The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name someplace people go that begins with the letter "M"
Miami Museum Mall
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tags: school supermarket mall museum movie theater category: no points
2. Name a kind of place you'd hate to be hearing people's cell phone go off
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tags: school hospital library theater supermarket restaurant category: no points
3. An Aisle In A Supermarket Where You Spend A Lot Of Time
Fruit & Veg Drinks Home Entertainment
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tags: supermarket food category: no points
4. Name an aisle in the supermarket where you spend a lot of time.
produce 29 meat 18 frozen foods 13 magazines 5 dairy products 5 cereal 5
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tags: kids food grocery shopping supermarket category: 6 answers
5. Name Something A Person Does That Slows Down The Checkout Line At The Supermarket
use coupons 30 talk 20 write check 16 price check 9 count change 6 read magazines 4 buy too many items 3
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tags: shopping checkout supermarket grocery food category: 7 answers
6. Name a type of food you'd buy from a supermarket's freezer section
Frozen Dinner Sorbet Sherbert Ice Cream Swansons Television Dinner
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tags: food supermarket freezer cooking groceries home category: no points
7. Tell Me How Many Items They Allow In Most Supermarket Express Lines. (Numeric Only)
10 52 15 23 12 9 8 8 9 5 7 3
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tags: shopping supermarket grocery food daily life category: 6 answers
8. Besides A Loaf Of Bread, Name Something You Might Buy In The Bread Section Of The Supermarket
Bagels Rolls Donuts Muffins Cakes Buns Croissant
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tags: food grocery supermarket kitchen baking breakfast category: no points
9. Name a place where people try to sneak in line ahead of you
Movies Supermarket Cinema Films Market
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tags: supermarket restaurant airport concert category: no points
10. Name A Drink The Designated Driver Might Order
Soda 65
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tags: kids school food funny category: fast money
11. Name something you would not want to see in a school cafeteria.
bugs 41 rats 25 mice 17 hair 13 finger 4
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12. name Something You Put in Your Mouth But don’t Swallow
gum 51 toothpaste 17 mouothwash 16 hard candy/sucker 12
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13. Name a dessert that might come in red, white, and blue
Cake Jello Cookies Pickles Popsicles
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14. name something annoying that happens with juiceboxes
Can't Get Straw In Explode Spray You Straw Breaks Leak
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15. Name a food that starts with the letter 'O'.
Oranges 41 Onions 27 Olives 11 Okra 8 Oatmeal 7 Oysters 6
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16. Namy a type of cheese with a funny name.
mozzarella 25 linberger 18 munster 10 roguefort 10 provolone 9 brie 7 gorgonzola 3 roundelay 3
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17. Tell me something some people have a hard time closing.
mouth 25 suitcase 18 door 16 jar 8 a good book 5
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18. Give me a word that rhymes with "bubble"
Trouble Stubble Double Rubble
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19. What do you eat that has a hole in the middle?
donut 55 bagel 19 cereal 7 hard candy 6
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20. Name something people buy that comes in "stick" form:
gum 40 deodorant 31 butter 16 lipstick 6 glue 2
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21. name a fruit that you wouldnt want to carry home from the grocery store
Pineapple Watermelon
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22. name the best food to put on a mousetrap
Cheese Hay Rides Peanut Butter Chocolate/candy Bar
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23. Name Something You Might Do Just Before Someone Snaps Your Picture.
Smile 77
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24. Name Something A Person Uses To Wipe Their Mouth With.
napkin 75 paper towel 8 handkerchief 5 tissue 5 sleeve 2 wash cloth 2
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25. Name A Dairy Item That’s Sold As Non-fat.
milk 32 cheese 13
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26. Name Something People Buy By The Roll
toilet paper 73 paper towel 10
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27. Name another word for "big".
Huge Large Gigantic Enormous
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28. Name a job that we need more people to do.
Police Officer Doctor Plumber Electrician
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29. Name A Crime That Some People Probably Commit Every Day.
Speeding 62 Jaywalking 18 Littering 18
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30. Name something teens often do as their first job.
fast food/diner 53 store cashier 28 babysitter 14 paper carrier 4
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31. Name something your kid could trade with another kid
Cafeteria Food Hockey Cards Cards Lunch Baseball Cards Pokemon Cards
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32. Name something that has the word ‘flower’ in it.
