Name something a parent tells their kids they should care more about.
school 52 money 18 hygeine 13 appearance 5 health 5 family 4
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tags: school grades family well-being responsibilities category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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school/homework 65 meals 18 religious service 15
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Money Intimacy Time Privacy Partner’s Love
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15. Name something that “ties you down”.
Having baby 2 Work 1 Significant other 2 Rope 1 Bills 1 Pet 1
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16. Name Something A Couple With A Baby Might Take Turns Doing.
Feeding 30
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tags: babies responsibilities feeding category: fast money
17. Name Something Not To Run Away From Because It Makes Things Worse
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work pay taxes pay bills clean brush teeth wipe themselves feed themselves
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Fire 63
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20. Name a reason why people say childhood is better than adulthood.
No bills 53 No work 19 No worries 12 More fun/play 9 No responsibility 6
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21. Tell Me Something That Responsible Adults Do On A Regular Basis
work 34 pay bills 25 cook 13 clean/laundry 13 doctor/dentist 7 oil change 6
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22. Name something from your daily routine that a pirate does not have to worry about.
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tags: daily life pirates responsibilities chores routines kids category: no points
23. Name something people have less of as they get older.
Hair 1 Energy/Vitality 1 Teeth 1 Appetite 1 Patience 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious time money energy friends kids responsibilities category: 5 answers
24. Name a type of list.
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25. Name A Really Long Movie
titanic 43 lord of the rings 19 gone with the wind 15 harry potter 10 king kong 7 dances with wolves 4
Answers are hidden.
26. Name A Place Where You Might See Lots Of Minivans In The Parking Lot.
school 28 mall 26 sports game 21 park 12 car dealership 6 grocery store 5
Answers are hidden.
27. Name A Gift Children Create At School And Give Their Parents.
cards 40 ornament 20
Answers are hidden.
28. Give me another name for "tattletale"
Stool Pigeon Snitch Rat Fink Squealer Narc
Answers are hidden.
29. Tell me how many pounds a newborn weighs.
7 pounds 39 8 pounds 32 7.5 pounds 9 6 pounds 9 9 pounds 3 6.5 pounds 3
Answers are hidden.
30. Name a country kids study in ancient history class.
egypt 32 greece 27 italy 19 china 8 japan 3 mexico 3 france 3
Answers are hidden.
31. Name someone people thank when they win an award
Folks Dads Relations Fathers Mothers Progenitors
Answers are hidden.
32. Tell Me A Way You Warm Up Your Hands When They’re Cold.
rub them together 39 breathe on them 21 gloves/mittens 16 under warm water 10 use pockets 6 fire place/heater 5
Answers are hidden.
33. Name something that can be arranged.
flowers 32 marriage 26 meeting 15 furniture/ room 13 music 7 funeral 4
Answers are hidden.
34. What Name Would You Give Your Daughter If You Wanted To Name Her After A Queen
elizabeth 56 victoria 14 mary 12 cleopatra 5 anne 4
Answers are hidden.
35. What would a high school kid say a prayer before doing?
test 33 eating dinner 29 competing in sports 18 going to bed 5 asking for date 4
Answers are hidden.
36. Name an animal that starts with the letter "M."
Mouse Ape Chimp Minx Gorilla Monkey Moose
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37. Name a colour of the rainbow.
red 32 yellow 23 blue 17 pink 6 purple 5 indigo 5
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38. Name a kind of chief
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39. Name a place you see more kids than adults:
school 34 park 14 video arcade 13 amusement park 11 concerts 5 swimming pool 5 circus 4 movie theater 4 skating rink 4
Answers are hidden.
40. Name someone people especially enjoy winning an argument with.
Spouse Parents Sibling Lawyers Kids
Answers are hidden.
41. Name Something People Enjoy Doing Under A Tree
picnic 46 sleeping 19 reading a book 17 sitting 6 relaxing 6 kissing 2
Answers are hidden.
42. Name a college you'd like to send your children to.
harvard 33 yale 17 stanford 4 ohio state 3 princeton 3 nyu 3
Answers are hidden.
