Name An Activity That You Wear Comfortable Shoes For.
running 29 walking 27 dancing 25 sports 10 exercise 5 shopping 3
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tags: activities everyday life leisure errands weekend category: 6 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
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2. Name something people hate being interrupted while doing.
eating 25 talking 24 sleeping 19 reading 16 bathing 15
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tags: activities interruptions annoyances everyday life kids funny category: 5 answers
3. Name Something You Might Do Right After Work On Friday.
Drink Dinner Party
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4. What might you do over the long weekend if you do not celebrate Easter?
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5. Name Something People Think Rich Folks Do All Day Instead Of Working.
shop 33 sleep 23 play golf 21 lay around 15 travel 5 have parties 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies leisure errands play vacation category: 6 answers
6. what do people do with their cell phones thats annoying
Talk While Driving Talk In Public Talk Loudly Let Them Ring/ Ringtones
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tags: everyday life geography trivia city category: no points
8. Name something people rely on too much these days.
cell phones 48 computers 26 money 16 cars 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: everyday life technology society habits category: 4 answers
9. Name an errand it seems you are always doing.
grocery shopping 50 driving kids around 23 laundry 16 paying bills 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: errands daily life routine chores tasks category: 4 answers
10. Name a place you bring a towel
Sand Sea Strand Shore
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tags: places kids everyday life grooming towels category: no points
11. Tell me a public place that's perfect for people watching.
park 40 mall/store 23 beach/boardwalk 8 bar 3 train/subway 3 restaurant 3 museum 3
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12. Besides their beds, where else do college students fall asleep
Library Class Someone's Couch Car/Bus Greedy Floor
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13. If You Were Creating The Perfect Small Town, Name A Type Of Business You’d Probably Have At Least One Of
Grocery Store Bank Bakery Restaurant Clothing Store Bar Hair Salon/Barber
Answers are hidden.
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14. Name something you'd hate discover you didn't have a clean one of, in the whole house.
clothes 55 dish 15 tower 11 bathroom 7 glass 5 silverware 2
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tags: hygiene kids funny household everyday life clean category: 6 answers
15. Name something that people in every country have their own way of doing
Baking Cooking Making Dinner Preparing Dinner Food Preparation
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tags: food culture everyday life customs traditions habits category: no points
16. Name the greatest invention ever
Car Jalopy Learjet Airplane Plane Jet Vehicle
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tags: everyday life history science school work kids category: no points
17. Name something people do to relax.
watch tv 16 read 34 sleep 10 bathe 26 listen to music 9 spa 5
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tags: relaxation leisure activities hobbies category: 6 answers
18. Name something most people only have time to do on weekends
Sleep In Get Up Late Snooze Rise Late Dream Nap
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tags: leisure activities relaxation weekends category: no points
19. Which Activity Can A Mother Do With Daughter Not With Sons
Shopping Makeup Dress Up Manicure Get Hair Done
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tags: family activities bonding leisure category: no points
20. Name something people do more of on vacation
Relax Eat Out Unwind Restaurants Dine Out Out Shop
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tags: activities leisure relaxation fun kids category: no points
21. Name the first thing you think of doing on a rainy day.
sleep/nap 39 read 25 watch tv/movie 21 go to mall 3 make love 3 housework 2
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tags: rainy day kids leisure activities fun category: 6 answers
22. Name something people get together a "foursome" to do
Dinner Play Golf Play Cads Talk Double Date Watch Movie Go Dancing
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tags: activities entertainment leisure friends family fun category: no points
23. What's your favorite thing to do when you're home alone
Puzzles Veg Out Watch Tv Listen
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tags: home activities leisure relaxation comfort category: no points
24. On A Dating Website What Activity Do People Often List As A Pastime
reading 45 sports 20 dancing 15 hiking 10 watching movies 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: dating activities hobbies entertainment leisure category: 5 answers
25. Name an activity you see people doing in their backyard.
barbecuing 36 gardening 21 mowing lawn 13 play games/sports 12 swimming 7 raking leaves 6 sunbathing 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: outdoors family activities backyard leisure fun category: 7 answers
26. Name a place you go to hear music.
concerts 46 night club 22 bars 16 car 9 opera 7
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tags: activities entertainment fun kids leisure music category: 5 answers
