The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Reason A Person Might Not Have A Pet.
Allergic 35
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tags: pets family house allergies time money category: fast money
2. We surveyed 100 married women...Name something that wouldn't get done if you didn't do it.
cleaning/dishes 54 laundry/ironing 21 cooking 16 food shopping 3 paying bills 2
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tags: chores laundry cooking kids pets house category: 5 answers
3. Name something a man might not have anymore after a divorce.
money 43 wife 24 house 22 children 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: marriage kids pets house money friends category: 4 answers
4. Name something you can rent.
vehicle 38 jalopy 38 car 38 truck 38 van 38 automobile 38 cinema 33 movies 33 films 33 manor 18 house 18 plantation 18 estate 18 dwelling 18 real estate 18 condo 18 bungalow 18 mansion 18 sofa 5 table 5 chair 5 furniture 5 bed 5 desk 5 couch 5 bookshelf 5 tenement 5 loft 5 flat 5 apartment 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: belongings house car equipment clothes animals category: 30 answers
5. Name a way you can tell a house had been abandoned
Overgrown Lawn Windows Lawn Overgrown Yard Covered Windows Boarded Windows
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6. Name Something That Attracts Flies.
food 33 poop 20 rotten fruit 9
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tags: animals food house trash funny kids category: 3 answers
7. Name Name Something A Kid Would Look For In A New House
Swimming Pool Backyard Big Bedroom Own Bathroom Swing
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tags: family kids house animals food plants category: no points
8. We surveyed 100 women...What do you do when you discover there's a mouse in the house
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tags: animals house pests cleaning fear survey category: no points
9. Name something that drips.
Water/faucet 1 A nose 2 A candle 2 Coffee 1
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tags: food water plants animals kids funny house category: 4 answers
10. What is a common item people forget to take with them when leaving the house?
Keys 1 Phone 1 Wallet 1 Sunglasses 1
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11. Name something that might be brewing.
A Plot 2 A Storm 2 Beer 1 Coffee 1 Tea 1 Trouble 1
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12. Name something in your house that's easy to break
Lamps Glasses Windows Vase Chinaware
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13. Name Something That Still Fits Even If You Put On A Few Extra Pounds
shoes 28 hat 17 socks 17 stretch pants 13 sweats 1 underware/bra 7
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14. Name a kind of key teenagers have:
house 62 car 18 locker 13 diary 3
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15. Name a specific place in the house where people keep cleaning supplies
Closet Under Sink Basin Wardrobe Beneath Sink
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16. Name Something About The Brady Bunch That Is Different From Most Families.
lot's of kids 42 too happy 32 maid 14 thet sing 8
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17. Name something in your house you have never cleaned under.
stove/oven 25 refrigerator 19 bed 16 couch 15 television 5 sink 5
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tags: house cleaning embarrassing category: 6 answers
18. Name Something The Police Might Look For When They Search A Suspects House
drugs 65 evidence 17 weapon 13 suspect 3
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19. Name something you might find in a spooky abandoned house.
Spiders Ghosts Dust Rodents Skeletons Bats
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20. Who Or What Might Enter A House Without Using The Front Door?
burglar 35 pet 29 santa claus 18 kid/ teen 10 police officer 5
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21. Name Something People Do That Ticks Off Animal Activists
wear fur 48 hunting 22 eat meat 14 tests 12
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22. Name something a babysitter would hate to discover your house didn't have in it.
telephone 22 television 21 food 20 bathroom 6 diapers 5 water 3 toilet paper 3
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23. name a room buyers inspect most closely when touring a house
Living Room Bedroom Bathroom Kitchen Youth
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24. Name something you wouldn't let people do in your house if you hosted Thanksgiving
Drink Smoke Pillows Eat In Living Room Wear Shoes
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tags: family house thanksgiving rules category: no points
25. Name Something You Would Allow The House Sitter To Use While At Your Place
Phone 40 TV 35 Bathroom 12 Computer 8 Bed 3
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26. Besides pumpkins, name something you might see decorating a house on halloween.
Ghosts Spiderwebs Witches Skeletons Lights Bats Scarecrow
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tags: halloween decorations house kids category: no points
27. Name a place where you see a lot of mirrors.
dressing room 21 gym 8 bathrooms 4
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28. Name A Room That You’d Find In A Mansion, But Not A Regular House
library/study 40 game room 22 pool room 18 parlor 9 home theatre 8
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tags: house rooms architecture luxury kid category: 5 answers
29. Name something in your house that's over fifty years old.
me 30 furniture 21 nothing 8 spouse 7 parents 6 house 5
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30. Name something your house has three of:
bedrooms 42 bathrooms 16 tvs 14 doors 8 telephones 6 clocks 4 beds 3
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31. Name something that some people refrigerate and some people don't
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32. Name something you get into and out of every day.
