The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a profession that requires a specific degree.
Doctor Lawyer Teachers Engineer
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2. Which school subject do you think is useful in real life?
maths 37 english 30 geography 3 psychology 3
Answers are hidden.
3. name a college major that might be useless when looking for a job
Philosophy Art English
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tags: school career jobs education work employment category: no points
4. Name A Job That You’d Need A License To Do
doctor 33 truck driver 17 nurse 12 taxi driver 12 bus driver 9 electrician 7 teacher 5
Answers are hidden.
5. name a foreign language a large corporation may require its employees to learn
German Frozen Pizza Chinese Spanish French
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tags: language work career job education culture category: no points
6. What might a person do after college?
Get a job Go traveling Start a business Get married Join the military
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tags: adults career education work business children category: no points
7. Name an occupation that requires a lot of travel.
salesman 52 airline pilot 14 flight attendant 6 truck driver 5 politician 3 reporter 2
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tags: travel career jobs work education professions category: 6 answers
8. Name an occupation which requires lots of education
Doctor 27 Lawyer 21 Teacher 16 Nurse 12
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tags: education work knowledge skills career profession category: 4 answers
9. Name a popular college major
Nursing Liberal Arts Law Engineering Business Administration
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tags: school education career knowledge learning intelligence category: no points
10. Name a profession that requires schooling past college.
doctor 72 lawyer 9 teacher 8 engineer 6 nurse 2
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tags: education university career category: 5 answers
11. Besides a doctor, name a profession people think has really smart people on it
Solicitor Attorney Litigator Barrister Advocate
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tags: professions intelligence jobs career education category: no points
12. Everyone wants the best for their kids; specifically the best what?
life 40 school 39 marriage 4 everything 4 health 2
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tags: education career health well-being happiness future category: 5 answers
13. Name Something You Need In Order To Get A Great Job
resume 34 education 30 experience 13 good looks 8 personality 5 intelligence 3 connections 3
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tags: career education skills experience resume category: 7 answers
14. Name A Reason Your Parents Might Want You To Join The Army
Earn A Living See The World Make Them Proud Grow Up No Other Prospects
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tags: family military career responsibility discipline education category: no points
15. Name a good college major if you want to make a lot of money
Medicine Business Programming Administration Medical School Computers Mba
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16. Name an occupation that you think is underpaid.
Teacher Nurse Firefighter Cleaner Police Officer
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tags: work school adults hilarious money career category: 5 answers
17. At what grade does school stop being fun and start being work?
Ninth Sixth Fifth Seventh Third Fourth Tenth
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18. Name something parents get for their kids to help them with school.
Tutor Computer Calculator Books Pencils Backpack
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tags: school kids work help education family category: no points
19. Name A Trait Thats Essential For A High School Teacher To Have
patience 46 intelligence 35 friendly personality 10 strictness 7
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tags: education school work teaching kids category: 4 answers
20. Name A College That Smart People Attend.
harvard 38 yale 18 mit 15
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21. Name a job found in every school.
teacher 48 custodian 25 principal 12 secretary 5 nurse 3
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tags: school work kids education teachers category: 5 answers
22. Name something a high school student might do in gym class.
run 48 push-ups 18 rope climbing 15 jumping jacks 11 sit-ups 8
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tags: school education kids exercise physical education sports category: 5 answers
23. Name something a student might be forced to do in gym class.
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tags: school kids hilarious funny education physical education category: no points
24. Name something that receives a grade.
test 57 job performance 2
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25. What do you look for in a job other than salary?
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26. Name a reason why someone might quit their job.
the pay 24 hate the boss 24 better job 22 won the lottery 15 moving 13
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27. What are some things you find in a classroom?
Chairs Tables Chalkboard/Blackboard Teacher Students
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tags: kids classroom school work learning education category: no points
28. Name A Way You Know Your Teacher Is Having A Bad Day
yells a lot 36 grumpy 22 extra homework 19 gives punishments 16 facial expression 3
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tags: education school teachers work funny kids category: 5 answers
29. Name Something A Teacher Can Do To Ruin A Students Day
Keep Them Late Give Test Pop Quiz Yell Them Them Embarrass Them Homework Send To Principal
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tags: school work kids funny teachers education category: no points
30. Name something parents sacrifice buying in order to have money for their kid's college education.
new car 38 clothes 19 new house 17 vacation 7 toys 6 food 3 television 3
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tags: school kids funny education work money category: 7 answers
31. Name something you might find in an elementary school.
Students 38 Teachers 14 Desks 12 Books 12 Chalkboard 11 Crayons 8 Playgrounds 5
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tags: school kids funny education work childhood category: 7 answers
32. Name Something Teachers Give Their Students.
homework 40 grades 32 tests 9 knowledge 3 stickers 3 encouragement 3 candy 2
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tags: school kids funny education work learning category: 7 answers
33. Name a job where you might have to be good with math
Bookkeeper Ca Tutor Auditor Irs Schoolteacher Accountant
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tags: school work finance education adults category: no points
34. Name Something That Might Be Advertised On The Bulletin Board At A College
roommate wanted 27 jobs 26 books 13 lecture 10 concert 8 classes 4 tutoring 4
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tags: school college work education students category: 7 answers
