Name a word you'd use to describe your mattress that could also describe someone's body.
firm 29 soft 28 lumpy 24 hard 12 flat 4
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tags: body adjectives school hilarious category: 5 answers
The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
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5. the lumpiest part of your body.
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11. Name an activity that's hard to do when you have a stiff neck.
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Answers are hidden.
12. Name something that people get removed from their body.
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tags: funny hilarious adults men body parts category: 6 answers
14. Name Something People Do To Their Bodies, Others Think Is Madness
Pierce Tattoo Exercise Shave Tan Cosmetic Surgery
Answers are hidden.
15. Name Something On Your Body That You Wiggle
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16. Name An Extra Body Part You Would Like To Have
Hand Arm Eye / Eyes Brain
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tags: funny hilarious adults body parts category: no points
17. Name a place you hate to be tickled.
feet 53 armpits 19 stomach 13 ribs 5
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19. As a man gets older, name a part of his body that seems to get more hair.
ears 49 back 18 chest 12 face 6 nose 4 posterior 3
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20. Name something that people stretch.
Legs/Bodies 1 Rubber band 2 Budget/Money 1 Clothes/Shoes 1 The truth 2
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tags: funny fun hilarious body exercise muscles fabric category: 5 answers
21. Name something of yours that you hope doesn't start making noises.
car 36 refrigerator 14 alarm 11 body 6 telephone 4
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tags: appliances kids adults hilarious body plumbing category: 5 answers
22. Name Something On A Baby That Might Be Described As “Chubby”.
cheeks 48 legs 32 belly 7 arms 5 hands 3 feet 3
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tags: babies body parts kids funny family hilarious category: 6 answers
23. Name A Part Of Your Body That Bends
Elbow Arm Knee Back Leg
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tags: body parts kids family funny hilarious anatomy category: no points
24. Name a part of your body you have more than three of.
Fingers Toes Hair Teeth Nails Bones
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tags: body parts anatomy human body health biology kids category: no points
25. Name A Part Of The Body Beginning With S
Shoulder Skull Spleen Scalp Shin Stomach
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tags: anatomy body parts biology human body kids funny category: no points
26. Name something that comes in sevens.
Dwarfs 1 Deadly sins 2 World wonders 2 Days per week 3 Seas 1 Continents 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious animals plants food body parts colors category: 6 answers
27. Name a part of your body that would hurt if you got sun burned.
back 40 face 25 buttocks 18 shoulders 8 legs 5 feet 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: body health sunburn kids funny body parts category: 6 answers
28. Name a part of a woman's body that's very attractive when it's long.
legs 58 hair 33 fingers/nails 7 neck 2
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29. Give me a part of your body that never stops growing.
hair 52 nails 25 brain/mind 6 feet 6 bottom 4 stomach 2
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tags: body health human body anatomy biology trivia category: 6 answers
30. Name a body part that often gets broken.
Arm 44 Finger 16
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31. Name something you do to your nose.
Blow 1 Pick 1 Scratch/Rub 1 Wipe 1 Pierce 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious nose face body parts hygiene health kids category: 5 answers
32. Name something you associate with fingers
Counting Hands Toes Nails Rings
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33. How Long People Hold Their Breath For Before They Turn Blue
2 Mins 3 Mins 5 Mins
Answers are hidden.
34. Name Something People Need Good Posture To Do.
model 35 dance 28 walk confidently 13 type 13 play piano 5 yoga 4
Answers are hidden.
35. Name a part of the body that you stretch.
legs 40 arms 32 back 13 neck 4 muscles 3
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tags: body fitness school exercise funny category: 5 answers
36. Name a part of the body that's spelt with four letters.
head 31 hand 16 nose 15 foot 13 neck 3 back 3
Answers are hidden.