27. Name something people might do when they retire.
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tags: leisure hobbies activities elderly retirement category: 5 answers
28. Name An Activity That Is Associated With Retired People.
Golf 54 Bingo 20 Cards 6 Fishing 5 Shuffleboard 5 Travel 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: seniors leisure relaxation hobbies activities category: 6 answers
29. Name a type of attraction people look for when picking a spring break destination.
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tags: vacation travel leisure activities entertainment category: 10 answers
30. Name Something People Like To Listen To Music While Doing
cleaning 21 execising 18 studying 18 gardening 12 eating 10 dancing 8 driving 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: music activities hobbies leisure entertainment relaxation category: 7 answers
31. What's a very female hobby?
shopping 24 sewing 21 knitting 20 netball 4 fashion 3
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tags: hobbies women interests activities leisure crafts category: 5 answers
32. Name An Activity People Commonly Take Up After Retirement
golf 47 gardening 17 traveling 16 fishing 10 playing an instrument 3 knitting 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: hobbies leisure activities retirement free time fun category: 6 answers
33. Name a term often used in golf.
fore 46 par 26 hole in one 9 birdie 7 tee 7 bogey 5
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tags: sports hobbies activities leisure games kids category: 6 answers
34. Name a specific exercise people might do while listening to music.
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tags: exercise music activities home hobby leisure category: no points
35. Name something people like to do in the grass.
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tags: outdoors activities leisure nature summer kids category: 11 answers
36. Besides Swimming, Name A Popular Ocean Activity
Fishing – Sailing 17 Surfing 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: outdoors water activities leisure summer family category: fast money
37. Name something you can do to have a good time when you are by yourself
Big Screen Flat Screen Tv Book Television Dinner Watch Tv
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tags: hobbies self-care entertainment leisure games activities category: no points
38. Name Something People Look Forward To Doing On A Day Off
Sleeping Sunbathing Gardening
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tags: activities free time relaxation entertainment leisure hobbies category: no points
39. What do we do during the weekends?
Cleaning Laundry Cooking Watching movie Going out with family
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money family weekends activities hobbies leisure togetherness category: fast money
40. Name a few things you would see at a park.
Swings Slide Sandpit Flowers See-saw
Answers are hidden.
tags: fast money kids parks outdoors nature activities leisure category: fast money
41. Name Something You Do At Home, But Not While Staying In A Hotel.
cook 51 clean 12 smoke inside 11 play loud music 9 walk around naked 7 laundry 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: home routine activities daily life kids category: 6 answers
42. Tell me something you hate to admit you did on a Saturday night.
stayed home 38 got drunk 35 had a fling 9 gambled/lost $ 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: family hilarious funny weekend entertainment category: 4 answers
43. Name Something You Always Bring Along For A Day Of Fishing
Pole Bait Lunch Beer Tackle Box
Answers are hidden.
tags: fishing outdoors hobby weekend funny category: no points
44. Name A Reason A College Student Would Stay With Their Parents For The Weekend Instead Of Their Own Dorm Room.
Better Food Laundry Special Occasion They’re Broke To Visit Family/Friends Peace & Quiet
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tags: university college students weekend home category: no points
45. Name a way people spend their weekend after thanksgiving is over.
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tags: family thanksgiving weekend traditions hobbies category: no points
46. Before 21, A Place A Young Person Could Hang On Friday Night
Mall Movie Skating Rink Bowling Alley Friends House
Answers are hidden.
tags: teenagers kids school friends family weekend category: no points
47. What do people do at home on a Saturday night if they can't afford to go out?
watch tv/movie 77 play games 10 sleep/relax 5 cook/eat dinner 3 have friends over 2 make love 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: home entertainment family weekend budget relaxation category: 6 answers
48. about what topic do couples most often fight
Kids Money Jealousy Intimacy
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships couples arguments communication home life daily life category: no points
49. Name something you can't live without.
drinking water 27 air 25 nourishment 22 money 12 cell phone 9 love 5
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tags: essentials life survival important living daily life category: 6 answers
50. Name something you see people do on the subway.
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tags: commute daily life city life transportation category: 5 answers
51. Name Something You Write A Note To Remind Yourself To Do
Backpack Computer CGrocery Shop
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52. We Asked 100 Women “I’d Notice____Missing From My Purse”
Money Makeup Cell Phone Keys
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tags: everyday carry category: no points
53. Name something specific that might be delayed because of snow.
School Flights Deliveries Trains
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation mail errands appointments category: no points
54. Name Something You Avoid Doing Though You Feel Better After It’s Done.
Cleaning 52 Exercise 15 Shower 13 Laundry 10 Pay Bills 4
Answers are hidden.
