person might travel.
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tags: travel transportation kids category: no points
51. Name a form of transportation before cars.
Horse Walking Bicycle Trains
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tags: travel history transportation kids category: no points
52. Besides A Horse, Which Animal Is Used For Transportation
Mule Camel Dog Elephant Ox
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tags: animals transportation travel kids category: no points
53. Name A City That Has An Underground Rail System
London Paris New York Japan
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tags: cities transportation travel kids category: no points
54. Name A British Airport
Manchester Heathrow Gatwick Luton Liverpool Stanstead
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tags: travel airport uk transportation category: no points
55. Name Something Look For Rental Car Vs Regular Car
Cd Player Gps Sun Roof Gas Mileage Air Conditioner
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tags: travel transportation convenience category: no points
56. Name something specific that might delay a plane's takeoff
Storm Sleet Blizzard Snow Precipitation Rain
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tags: travel airport transportation category: no points
57. Name a job at the airport
Stewardess Flight Attendant Handler Ticket Agent Baggage Handler Agent Luggage Handler
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tags: work transportation travel kids funny category: no points
58. Besides People Name Something You Might See At An Airport
Aeroplanes Runway Luggage Check In Desks Shops X-Ray
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tags: travel transportation kids hilarious airports category: no points
59. Name Something You’d Find On A Cruise Ship, But Not On A Regular Boat
pool 32 bar/restaurant 24 casino 18 beds 8 entertainment 7 staff 4
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tags: travel vacation transportation kids funny category: 6 answers
60. Name A Mode Of Transportation That Is Hard Caring For Children
Bus Bicycle Car Airplane Motorcycle Subway Train
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tags: children travel transportation kids funny category: no points
61. Besides trains, name something you would see at a train station
People Railroad Tracks Passengers Tracks Travellers Folks Riders
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tags: travel commuting transportation kids funny category: no points
62. Name A Type Of Vehicle That You Would Ride In The Back
Limousine Taxi
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tags: vehicles transportation travel kids funny category: no points
63. Name A Reason Why A Plane May Be Delayed
weather 56 needs repairs 25 security advisory 8 refueling 6
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tags: travel transportation weather security kids category: 4 answers
64. Name something that can make traveling a pain.
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tags: travel inconvenience transportation kids funny category: no points
65. Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world.
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tags: travel history transportation humans kids category: no points
66. Name Something That would Keep You From Sleeping On An Airplane
Noisy Kids Bad Weather Baby Crying Knees In The Back ??
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tags: travel transportation sleep airplane kids category: no points
67. Name an amenity that might be found on a train.
Restaurant Bathroom Bar Bedroom Pillow
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tags: travel transportation commute vacation kids category: no points
68. Name a London tube station.
euston 63 paddington 18 oxford circus 8 tottenham 7 victoria 4
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tags: travel geography transportation kids funny category: 5 answers
69. Name something that's difficult to do on a turbulent air flight
Write Go To Bathroom Eat Read Relax Drink
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation airplanes flying kids category: no points
70. While in flight what would you hate to see the pilot doing instead of flying the plane?
napping 50 drinking 25 using phone 8 reading 7 snacking 5 socializing in cabin 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel funny adults kids transportation category: 6 answers
71. How many hours does it take to drive across your state?
6 33 4 21 8 19 3 9 12 6 5 6 10 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: geography travel states transportation category: 7 answers
72. Name Something You’d See On The Back Of A Car.
license plate 32 bumper stickers 31 bumper 17 dirt 5 tires 4 lights 3
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tags: car transportation travel vehicles funny category: 6 answers
73. Name something you might take a motion sickness pill before doing.
flying 40 boating 32 driving 13 travelling 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation amusement park car category: 4 answers
74. Name a city that has a subway system.
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tags: cities transportation travel infrastructure category: no points
75. Name a city in the United States with a busy airport
Los Angeles Chicago New York St Louis Atlanta Dallas
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tags: travel airport cities transportation usa category: no points