37. Name A Part Of The Body That Starts With The Letter “B.”
Butt 54 Breasts 17 Back 10 Bone 9 Brain 5 Belly 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: body parts alphabet kids funny school category: 6 answers
38. In the old days, name something a doctor probably removed without putting you to sleep first.
teeth 61 bullet/injury 16 tonsils 14 kidney 3
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tags: medical history body kids school funny category: 4 answers
39. Tell me a part of your body you would NOT want to get tattooed.
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tags: body personal appearance work school kids category: 4 answers
40. Name a part of the average person's body that weighs 3 pounds
Arm Brain Hand Heart
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tags: body health kids funny school trivia category: no points
41. Name something you might shave.
Arms Legs Chest Back Face
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tags: body home pets travel school hobbies category: no points
42. Two heads are better than one. Name another part of your body you might want to have two of.
heart 26 nose 18 brain 15 mouth 12 stomach 6 hands 6
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tags: work school body funny kids adults category: 6 answers
43. Name another word for "thin".
Skinny Slim Small Petite Lean
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tags: body clothing food kids school work category: no points
44. Name a part of your hand.
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tags: body parts anatomy hands kids work school category: no points
45. What would be the worst thing that you could be turned down for?
loan 27 job/promotion 24 date/prom 15 credit card 12 house/mortgage 12 "nookie" 5
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tags: relationships work school family body image mental health category: 6 answers
46. Name something people rub for good luck.
rabbit's foot 44 four-leaf clover 5
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tags: objects good luck superstition body parts school work category: 2 answers
47. Name something that people's bodies tell them it's time to do.
go to sleep 34 go to bathroom 33 eat/drink 13 take a bath 12 exercise 3
Answers are hidden.
48. Name a part of the body you might get a piercing.
Answers are hidden.
49. Name a part of the body that moves a lot.
hands 26 legs 23 eyes 16 arms 15 mouth 12 head 8
Answers are hidden.
50. Name something that happens to you when you get very angry.
yell/shout 28 blood pressure up 15 face turns red 15 cry/tear up 7 quiet/can't speak 6
Answers are hidden.
51. Name a bodily function a sword swallower would hate to have happen while he is performing
Syrup Belch Hiccup Sneeze Cough Hack Burp
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52. Name a body part that gets sore after a long day's work
Lower Back Legs Back Arms
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53. Name Something The Doctor Begins To Check As You Get Older.
Heart 34 Prostate 28 Blood Pressure 18 Colon 5 Vision 4 Hearing 4 Cholesterol 3
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54. Name A Part Of Your Body That Aches
Back Head Legs Feet Neck
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55. If your body could be fixed as easily as the body of a car, name a new part you'd want
Back Chest Derriere Abdomen
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56. when falling in love what words might someone say to end this phrase i love you will all my ____
Basement Soul Heart Being Might
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57. Name A Specific Part Of Your Body That The Doctor Might Say To Take Better Care Of
heart 51 back/spine 24 feet 6 eyes 4 kidneys 4
Answers are hidden.
58. Name Something That Might Hurt After You Attend A Rock Concert.
head 41 throat 16 feet 15 neck 10 back 4 ears 4
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59. Name Something That Might Physically Happen To Your Body When Scared
Goose Bumps Sweat Shake Wet Pants Face Gets Red Heart Beats Fast
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60. What is your favourite part of the human body?
eyes 30 face 12 chest 9 hands 7 legs 7 head 5 arms 5
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61. Name Something People Do To Their Body That Other People Think Is Crazy.
pierce 58 tatoo 32 tan 3 shave their head 2
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62. Name A Way Of Telling Someone Is Lying
Eye Contact Blush Lie Detector Nose Grows Sweat
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tags: body language behavior deception category: no points
63. Name something that is rubbed when it hurts.
head 17 back 12 muscle 10 foot 9 bruise 7 neck 6
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64. Name A Part Of The Body That Often Itches.
Head 34 Back 15 Nose 14 Feet 9 Arm 8 Eyes 7 Hand 5
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65. Name a place some men have hair on their bodies that others don't.
chest 59 back 30
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66. Name A Way People Try To Stop A Bloody Nose.
Hold Head Back 51 Pinch Nose 31 With A Tissue 6 Cotton In Nose 4 Cold Towel 4 Ice 2
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tags: health first aid body medical nose category: 6 answers
67. Name a body part you might need to replace as you get older.
hips 43 knee 29 teeth 12 kidney 10 heart 6
Answers are hidden.
