Name something a telemarketer might try to sell to you.
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tags: home goods services investments donations insurance category: no points
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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Answers are hidden.
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Blood 45
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20. name something you have an abundance of after you move
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tags: fundraising church money events activities donations category: 10 answers
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Food 29 Money 28 Clothing 24 Toys 18
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tags: holiday charity holidays donations food kids category: 4 answers
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Hurricane Tornado Earthquake Flood
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athlete 38 modeling 33
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26. Name Something You Might See In A Bank
Money Cashier Robber People Security Guard
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27. Name something people put money in.
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tags: money future investments gambling category: 4 answers
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Auto Dental Life Home Vision
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Answers are hidden.
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33. Something that some people insure while other people take a chance.
house/possessions 45 car 30 life 20 health 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: insurance money property belongings valuables category: 4 answers
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mansion/property 42 their car/limo 28 their boat/yacht 10 jewelry/watch 7 their business 5 their stocks 2
Answers are hidden.
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Job Marriage Investments Win Lottery Inheritance Game Show
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money 40 baseball cards 11
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tags: collectibles investments nostalgia valuables future category: 2 answers
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credit card 51 drivers license 40
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tags: cars money insurance credit card category: 2 answers
38. After the bills have been paid, name something families do with the money left over
Go On Vacation Go Out To Eat Go Shopping Close Their Eyes Save It
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tags: budgeting leftovers saving investments spending category: no points
39. name something a car insurance company might ask when you call for a quote
Driving Record Type Of Car Number Of Accidents Income Age
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40. Name a reason dads get upset about money.
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tags: money budget finances savings investments category: no points
41. Name a reason why you might not let someone else drive your car
Water It’s New Katherine Motorcycle
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tags: safety insurance privacy age habits skills category: no points
42. name a place that never closes
Dept/grocery Store Place Of Worship Hospital Police Station Gas Station Convenience Mart Fast Food Joint
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tags: business services amenities places category: no points
43. Name A Type Of Service Person Who You Never Know How Much To Tip.
server 58 valet service 13 hairdresser 12 taxi driver 7 bartender 5 bellhop 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: services social etiquette money category: 6 answers
44. name a service that used to be just for humans but people now get for their dogs too
Pedicure/manicure Haircut Science Fiction Graphic Novels Massage Day Care
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45. Tell me something you pay people to find for you.
house 28 missing person 20 job 12 pets 5 information 3 jewelry 3 cars 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: services work professionals help hiring category: 7 answers
46. name an occupation whose title ends with agent
Insurance Agent Mail Carrier Travel Agent Secret Agent Real Estate Agent
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tags: work travel real estate insurance sports category: no points
47. Name Something Related To Finances That Its Hard To Explain To A Kid
taxes 37 credit 25 interest 12 budget 8 stocks 7 mortgage 6 loans 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: money savings investments banking credit budget category: 7 answers
48. Name something you pay for once a year.
insurance 40 taxes 29 pet licence 15 gym membership 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: bills insurance kids hilarious common funny category: 4 answers
49. Name something you might have to get a credit check for.
buying a house 31 applying for a loan 26 buying a car 25 credit application 10 rent apartment 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: work apartment credit card phone insurance category: 5 answers
50. Name something rich people might sell if they need to raise cash.
jewelry 26 stocks 23 car 13 house 12 artwork 8 boat 6
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tags: wealth money assets luxury collectibles investments category: 6 answers
51. Name something a millionaire probably has more than one of.
car 64 house 21 one million 7 girlfriend 4
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tags: money cars houses boats investments stocks category: 4 answers
52. Name ways to get rich quickly.
Invest 1 Save money 2 Buy bitcoin 2 Gamble 1 Get a job 3
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tags: money wealth finance jobs investments funny category: 5 answers
53. Name Something You Might Ask Directions From While Driving
Gas Station Police
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tags: landmarks buildings services nature businesses category: no points
54. Name a place that might have a waiting list.
restaurant 47 hospital 29
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tags: waiting appointments patience services reservations category: 2 answers
55. Name a business that is open every day of the year
Dep Convenience Store Market Grocery Store Supermarket Butane
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tags: business daily services food shopping category: no points
56. Tell me a profession that charges by the hour.
psychiatrist/dr. 32 lawyer 29 massage therapist 8 plumber 8 carpenter 4 prostitute 4
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tags: work money services professionals adults category: 6 answers
57. Name A Complaint You Might Have About Your Dry Cleaners.
Didn’t Get Out Spot 56
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tags: clothes laundry services shopping bills category: fast money
58. What Is The First Thing You Would Do After A Fender Bender?
Call Police Cry Drive Away Call Insurance Get Out Of Car Pull Over Curse
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tags: road safety accidents driving traffic cars insurance category: no points
59. Name A Place Where You Need An Appointment.
doctor 63 dentist 22 hair salon 8 mechanic 3
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tags: appointments healthcare services planning health kids category: 4 answers
60. Name A Type Of Business Thats Convenient To Have In Your Neighborhood
market/conv store 48 gas station 33 bank 8 restaurant 4 laundromat 3
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tags: convenience neighborhood services errands local amenities category: 5 answers
61. Name something you'd love to win a lifetime supply of
Money Gasoline
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tags: food drinks animals clothes electronics services category: no points
62. Name something you might ask a hotel maid for more of.
towels 66 soap 12 pillows 9 shampoo 4 ice 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hotel services amenities housekeeping comfort travel category: 5 answers
63. Other Than Clothing Store, Name A Type Of Business You Find In A Mall
restaurant 49 shoe store 25 jewelry 11 cell phone 5 music store 4 pet store 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping entertainment food services kids funny category: 6 answers