35. Name something that high school students work hard to earn.
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tags: school students work achievement education category: no points
36. Name a famous college that looks impressive on someone's resume.
harvard 58 yale 18 mit 3 notredame 3 usc 2 princeton 2
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tags: school work resume education college category: 6 answers
37. Other than money, name a reason you would switch jobs.
location 27 advancement 14 benefits 13 work environment 11 boss 10 bored 5 hours 3
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tags: career work employment job category: 7 answers
38. Name an occupation in which you would go on duty.
police officer 42 military 26 nurse 17 guard 4
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tags: work profession career job category: 4 answers
39. Give me a word or phrase that means you lost your job.
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tags: work job career employment category: no points
40. Name a profession that requires you to speak in front of people.
teacher 51 lawyer 16 politician 15 preacher 12
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tags: work school kids funny public speaking education category: 4 answers
41. Name a profession that pays well.
Answers are hidden.
42. Name something every teacher needs.
students 35 patience 21 pencils 15 diploma 11 books 3 sense of humor 3 red pen 2
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tags: school work supplies education tools creativity category: 7 answers
43. Name a department commonly found at universities.
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tags: school work education learning teachers university category: no points
44. Name a job that's hard to get if you have a prison record
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45. Name something that might happen during a job interview that would cause you not to get the job.
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tags: work job professional career adults category: 5 answers
46. Name a reason why a person might turn down a job.
low pay/salary 60 location/distance 17 schedule/hours 6 don't like job 4 over qualified 2 don't like boss 2 lousy benefits 2 got better job 2
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47. Name a job where you might have to work all night
Bodyguard Security Guard Police Officer Ward Watchman Fuzz
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tags: work jobs employment career category: no points
48. Name something that people often do before they go on a job interview.
dress up 29 shower 14 shave 12 update resume 9 practice 7
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tags: work career employment jobs category: 5 answers
49. Name Something A Job Ad Should Tell You About The Job.
pay 45 title 25 hours 16 duties 9 location 3
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tags: work career job employment profession category: 5 answers
50. Name The Thing You Most Fear Doing During An Important Job Interview
sounding stupid 32 not being hired 18 tongue tied 13 sweating 12 appearance 12 being nervous 5 forgetting name 4
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51. What Might You Find Out About A Job That Would Keep You From Accepting It
low pay 37 hours are bad 27 mean boss 11 location 10 no benefits 5 dangerous 4 travel a lot 3
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tags: work career jobs employment category: 7 answers
52. Name an occupation many women fantasize about having
CEO President Reunion Birthday Birth Of Child
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53. Name Something That A Child Star Has To Do That The Average Kid Doesn’t.
Work 44
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tags: kids work career adults entertainment funny category: fast money
54. Which school subject do you think is most useful in real life?
math 43 english 32 reading 9 history 4 science 3
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tags: school work education learning knowledge life skills category: 5 answers
55. Name A Job, Often Depicted On TV, That You’ve Dreamt Of Having Yourself.
Doctor 30 Police Officer 26 Actor 16 Lawyer 12 Detective 7 Model 5
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tags: work entertainment career dreams tv-shows category: 6 answers
56. Name an occupation that attracts ambitious people.
lawyer 27 politics 11 sales 10 doctor 9 computers 7 stockbroker 6
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tags: work career jobs motivation success category: 6 answers
57. Name a line of work in which people can retire early.
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58. What do you think your occupation would be if you had a genius IQ
Physicist Biologist Scientist Chemist Doctor Physician Medico
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tags: intelligence work career occupation skills category: no points
59. Name a place people work that starts with the letter "B".
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tags: work jobs career employment professionals category: 6 answers
60. Name a profession that requires a lot of traveling.
sales rep 37 pilot 36 flight attendant 13 entertainer 13
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tags: work travel career job profession adults category: 4 answers
61. Name a reason where you might not get hired after an interview
Bad Attitude Phone Rings Being Late Inappropriate Attire Lying
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tags: work interview hiring career employment job category: no points
62. Name a reason why you choose one job over another.
salary 69 enjoy the work 13 benefits 8 location 4 advancement 2 boss 2
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tags: work career employment job occupation profession category: 6 answers
63. Something About Current Job Better Than Former Job
Pay Boss Hours Co-Workers
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tags: work career job employment office funny category: no points
64. Name a job that a man brags his girlfriend has.
model 21 doctor 18 stripper 17 lawyer 7 professor/teacher 7 ceo/executive 7
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tags: work occupation career job employment profession category: 6 answers
65. Name an occupation well-known athletes turn to when their playing days are over.
sports announcer 72 coach 12 acting 6 tv ads 4 restaurant owners 2 insurance salesman 2
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tags: sports career work occupations retirement category: 6 answers
66. What Line Of Work Should You Get Into If Your Hairstyle Is Stiff And Plastered With Hairspray?
politician 30 model 25 newscaster 20 actor 15 hairdresser 4
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67. Name Something You’d Hate To Forget To Do During A Job Interview?