43. Name something a woman needs to be a good mother
Forbearance Even Temper Composure Serenity Calm Stoicism Tolerance
Answers are hidden.
44. Name a reason you'd congratulate someone.
married/engaged 27 job/promotion 25 birth of baby 21 graduation 12 won something 5 birthday 5
Answers are hidden.
45. Name someone people call when they're in trouble.
Answers are hidden.
46. Name A Good Occupation For Someone Who Likes To Be The Center Of Attention
actor 47 singer 27 teacher 12 model 6 politician 4
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tags: work school kids fun family hilarious category: 5 answers
47. Other Than Fight, What Does A Pro Wrestler Do That A Kid Would Get In Trouble For Copying?
bad language 41 jump from things 27 yell 18 throw things 10
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tags: kids family school funny hilarious category: 4 answers
48. Why Wouldn’t You Want To be Bothered While On The Computer
Working Playing A Game Chatting/Email Studying Looking For Love
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tags: work school privacy family entertainment category: no points
49. Give me a woman's name that is 4 letters long.
mary 36 jane 24 lisa 16 beth 10 kate 8 sara 6
Answers are hidden.
50. Name A Place Where You Can See Teachers Relaxing
Answers are hidden.
tags: school teachers relaxation fun kids family category: 5 answers
51. Name a sport where people wear shorts.
basketball 45 tennis 26 soccer 19 volleyball 10
Answers are hidden.
52. tell me something that gets passed around
Baby Money Germs/virus Notes Rumors Ball
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53. Name a way that you can identify the school bully
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tags: school family kids behavior children category: no points
54. Besides students, name something you would expect to see on a school bus.
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tags: school kids transportation family funny category: no points
55. Name something people get dismissed from.
school/class 42 job/work 37 jury duty/court 14 military/army 5
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56. Name something a mom and her child might have in common.
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57. Name a drink that people gulp
Orange Juice Soft Drink Water Gatorade
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tags: food drinks school family fun kids category: no points
58. Name someone in your life who you’d hate to run into at a nude beach.
boss/coworker 42 mom/dad 33 ex 15 church leader 6 teacher 3
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59. Name something parents get for their kids to help them with school.
Tutor Computer Calculator Books Pencils Backpack
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tags: school kids work help education family category: no points
60. Name something you eat with peanut butter:
jelly 61 bread 12 crackers 9 bananas 7 celery 7
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61. Name a sport that kids play in the drive-way.
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tags: kids school sports family outdoors category: no points
62. Give me an animal that begins with the letter "D."
Dogs 35 Donkeys 22 Deer 16 Duck 13 Dolphin 8 Dinosaur 6
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63. Name An Occupation that a boy Wouldnt Want His Girlfriends Father To Have
police officer 65 lawyer 19 judge 6 clergy 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work school funny embarrassing kid family category: 4 answers
64. Name A Food You Eat With Your Fingers
French Fries 24 Chicken 19 Hamburger 17 Cheese 10 Sandwich 8 Pizza 8 Chips 8
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65. Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter "C."
Christopher/Chris Charles Carl Gossip/talk Calvin
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66. Tell me a word you'd use to describe someone who is mean.
bully 35 horrible 27 bossy 21 wicked 11 cruel 6
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67. Name A Sport That Doesn't Require A Lot Of Equipment
Football Karate Rugby Running Boxing
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68. Name something a person keeps for a lifetime.
photos 34 jewelry 27 memories 6 themselves 4 teddy 3 name 3
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tags: school work memories name family friends category: 6 answers
69. Name a board game that has a lot of rules
Backgammon Scrabble Life Clue Monopoly Risk Chess
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70. At what age do parents stop walking their kids to the bus stop?
Ten Eight Twelve Six Nine Thirteen
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tags: school family children parenting humor category: no points
71. Name someone in your life who usually does more talking than listening.
Parent Spouse Kids Best Friend Myself Sibling
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tags: family friendship school work funny category: 6 answers
72. Name a smart animal.
dogs 55 dolphin 16 monkey 13 elephant 10 pig 6
Answers are hidden.