Flowerpot Flower bed Wildflower Sunflower Flower shop
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33. Name a zoo animal that eats more than you do.
elephant 56 monkey/gorilla 10 hippopotamus 10 giraffe 6 lion 4
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34. Name something kids love to drink.
soft drink 37 kool aid 27 juice 21 milk 9 hot chocolate 4
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35. Name a staple of a college student's diet
Pizza Ramen Hot Dog Pasta
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36. Name A Food Served In An Elementary School Cafeteria
pizza 46 meatloaf 21 jell o 10 fries 7 chicken nuggets 4 hot dogs 3 hamburgers 3
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37. Name something you've eaten too much of in your life.
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38. Name Something Kids Get In Trouble For Throwing
food 25 football/baseball 18 snowballs 16 stones 16 tantrum 12 spitballs 11
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39. Tell me a word that rhymes with "nude."
Mood Crude Lewd Rude Dude
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40. Name A Food You Eat With Your Fingers
French Fries 24 Chicken 19 Hamburger 17 Cheese 10 Sandwich 8 Pizza 8 Chips 8
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41. Name an event that is often held as a fundraiser.
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42. Name something that's big and yellow.
school bus 24 big bird 23 the sun 17 banana 10 taxi cab 4 squash 4
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43. Name Something You Associate With Brooklyn.
Brooklyn Bridge 44 Dodgers 30 New York 8 Accent 4 Subway 3 Zoo 3
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44. Name Something Mom Tells Her Kids To Do Before Dinner
Wash Hands Pray Homework Set Table
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45. Name something you should always take if it's offered.
money 56 advice 11 food 8 hand 6 vacation 4 compliment 3
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46. Name a bad occupation for someone who easily gets the giggles
Dr Practitioner Dentist Md Gr
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47. Name something you pluck.
eyebrows 47 chicken 23 hair 13 duck 12
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48. name something youd get a dirty look for doing in the movie theatre
Talking Using Cell Phone Kissing
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49. Name a fruit you don't need to peel to eat
Grapes Driving Test Apples Cherries Strawberries
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50. Name a candy that sticks to your teeth
Bears Tootsie Rolls Toffee Chocolate Taffy Caramel Rolls
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51. Name a food that gets stuck in people's teeth
Rib Eye Tenderloin Beef Red Meat Pork Corn
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52. Name something that parents would like their children to have when they grow up.
Job Money Family Home Degree Manners
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53. Name A Nickname For A Skinny Person
Slim 36 Twig 19 Beanpole 18 Skin And Bones 10 Toothpick 5 Stick 5
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54. Name something parents do not like their kids throwing.
Tantrums Food Rocks Balls Toys Glass
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55. Name something that begins with "Hold your..."
hold your horses 31 hold your breath 30 hold your tongue 16 hold your temper 6 hold your hand 4
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56. Name Something That Needs Has To Be Wet Before It Works
Sponge Soap Washcloth Dishcloth Hose
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57. Name Something That Gets Smaller The More You Use It
Soap Pencil Lipstick Eraser Wallet Chalk
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58. Name something that might be scooped onto a student’s lunch tray.
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59. Name A Thanksgiving Item Children Make At School.
turkey 78 cornucopia 6 pilgrem hat 5 card 4 indian headress 3 pumpkin 2 drawing of pilgrims 2
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tags: kids food school thanksgiving funny category: 7 answers
60. Tell Me a Ball That’s Smaller Than a Baseball
Golf Ball 2 Ping-Pong Ball 2 Tennis Ball 2 Gumball 1
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61. Name something people swallow without chewing.
Medicine Ice Cream Water Oysters
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62. Name a good food to throw in a food fight.
mashed potato 41 pie 20
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63. What's another word for "excited"
Elated Ecstatic Over Joyed Happy Thrilled Exhilarated
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64. tell me something you take to work only on special occasions
Car Jack Presents Kids Dessert Blanket Jumper Cables
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65. name something that comes in a tube
Lotion Ipod Paste/glue Lipstick Toothpaste
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66. Based on your shape, what fruit are you?
Pear Banana Apple Melon Peach Pumpkin Pineapple
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67. Tell me something about a duck.
quacks 59 swims 12 webbed feet 7 waddles 7 bill 4 feathers 3
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68. Name A Way To Get Down From A Tall Building
jump 32 elevator 28 ladder 19 stairs 8 scale it 6
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69. Name something you eat with a spoon.
soup 53 cereal 22 ice cream 20 mashed potatoes 5
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70. Name something in a bakery a baker might call his wife.