Bed Car Shower Clothes
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33. Name Something You Hope Your Friend Doesn’t Do Housesitting
Party Steal Use Your Clothes Make A Mess Smoke
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34. Name a place you would see someone wearing a towel.
beach 39 pool 17 bathroom 9
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35. Name something around your house that might be made of bricks
Trail Fireplace Ingle Hearth Foyer Chimney Walkway
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36. Name something only a compulsively neat person irons.
undergarments 42 socks 21 linens 19 shirts 7
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37. Name something people have to empty on a regular basis.
trash can/garbage 75 bladder 9 dishes/dishwasher 5 pockets 2 coffeepot 2
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tags: house bathroom trash refrigerator category: 5 answers
38. Name Something You Do To Prepare For Out-Of-Town Visitors.
Clean 56 Cook 28 Buy Food 12 Freshen Up Room 3
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39. Name something a couple would want their home to be full of.
Love Children Happiness Laughter Food
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40. Name Something In A Persons House A Burglar Wouldnt Want To Steal
pet 31 food 21 underwear 19 laundry 16 trash 11
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tags: burglary house belongings possessions category: 5 answers
41. What would you find in a deserted house?
Dust Spider webs Rats Ghosts Weeds
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42. Name A Breed Of Dog That Might Be Used As A Guard Dog
german shepard 36 pit bull 23 doberman pinscher 20 rottweiler 8 bulldog 5
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43. Name something on a dog that people have clipped
Tail Hair Nails
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44. Name a pet that doesn't live very long.
fish 45 birds 24 hamsters 21 housefly 3 mouse 2 turtle 2
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45. Name a wild animal that some people keep as pets.
tiger 55 snake 14 lion 6 alligator 6
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46. Name a furry creature that would not make a good pet.
bear 39 skunks 26 lions 16 raccoons 7 rat 6 tiger 6
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47. Name something people do to their dogs.
walk them 30 feed them 21 pet them 13 trim 9 bathe them 8 train 5
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48. Name a pet that does not require much maintenance.
Goldfish Cat Bird Turtle Dog
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tags: pets animals maintenance category: no points
49. Name a house pet you wouldn't let sleep at the foot of your bed.
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50. Name an animal whose mouth trainers and vets put their heads in.
Lion Alligator Tiger Horse
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51. Name something you might buy for a dog.
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52. Name a quiet animal:
cat 36 mouse 13 rabbit 13 deer 7 giraffe 6 fish 5 snake 4 hamster 3
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53. What is the best pet to own?
1. Dog 26 2. Cat 6 3. Reptile/ Amphibian 5 4. Horse 1
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54. Tell me a pet that requires very little maintenance.
fish 49 cats 20 birds 9 turtle 6 hamster 5 snake 3
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55. What Do cats Have the We Dont Have
tails 28 claws 25 fur 22 paws 16 9 lives 7
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56. Name A Good Job For Someone Who Loves Animals.
Vet 88
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tags: animals jobs pets zoo category: fast money
57. Name something in the house that kids monopolize from their parents
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tags: family kids parents house entertainment category: no points
58. Name something you might not let guests do in your house.
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59. Name Something That People Can Either Rent Or Buy
House 45
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tags: house car clothes furniture books movies category: fast money
60. Name Something People Give As A Housewarming Gift
plant 27 vase with flowers 19 fruit basket 15 linens 13 bottle of wine 11 toaster 10 dishes 5
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61. a house you never want to be in.
Haunted house 2 House of horrors 3 House of mirrors 3 House of cards 3 House of straw 3
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tags: funny fun hilarious house annoying kids category: 5 answers
62. Name The Room In Your House That’s Used The Least.
living room 38 dining room 26 extra bedroom 9 attic 6 bedroom 5 storage room 4 den 4
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63. Name a tradesperson who helps build a house.
carpenter 38 builder 32 plumber 10 bricklayer 10 electrician 7
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tags: work job house building kids family category: 5 answers
64. Name a professional you might hire when something is wrong with your house.
Plumber Electrician Locksmith Roofer Handyman
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tags: home repairs maintenance professionals house category: no points
65. Name a kitchen appliance that might be built-in.
stove 36 microwave 19
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tags: appliances home kitchen house kids category: 2 answers
66. Name something it takes people years to save for
Retirement Ira Rrsp Pension Manor
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tags: school house retirement car wedding vacation category: no points
67. Name a popular color for a house.
white 57 grey 12 beige 7 tan 7 blue 6 green 5 yellow 4
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68. Name Something You Might Gove Someone As A Housewarming Present
Plant Toaster Towell Glasses Vase
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69. Name Something In Your House That Can Be Set.
alarm/clock 55 table 23 tv/tivo 12 vcr/dvd player 5
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70. Name an attraction in a haunted house.