68. Name something you can do to your nose
Blow It Peirce Pick It Change It Clean It Wipe It Scratch It
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tags: body parts nose funny category: no points
69. Name a part of your body you'd have a hard time using to touch your nose.
Elbow Stomach Thighs Feet Back Tongue Chin
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70. Name a body part that often aches
Head 34 Back 31 Stomach 25 Teeth 16 Knee 10 Ear 2
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71. Name something your body tells you it's time to do
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72. What part of your spouse's body is always cold
Buttocks United Heart Feet Hands
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73. Name A Place On Your Body That You Cant Scratch When It Itches
back 44 bottom 24 foot 13 throat 10 eyes 8
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tags: funny body parts kids category: 5 answers
74. Name a part of his body a skinny guy might want to exercise and build up.
chest 39 arms 35
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75. Name a sport where you might get your nose broken
Baseball Hockey Boxing Fighting Ice Hockey Football Pugilism
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tags: sports body parts injuries category: no points
76. Name a part of the body people like to tattoo
Shoulder Bicep Forearm Lower Back Spine
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tags: tattoos human body anatomy category: no points
77. Name a part of your body you expect to have problems with when you get older
Upper Back Spine Thighs Legs Back Knees Calves
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78. Name a part of a baby's body that is chubby
Gut Cheeks Visage
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79. Name something you do using one finger only.
Use Phone Point Type Pick Nose Push Button
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80. Name an emotion people convey with a facial expression
Melancholy Sadness Grief Happiness Wellbeing Joy Delight
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tags: emotions communication body language category: no points
81. Name Something On Their Bodies That People Color In Black.
Hair 48 Nails 33 Eyes 12 Eyebrows 6
Answers are hidden.
82. Name a part of their bodies pregnant women complain about.
back 36 stomach 28 feet/ankles 23 legs 7
Answers are hidden.
83. Name a sound your body makes that you might not be able to control.
farting 39 stomach growling 27 bones cracking 26 hiccup 3
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84. tell me a specific part of the body that you wish people would stop tattooing
Chest Back Of Neck Face Doesn't Obey You Runs Away Lower Back Won't Come When Called
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tags: tattoos body parts anatomy category: no points
85. Besides your foot name a part of the body that occasionally falls asleep.
hand 52 arm 22 leg 17 buttocks 9
Answers are hidden.
86. Name A word YOu Might see Before Or After The Word “Wax”
earwax 26 carwax 18 beeswax 14 wax museum 8 hot wax 8 wax paper 8 candle wax 8
Answers are hidden.
87. Name a part of the body men put cologne on.
neck 48 face/cheeks 30 chest 14 behind ears 3 underarms 2 shoulders 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: men body grooming hygiene fragrance category: 6 answers
88. Tell me something on a woman’s body that’s considered prettier when long.
hair 55 legs 25 fingernails 9 eyelashes 6 neck 3
Answers are hidden.
89. Name a part of a baby's body that is chubby.
cheeks 51 legs 16
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids family body parts category: 2 answers
90. Name Something That Happens To People When They Get Embarrassed.
blush 66 cry 19 sweat 7 giggle 5
Answers are hidden.
91. Name a part of your body that has a lot of meat on it.
bottom 36 stomach 33 thighs/legs 24 breasts/chest 3
Answers are hidden.
92. Name something your body tells you it's time to do.
sleep 33 go to bathroom 28 eat 28 wake up 3
Answers are hidden.
93. Name a part of your body that never stops growing.
hair 52 nails 25 feet 6 brain 6 bottom 4 abdomen 2
Answers are hidden.
94. Name something people might regret doing to their body.
get a tattoo 41 piercing 25 plastic surgery 14 smoking 13 sunbathing 7
Answers are hidden.
95. Name something your body does without you knowing it
Reproduce Cells Process Food Respire Breathes Digestion Pumps Blood Blood
Answers are hidden.
96. Name something you might place both of your hands on at the same time.
Steering Wheel Myself Ball Desk
Answers are hidden.
tags: body parts furniture tools sports category: 4 answers
97. Name a part of your body that might hurt after shoveling snow.
Back Arms Shoulders Hands Feet
Answers are hidden.
98. Name a complaint a man might have about a woman's lips
Sandy Flaking Baked Chapped Peeling Dry
Answers are hidden.
tags: relationships body parts adults funny category: no points
99. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it.
car 50 airplanes 21 elevator 20 roller coaster 9
Answers are hidden.
tags: vehicles appliances computers relationships body category: 4 answers
100. Name a part of your body that moves when you laugh.
abdomen 41 mouth 23 head 10 chest 5 jaw 4 shoulders 4
Answers are hidden.
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