64. Name Something A Small Town May Lack.
Stores 45 People 19 Entertainment 13 Crime 7 Traffic 7 Money 6
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tags: small town amenities resources infrastructure services category: 6 answers
65. Name something people find through the classified ads.
jobs 49 cars 21 housing/houses 8 dates/people 7
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tags: jobs housing services pets vehicles rentals category: 4 answers
66. Fill in the blank: Whoever said money can't buy happiness never owned a _____.
mansion 28 sportscar 19 yacht 8 dog 6 penny 3 big-screen tv 3
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tags: money material possessions luxury wealth possessions investments category: 6 answers
67. Name Something You Hang Things From In Your Home
Hook Coat Hanger Door Knob Wardrobe Chair Door
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tags: home decor organization storage home improvement diy category: no points
68. name something in your house that can be dangerous if its left on too long
Fireplace Iron Stove/oven Heater
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tags: home safety kids home appliances danger category: no points
69. Tell me something you might keep under your sink.
cleaning supplies 43 dish soap 37 drain cleaner 9 plunger 6 toilet paper 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: home cleaning kitchen home improvement storage category: 5 answers
70. Name a place where you keep pictures of your loved ones.
wallet 23 photo album 22 on the wall 11 computer 6 living room 6 desk 6
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tags: family home home decor memories nostalgia category: 6 answers
71. Name something you'd expect to find in the home of a man who thinks he's macho.
weights/gym equip 56 girlie pics/mag. 10 beer/alcohol 6 mirrors 6 cologne 5 big television 4 a woman 4
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72. Name something specific that people use to scare burglars away
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tags: home safety home security funny category: no points
73. Name Something You’ll Probably Find In Most Mansions.
butler 31 chandelier 17
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74. Name A Place People Often Keep A Spare Key
under mat 55 under a rock 10 at neighbors 9 flower pot 8 wallet/purse 7 car 5
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75. Name something you close.
door 39 window 27 mouth 17 eyes 10 book 7
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76. Name The Best Place To Be On A Winter Night
near the fireplace 37 home 28 in a warm bed 14 in a warm place 5 mountains 5 cozy cottage 4
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77. Name Something People Put In Front Of Their House To Deter Burglars.
alarm system/sign 44 dog 37 motion light 8 fence 6
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tags: home security category: 4 answers
78. name a room in your house where it is unnecessary to have a tv
Bathroom Laundry Room Youth Bedroom Kitchen
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79. Name something in your home you might break if you were very upset
Washes China Glassware Goblets Cups
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80. Besides a house, name something people live in.
home 52 mobile home 52 apartment 25 car 6
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81. Name The Most Used Piece Of Furniture In A House
couch 55 bed 23 arm chair 15
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82. Name Something That A Very thrifty Person Would Re-Use after A Birthday Party
candles 48 wrapping paper 26 paper plates 9 plastic cups 6 decorations 4 tablecloth/napkins 3
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83. Name something people push around.
cart 50 baby stroller 27 vacuum 8 lawn mower 5
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84. Name something in your house you hate to clean
Bathtub Latrine Shower Potty Loo Toilet
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85. Name Something you Might Need A Ladder To Clean
Windows Gutter Chimney
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tags: cleaning home maintenance category: no points
86. Tell me something a slob might use as a napkin.
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87. Where does a man go when he is in trouble with his wife?
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88. Name a place in your house that is small enough to hide a leprechaun.
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89. Name a type of key people have on their key ring
House Habitat Flat Abode Home
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90. Name an item of clothing that people never wear outside during winter.
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91. Name Something You Might Replace If You Are Remodeling Your Bathroom
toilet 32 sink 29 bathtub 25 tiles/floor 12
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tags: home bathroom appliances category: 4 answers
92. Name Something You Do Before Party Guests Arrive.
Clean 46 Cook 26 Decorate 11 Get Dressed 5 Shower 4 Have A Drink 3 Go To The Bathroom 2
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93. Name an article of clothing that you would hate to shrink in the dryer
Pull-over Sweater Cardigan T-shirt Turtleneck
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tags: laundry home appliances category: no points
94. Name Something You Might Find On Your Doorstep
Mat Milk Newspaper Parcel Shoes
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95. Name something in the house that is very difficult to move:
refrigerator 42 piano 14 couch 12 bed 9 dresser 5 tv 5 stove 3
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96. What Do You Check Before Going To Bed?
Doors/ Locks Lights Alarm Clock Stove Kids
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97. Name Something You Hate Getting In The Post
Bills Junk Mail Leaflets
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98. Name something people stock up on in case of a hurricane.
water 43 food 39
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tags: preparedness supplies home category: 2 answers
99. Name Something You Really Only Need One Of, But Most Households Have More
tv 51 car 25 pets 10 phone 4 bathroom 4 property/house 4
Answers are hidden.
100. Name something you might use to barricade your home against monsters.
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