Honey/Buns 1 His Oven 2 Sweet/Sweetie 1 Cupcake 1 Muffin 1 Sugar 1 Donut 1 Doughy 1
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71. Name something a parent criticizes their child for doing too fast
eating 59 homework 19 cleaning/chores 5 growing up 4 talking 4 driving 3
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72. Name a stain children get on their clothes
Grass Grime Soil Cut Grass Mow Lawn Lawn
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73. Name Something That Comes In A Lot Of Flavors
Blackjack Drawer Ice Cream Oreo Shoebox Dresser
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74. Name A Reason You Might Have To Get Change From A Pound
Pay Phone Get A Drink Vending Machine Parking Meter Get On A Bus
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75. Name a food that goes great with potato chips.
dips 44 hamburgers 28 hot dog 12 sandwiches 8 casserole 3
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76. Name an invention that has made parent's jobs much easier
Television Washing Machine Microwave Computers Santa Claus
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77. Give me another word for "cold"
Virus Sniffle Freezing Frigid Chilly Flu
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78. Name something you might accidentally leave on a bus.
purse 31 backpack 15 cell phone 13 jacket 11 books 10 umbrella 9 gloves 6 wallet 5
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79. Name A Reason Why A Child Can’t Wait To Grow Up
drive 35 move out 22 have a job 14 no rules 12 romance 7 no school 3
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80. Name a kind of grinder
Meat Tooth Conversation Sandwich Coffee
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81. Name a beverage served hot.
coffee 63 tea 21 hot chocolate 12 apple cider 2
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82. Name Something That People Have Trouble Opening
Jars Their Hearts Windows
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83. Name an animal that has a lot of teeth
Alligator Gator Crocodile Great White Hammerhead Shark
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84. Name something you feel for in the dark.
light switch 68 eyeglasses 8 flashlight 5 betterhalf 5 alarm clock 4 bed 3
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85. Name a word that rhymes with 'fun'.
Sun 34 Bun 23 Run 20 Gun 13 Pun 5 Done 5
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86. Name a word that rhymes with 'poor'.
Door 42 More 26 Sore 13 Floor 12 Store 6
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87. Name A Food That Comes In Packs of Six Or More.
hod dogs 16 pudding 16 little cereal boxes 14 beer 13 soda 11 yogurt 11 eggs 9
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88. Name something every student knows how to cook.
eggs 34 mac and cheese 24 ramen 23 hot dog 12 grilled cheese 7
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89. Besides water, name a drink that is clear
Sprite Ginger Ale Soda Water Canada Dry Ale Seven Up Club Soda
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90. Name Something You Cant Do While Youre In The Dentists Chair
talking 56 eat 19 move 10 sleep 8 sing 6
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91. Name a food served in a high school cafeteria.
chicken nuggets 38 macaroni and cheese 23 hot dogs 20 pizza 19
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tags: food school cafeteria high school category: 4 answers
92. Name Something A Man With Very little Does To Make It Look Like He Has More
Comb Hair Over Toupee
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tags: kids funny hilarious school work food category: no points
93. Besides sleeping name something that people do with their eyes closed
Dream Snog Peck Kiss Imagine Smooch Daydream
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tags: school work animals kids food funny category: no points
94. Name something americans are passionate about.
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tags: school sports work food kids funny category: no points
95. Name Something You Colour
Colouring Book Your Hair Clothes
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tags: school home animals food kids funny category: no points
96. Name a favorite dessert
1. Ice Cream 16 2. Cake 7 3. Donuts 4 4. Cookies 2 5. Brownies 2
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tags: kids food funny school work adults category: 5 answers
97. Name Something You Wouldnt Want Your Kid Bringing Home From School
lice 31 bad grades 24 drugs 21 illness 7 germs 6
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tags: school kids funny food animals hilarious category: 5 answers
98. Name a country that begins with the letter "C."
Canada Columbia Cuba China Czech Republic
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tags: school kids funny adults family food category: no points
99. Name something that little boys hate being told to do
Eat Vegetables Bedtime Clean Room
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tags: kids funny boys school chores food category: no points
100. name something thats filled with candy
Stocking Pinata Candy Store Tans Laws Easter Basket Jar
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tags: kids funny food animals school work category: no points
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