73. Name something about yourself you'd hate to be told is bad.
attitude 15 breath 15 weight 15 personality 9 haircut 9 looks 7 clothes 3 body odor 3
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tags: personal sensitive kids school family category: 8 answers
74. Name something a teen might get in trouble for doing in the family photo
Santa Claus Bunny Ears Play Video Games Not Smile Stick Out Tongue Make Funny Faces
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tags: kids hilarious family teens school category: no points
75. Name a reason why summer lovin' might not last.
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76. Name some people you're nice to even if you don't like them
In-laws Boss
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tags: work school neighbors family funny category: no points
77. Give me the name of a store that's in almost every mall in America.
starbucks 18 gap 16 wal-mart 9 macy's 8 mcdonald's 5 j.c. penney 5
Answers are hidden.
78. Name an animal that a human might be able to outrun.
Turtles 52 Snails 18 Dogs 9 Chickens 6 Sloths 5
Answers are hidden.
79. Name a sport played without a ball.
Hockey 35 Swimming 25 Track & Field 15 Gymnastics 12 Wrestling 8
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80. What grade are kids usually in their when parents start talking to them about the birds and the bees?
Sixth Fifth Tenth Fourth Third
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tags: school kids parents family relationships category: no points
81. Name Someone Who Might Carry A Torch
statue of liberty 36 olympic runner 35
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82. name something a kid does on a saturday morning that you wish you could still do
Dessert Talk Play Outside Eat A Big Breakfast Watch Cartoons Sleep In
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83. Name something kids make for their parents in nursery school.
handprint 28 card 25 finger painting 17 macaroni picture 7 drawing 6 flower 4
Answers are hidden.
84. Name a type of fruit a kid might have in his lunch bag.
apple 67 banana 20 orange 7 peach 4 raisins 2
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85. Someone Who Works With ‘Assistant’
Doctor Ceo Teacher Magician Celebrity Principal Lawyer
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tags: hospital school pets plants family category: no points
86. Name Someone Associated With The Dico Era
Donna Summers 33
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87. Besides Christmas, Tell Me A Holiday That Kids Get Off From School.
thanksgiving 41 4th of july 6
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tags: school kids family holidays education category: 2 answers
88. Name a material people sculpt with.
Clay Marble Wood Soap Bronze
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tags: art school hobby kids creativity family category: no points
89. Give me one of the 10 commandments.
shall not kill 36 shall not steal 36 honor mom and dad 14 shall not lie 5 no adultery 3 shall not covet 2
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90. If You Asked A Six-Year-Old, Name Something They’d Tell You About The Moon.
made of cheese man lives in it round astronauts landed big bright far away
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91. Name The First Thing That Children Paint A Picture Of
House Mum & Dad People Family Tree
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tags: kids school art creativity imagination family category: no points
92. Name Something From School That A Kid Might Try To Hide From Their Parents.
report card/grades 50 note from teacher 21 homework 17 detention/discipline 9
Answers are hidden.
93. Other Than Clothes Name Something A Kid Might Outgrow
toys 48 bed 28 hairstyle 13 bike 5 habits 5
Answers are hidden.
94. Name someone who might boss you around.
Parents Spouses Boss Sibling Coach
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95. Name something kids might draw on the sidewalk with chalk.
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tags: kids school family outside play creativity category: 10 answers
96. Name a popular kids tv show.
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tags: kids tv children entertainment family school category: no points
97. Tell Me The Age That Kids Probably Start Using Naughty Language With Their Friends.
10 29 12 23 8 15 13 12 11 6 14 4 9 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family language kids school friends category: 7 answers
98. Name a musical instrument which doesn't require lessons to play
Keyboards Harmonica Kazoo Bongo Drums
Answers are hidden.
99. Name Something Of Her Child’s That A Mom Would Save Forever.
lock of baby hair 40 photos 27 baby teeth 18 clothes 5 blanket 5 artwork 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school art pets kids family memories category: 6 answers
100. Name An Extracurricular Activity That Parents Say Is Good For A Child.
team sports 36 music lessons 22 dance class 21 theatre 12 martial arts 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education parenting kids family category: 5 answers
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