55. Name Something You Always Forget If You Don’t Write It Down
Phone Numbers Grocery Lists Appointments Pay Bills Peoples Names Birthdays Addresses
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tags: memory errands appointments kids category: no points
56. Name something people say they have to catch up on.
Sleep Bills Housework Reading Homework
Answers are hidden.
57. Name Something A Good Neighborhood Kid Might Do For His Elderly Neighbor
Mow Lawn 58 Take Out Trash 19 Rake Leaves 11 Shovel Snow 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: neighbors kids chores errands community category: 4 answers
58. Name an excuse for lateness that bosses get sick of hearing.
overslept/alarm 27 traffic jam 26 car trouble 20 missed bus/train 17 sick kids 4 not feeling well 3
Answers are hidden.
59. When your car is in the repair shop, name a kind of place you ask your neighbor to drive you.
store 52 work 22 doctor 10 auto shop 10 home 3 bus stop 2
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tags: errands work appointments school kids category: 6 answers
60. Name someplace a teenager complains about having to go.
School/college 1 Church 1 Family function 2 Dentist/doctor 1 Grocery store 2 Work 1
Answers are hidden.
61. We asked 100 men: Name something you don't do today, if you can put it off until tomorrow
Clean Garage House Repairs Yard Work Shave Cook Housework Wash The Car
Answers are hidden.
tags: procrastination tasks chores homework errands category: no points
62. Name Something People Might Do With A Rental Car That They Wouldn’t Do With Their Own Car.
speed 40 not clean it 15 travel far 13 smoke in it 9 crash it 7 drive recklessly 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel recreation errands pets convenience category: 6 answers
63. Besides gold, name something a leprechaun's spouse might remind them to bring home.
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64. Name A Place That Closes Early For A Person To Run Errands After Work.
bank 47 post office 33 market 11 dry cleaners 7
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tags: errands work family chores shopping category: 4 answers
65. name a reason why people dread going to the dmv
Failing Test Preservatives Picture Taken Long Lines Expensive
Answers are hidden.
tags: work paperwork waiting frustration errands category: no points
66. Name Something You Might See Next To The Cash Register At A Restaurant
toothpicks 39 mints 30 chocolates 15 credit card machine 4 menu 3 penny jar 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: food restaurants dining errands kids category: 6 answers
67. Where Might People Carpool To.
work 48 school 42
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tags: commute school errands travel appointments category: 2 answers
68. Name Something People Are Often Trying To Get Out Of Doing.
work 38 homework 35 chores 14 jury duty 13
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores errands appointments school work category: 4 answers
69. Name a place in front of which people double park for a minute:
post office 50 store 14 bank 9 hospital 7 dry cleaners 6 airport 5 school 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: parking cars traffic convenience errands category: 7 answers
70. Name an appliance you keep plugged in all the time
Fridge 27
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tags: appliances home everyday common useful category: fast money
71. name something people should never leave the house without
Id Keys Money
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tags: essentials everyday items kids category: no points
72. Name something we can find in a woman’s purse
Wallet 36 Keys 31 Chewing+gums 27 Phone 22 Documents 16 Cosmetics 13 Glasses 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: everyday items funny hilarious category: 7 answers
73. Name something people do when they are nervous.
nail biting 57 sweat 22 shakes 10 eat 6 fidget 5
Answers are hidden.
74. Name something found in almost every american household.
Television Kitchen Bathroom Bed Computer
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75. Name something everybody has but rich people have nicer ones
Answers are hidden.
tags: possessions everyday items funny category: no points
76. What's the first thing making noise in the morning besides your alarm
Coffee Maker Birds
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77. Tell me something you can never find when you need it.
keys 55 remote control 21 pen 12 police officer 7 flashlight 5
Answers are hidden.