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tags: spooky haunted halloween house horror fun category: no points
71. Tell Me Something You Might Scrape Off Bottom Shoes
Gum Poop Mud
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72. Name something a mom would not want her kids touching if they had chocolate on their hands.
Clothes 51 Furniture 26 Walls 10 Carpet 9 Anything 4 Towels Fridge Dog Remote
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tags: house clothes computer walls furniture art category: 9 answers
73. Name Something A Slob Might Never Clean
Bedroom 46 bathroom 25 kitchen 8 Car 7 Clothes 7 Himself/Herself 6
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tags: house kitchen bathroom bedroom car closet category: 6 answers
74. Name something in your house that's extra dirty after a big party
Ashtrays Couch Kitchen Bathroom Floor
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75. Name The Least Private Room In Your House
Kitchen 48 Living Room 34 Bathroom 9 Bedroom 4
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76. Name something in their house that almost everyone wishes were bigger
Tube Tv Latrine Television Potty Boob Tube On Television
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77. Name something people often buy on credit.
car 52 house 16 clothes 11 furniture 9 appliances 7 gasoline 5
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tags: house car appliances jewelry furniture clothes category: 6 answers
78. Name Something A Realtor Suggests You Do In Order To Sell Your House
paint 42 clean it 38 make upgrades 11 lower the price 3
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tags: home real estate house property category: 4 answers
79. Name something you would not want showing up at your house unexpectedly.
in laws 28 ex-lovers 24 police officer 23 your parents 11 the boss 9 bill collector 5
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tags: house unexpected visitors funny kids category: 6 answers
80. What Might You See In Front Of The Neighbors’ House That Lets You Know They’re Moving?
moving truck 40 for sale sign 28 boxes 27 furniture 3
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tags: moving house neighbors packing kids category: 4 answers
81. Name The Toughest Part About Owning An Elephant As A Pet.
Cleaning Up 33 Feeding 31
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tags: animals elephants pets funny category: fast money
82. Name something that dogs seem to enjoy doing.
sleeping 19 playing 16 licking 14 running 13 eating 12 barking 8 digging 5
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83. We asked 100 people: name a famous dog.
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tags: animals pets entertainment trivia category: no points
84. Name Something People Do With Their Dogs That They Don’t Do With A Pet Goldfish.
Walk 40 Pet 31 Play Fetch 16 Groom 5 Bathe 3
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85. Name Something You Associate With A Mouse
Cheese Cat Trap Squeaking Tail
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86. Animal Many Magicians Own
Rabbit Bird Tiger Monkey
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87. Which animals are some of the most common pets?
Cat Dog Fish Rabbit Hamster
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88. Name a domestic pet.
dog 36 cat 26 hamster 21 guinea pig 10 goldfish 7
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89. Name a wild animal you would not like as a pet.
Lions Tiger Snake Bear Skunk Alligator
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90. Name a pet you have to keep in cage
Lizard Bird Hamster Snake
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91. Name something you see in almost every hamster's cage.
wheel 37 hamster 18 food 12 water bottle 10
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92. At A Friend’s House, How Do You Know They Have A Dog Even If He’s Not Around?
Smell Hair
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93. Name something you might keep in a cage.
Bird Dogs Hamsters Rabbit
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94. Name An Animal That Can Be Kept As A Pet
A Dog A Cat A Bird
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95. Why Might You Regret Picking Up A Lost Dog?
Fleas Bites Rabies Get Attacked Dirty
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96. Name A Wild Animal You’d Be Foolish To Keep As A Pet
Tiger 27
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tags: animals pets funny kids category: fast money
97. Name something dogs hate having done to them.
bathed 54 hair trimmed 22 nails clipped 9 brushed 6 shots 6
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98. Name a dog breed that has a bad rap.
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99. Name a TV animal you wish you could have as a pet.
lassie 59 garfield 11 flipper 10 benji 9 mr. ed 9
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100. Name A Command A Dog Knows But You Wouldnt Bother Giving To Your Cat
sit 59 stay 20 roll over 12 fetch 5
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