smile 22 talk/answer questions 20 say thank you 14 introduce yourself 12 bring resume 11 shake hands 10 ask about salary 9
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tags: work career job preparation interviews questions category: 7 answers
68. Which Bad Work Trait Would Be Hard To Detect While Interviewing Someone
laziness 43 lateness 27 lying 11 stealing 5 poor attendance 5
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tags: work employment interview jobs career category: 5 answers
69. Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative
Accountant Secretary Fast Food Worker Police Officer
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tags: work jobs creativity adults career occupations category: no points
70. Name a job that requires a truck
Ups Building Delivery Fedex Pizza Delivery Carpenter
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tags: work vehicles transportation jobs career trucks category: no points
71. Other than actor,name an occupation you’d fail at if you had stage fright.
singer 53 comedian 16 motivational speaker 8 politician 7 dancer 5 teacher 4
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tags: work animals food funny performance career category: 6 answers
72. Name a job you should avoid if you are afraid of public speaking.
send us your answers! 10 politician 52
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tags: work career funny social anxiety jobs category: 2 answers
73. Name Something A Taxi Driver Would Have To Stop Doing In Order To Be A Respectable Hearse Driver.
Stop Speeding Cursing Smoking Chatting Charging Fare Honking Picking People Up
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tags: jobs work vehicles transportation career lifestyle category: no points
74. Besides asking for a raise, tell us something else people ask their bosses for
Vacation Bigger Office Promotion Respect Over Time
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tags: work employment career business humor funny category: no points
75. Name something you might do to impress your boss.
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tags: work career boss success office achievement category: 5 answers
76. What might you do right after your boss says, "You're fired"
Clean Out Desk Leave Ask/wonder Why Hit Him/revenge Look For A Job Cry Tell Them Off
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tags: work funny jobs hilarious employment career category: no points
77. Name a position that most companies have.
ceo 38 manager 31 secretary 24 human resources 7
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tags: work company career jobs business adults category: 4 answers
78. Name A Word That Describes Your Dream Job.
lucrative 44 easy 35
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tags: work career aspirations occupation lifestyle goals category: 2 answers
79. Name Something A Woman Might Wear To Appear More Professional.
Business Suit 54 Dress/Skirt 20 Glasses 15 High Heels 11
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tags: work formal business meeting interview career category: 4 answers
80. Name a job title someone might have in a big company.
CEO 39 President 29 Vice President 16 Supervisor 8 Manager 3
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tags: work business company employment career finance category: 5 answers
81. Name a subject you might still struggle with if you went back to high school
Addition Math Figures Multiplication Subtraction Division
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tags: school education learning high school knowledge subjects category: no points
82. Name A Class That Most Students Take In College But Not High School
Psychology Chemistry Calculus Physics Philosophy Economics
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tags: school college high school academics education learning category: no points
83. How many hours per week does the average high schooler spend studying?
Ten Five Two Three Eight Twenty
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tags: education school studying homework teens high school category: no points
84. name something that jocks in high school dont do the same as their peers
Socialize Date Eat Dress Study Play Sports
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tags: school sports high school education athletics category: no points
85. Name A Class You Might Take If You Wanted To Go To Law School
political science 58 english 8
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86. Name a time that might be proudest moment in a person's life
Giving Birth Gifts Buying A House New Job Graduation
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87. Name A Type Of Book That You’re Not Expected To Read All Of.
bible 36 dictionary 28 encyclopedia 15 text book 10 phone book 8
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88. Tell me something you might do to prepare for your first day of school.
haircut 38 pick an outfit 25 pack backpack 20 sleep 17
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tags: school kids education preparation category: 4 answers
89. Name a department in schools that is often underfunded.
Music Art Athletic Drama Science
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90. If Students Ran Schools,Name Some Things They Would Probably Get Rid Of
Teachers Principal Homework Rules Tests Detention Bell
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91. Name a place kids might go if they skipped school.
send us your answers! 10 mall 49
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tags: school kids entertainment education category: 2 answers
92. Which high school subject do kids consider tough?
Math Physics Chemistry Biology English
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93. Name something a high school student looks forward to.
graduation 64 prom 18 summer/vacation 8 going to college 4
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94. Name A Type Of Gymnastic Move Almost Every Kid Knows How To Do.
Cart Wheel 37 Somersault 34 Tumbling 7 Flip 7 Balance Beam 5 Flip 4
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tags: kids school physical education category: 6 answers
95. Name a school supply kids are always running out of
Lined Paper Pencils Erasers Papers Leads Pens
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96. Name something a student might do to pass a test.
Study 51 Cheating 44 Homework 5
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97. Name Something A Student Might Buy With A School Emblem On It
Jacket Cap Bag Book
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98. Name a piece of equipment that students might play with in a science lab.
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99. Name something teachers consider when determining a student's final grade.
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100. Name A Place Where School Children Often Go For Field Trips
zoo 47 museum 40 park 9 farm 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: school education kids fun learning category: 4 answers
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