78. We Asked 100 Women To Fill In The Blank: I’d Notice Right Away If _____ Was Missing From My Purse.
Money 52 Make Up 34 My Cell Phone 6 My Keys 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: everyday carry personal items category: 4 answers
79. Name something you might leave running.
car 47 faucet 27 computer 16 fridge 10
Answers are hidden.
tags: home appliances errands work jokes funny category: 4 answers
80. Name Something Specific That Piles Up Before You Can Get To It
laundry 28 bills 23 dishes 22 trash 11 mail 8 leaves 4 snow 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores errands work school laundry dishes category: 7 answers
81. Name A Type Of Business Thats Convenient To Have In Your Neighborhood
market/conv store 48 gas station 33 bank 8 restaurant 4 laundromat 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: convenience neighborhood services errands local amenities category: 5 answers
82. Name An Excuse A Husband Gives For Coming Home Late
Had To Work Late Overtime Stuck In Traffic Car Broke Down Drinking
Answers are hidden.
tags: work traffic meeting dinner errands sports category: no points
83. Name something you might hire a ghost to do.
Answers are hidden.
tags: home errands chores kids funny adults category: no points
84. Name something Specific A Married Couple Might Take Turns Doing
dishes 42 cooking 27 laundry 10 watching kids 8 driving 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores errands parenting home kids work category: 5 answers
85. If you could fly, name something you'd save a lot of money on.
gas 50 airfare 18 subway 8 shoes 3 taxi 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: travel transportation errands food pets plants category: 5 answers
86. Give me a reason you might be late for work.
overslept 52 traffic 25 car problems 17 illness 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: work transportation family pets weather errands category: 4 answers
87. Name a job that involves a lot of driving.
Answers are hidden.
tags: work driving transportation travel errands commute category: no points
88. Name something you take with you when you go shopping.
Answers are hidden.
tags: shopping essentials items errands groceries kids category: no points
89. Where Do People Go After They Leave Church Service?
Home 44 Out To Eat 34 Shopping 12 Friend’s/Relatives House 8
Answers are hidden.
tags: social home brunch errands family relaxation category: 4 answers
90. Name The First Thing You Do When You Get In Your Car
Put Seat Belt On Start Engine Close The Door Keys In Ignition Lock The Door
Answers are hidden.
tags: commuting errands chores kids funny transportation category: no points
91. Name Something A Kid Would Do After School To Make An Extra Buck
Mow Lawns 49 Babysit 17 Paper Route 10 Sell Lemonade 8 Wash Cars 8 Chores 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids work money school chores errands category: 6 answers
92. Name a reason a person comes home late from work.
working late 44 stuck in traffic 32 having affair 12 happy hour 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: work traffic family pets errands kids category: 4 answers
93. Name A Reason A Person Might Wear Their Pajamas Outside.
get mail/newspaper 37 emergency/fire 24 they're cold 18 they're lazy 13 pajama party 5 take out trash 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: work kids food pets plants errands category: 6 answers
94. Name something parents have to do less of once their kids move out.
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids parents chores family independence errands category: no points
95. What do most people look forward to doing on Sunday morning?
sleeping/relaxing 51 going to church 23 reading newspaper 17 watching tv 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: breakfast relaxation family church hobbies errands category: 4 answers
96. Name something that you would be willing to pay twice as much for at a convenience store because you need it quickly
milk 41 cigarettes 22 painkiller 14 feminine products 13 chocolate 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: convenience errands emergencies food kids pets category: 5 answers
97. Name something people keep putting off.
paying bills 26 housework 20 dentist/doctor 15 paying taxes 14 wedding 12 dieting 7
Answers are hidden.
tags: procrastination tasks chores errands appointments decisions category: 6 answers
98. Name a way you get around when your car is in the shop
Hike On Foot Stroll Speed Walk Power Walk Amble Trek
Answers are hidden.
tags: transportation errands commute kids pets funny category: no points
99. Name something moms should not have to do on Mother's Day
Make Dinner Prepare Dinner Roast
Answers are hidden.
tags: chores errands housework kids laundry work category: no points
100. Name an errand a vampire might have trouble doing since they are only awake at night.
Answers are hidden.
tags: errands vampires nighttime work food hilarious category: no points
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