76. Name a job you might have on a ship.
Captain Chef Sailor Server Bartender
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tags: work travel transportation ocean sea category: no points
77. Name a part of a car you open and close.
door 71 trunk 15 hood 7 glove compartment 3
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tags: car parts vehicles transportation travel category: 4 answers
78. Name Something An Airplane Has That Your Car Doesn’t.
wings 72 oxygen mask 5 pilot 5 jet engine 5 landing gear 5 alot more seats 2
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tags: travel transportation vehicle funny category: 6 answers
79. Name something that takes you across a river.
boat 62 canoe 10 bridge 8 raft 7 ferry 5
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tags: transportation water geography travel category: 5 answers
80. Name a place that has a lot of exits.
movie theater 36 hospital 24 shopping mall 17 school 14 freeway 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation travel roads airports category: 5 answers
81. Which city in America charges the most for parking?
new york 75 los angeles 7 san francisco 6 chicago 4 washington dc 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: cities transportation money travel category: 5 answers
82. Name Something You Change On Or In Your Car
Oil 45 Tires 25 Radio Station 11 Brake Pads 6 Windshield Wipers 4
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tags: cars transportation travel commuting maintenance kids category: 5 answers
83. We asked 100 people: name a popular mode of travel.
Airplanes Cars Bicycle Train Bus
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation commute daily life kids category: no points
84. Name Something A Plane Can't Fly Without
Wings Fuel A Pilot
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tags: kids hilarious travel physics mechanics transportation category: no points
85. Name Something A Plane Can’t Fly Without.
wings 56 engine 15 fuel 13 tail 8 rudder 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation kids funny objects vehicles category: 5 answers
86. Name something people do when riding in the back of a taxicab.
Watch Meter Talk Look Out Window Sleep Give Directions Read Use Phone
Answers are hidden.
tags: vehicles transportation passengers travel entertainment kids category: 7 answers
87. Name A Form Of Transportation You Didn’t See A Lot Of 100 Years Ago
Cars 43
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tags: travel transportation vehicles history inventions kids category: fast money
88. Name A vehicle Where Passengers Can Also Stand While Riding
Bus 53 Subway 17
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tags: transportation commuting travel kids adults funny category: fast money
89. Name An Animal That People Ride
Camel Hippo Horse
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tags: animals riding travel transportation nature kids category: no points
90. Name An Airline You can Fly Almost Anywhere in the US
united 27 american 23 southwest 15 delta 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation vacation geography family kids category: 4 answers
91. Name Something A Hobo Does To Pass His Time While Ridin The Rails
sleep 33 sing 24 drink alcohol 19 eat 7 talk 5 read 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel entertainment funny kids transportation hobbies category: 6 answers
92. Name something you might find at an airport.
Airplanes 59 Luggage 19 Shops 12 Security 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel airplanes transportation destination kids funny category: 4 answers
93. Name Something You Might Find In The Cockpit Of A Plane
Pilot Instruments Gear Stick Seat Radar
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tags: work transportation machines travel funny kids category: no points
94. Name Something You Might See On A Train
People Or Passengers Conductor Seats Guard Driver
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tags: transportation travel kids family funny animals category: no points
95. Name a way people got around before cars were invented.
horseback 63 walking 16
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tags: travel transportation kids funny quirky animals category: 2 answers
96. During A Long Distance Bus Trip, Name Something You’d Be Disappointed To Learn That The Bus Didn’t Have
bathroom 46 air conditioning 29 gas 11 television 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation amenities entertainment comfort kids category: 4 answers
97. Name a type of transportation that has less than 4 wheels
Bike Bicycle Motorcycle Speed Bike Suzuki Hog Cycle
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation travel vehicles kids funny wheels category: no points
98. Name Something that takes people into the air.
Airplane Hot air balloon Parachute Helicopter Paraglider
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money transportation travel adventure kids category: fast money
99. How do people move from one place to another?
Walk Drive Train Swim Ride
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family moving travel transportation relocation category: no points
100. Name something that's difficult to do on a turbulent air flight:
drink 37 eat 21 read 11 sleep 11 write 8 go to bathroom 6 relax 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation flying airplanes funny kids category: 7 answers
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