The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name another word for liar
Camel Untrustworthy Fibber Story Teller Cheat Sneak
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2. Name A Reason Kids Give For Not Liking School
Homework Boring Teacher Bullies Too Hard
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3. Name something that might be canceled because of April showers.
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tags: kids funny school work category: 10 answers
4. What is your excuse for not doing homework?
Forgot at home Fever Left at school Book got stolen Dog ate it
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5. Which Occupation Would You Expect A Guy Named Poindexter To Have?
Scientist 41 Accountant 22 Computer Programer/Tech 19 Teacher 6 Lawyer 6
Answers are hidden.
6. Name another word for "weak".
Frail Fragile Whimpy Feeble Limp
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7. Name a type of martial art
Kung Fu Tae Kwon Do Fu Karate Kwon Do Do Judo
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8. When you sneak out of work and get caught, name the reason you give for leaving.
"felt sick" 49 family/emergency 30 dr./dentist appt. 7 get a bite/lunch 4 "went to smoke" 3
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9. name something you write down on paper but wouldnt save to your hard drive
Phone Number Password Love Letter Grocery List Diary
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10. Name Soemthing You Can Never Find When You Need It
Keys Pen/ Pencil Money Remote Control Phone Glasses Scissors
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11. Give me a short phrase containing the word "mind."
your own business 22 mind over matter 13 waste 13 lose my/your mind 13 mind-boggling 7
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12. Other Than Letter And Punctuation Keys, Which Computer Key Would You Not Want To type A Report Without?
enter 38 space bar 26 backspace 16 tab key 15
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13. Name something you might learn how to make in shop class.
birdhouse 52 bookshelf 22 dresser 16 candlestick 10
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14. Tell me something you really didn't want to do, so you pretended you were sick.
work 52 family gathering 8 school 8 party/wedding 7 a date 5
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15. which office supply is most likely to cause an injury
Scissors Shredder Paper Cutter Writing Utensil Stapler Letter Opener
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16. Name A Part Of A Bicycle It Would Be Hard To Ride Without
Pedals Wheels Saddle Handle Bars Chain
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17. Name another word for intelligent.
Smart Brilliant Genius Bright Wise
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18. Name Something A Teacher Might Use To Help Them Teach Their Class
books 28 computer 23 chalkboard 13 maps 13 videos 11 newspaper 5
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19. What are some things you do in a library?
Read Borrow books Study Sleep Use the computer
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20. Name a job that a student might have at their college.
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21. name a website people often visit while they should be working
Ebay Facebook Google Youtube Myspace
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22. Name something you should always take if it's offered.
money 56 advice 11 food 8 hand 6 vacation 4 compliment 3
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23. Name a body part a pirate might be missing.
leg 46 eye 27 hand 22 arm 5
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24. Name A Food That Comes In Packs of Six Or More.
hod dogs 16 pudding 16 little cereal boxes 14 beer 13 soda 11 yogurt 11 eggs 9
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25. Name A College That Smart People Attend.
harvard 38 yale 18 mit 15
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26. Name an animal that starts with the letter "c".
Cat Cow Cheetah Cougar Chimpanzee
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27. Name something teens often do as their first job.
fast food/diner 53 store cashier 28 babysitter 14 paper carrier 4
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28. Name someone people get nervous in front of.
police 20 boss 17 audience 12 minister 12 judge 10
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29. Name something a computer has that a typewriter does not.
monitor 38 mouse 19 hard drive 10 memory 7 printer 6 modem 4
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30. Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "e".
Ellen Elizabeth Evelyn Emily Elaine Edith
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31. Name something people hide on purpose and can't remember where they put it.
money 67 keys 16 jewelry 3 teeth 3 papers 2 creditcards 2 credit cards 2
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32. Name a carpenter's tool that you hope a surgeon never uses.
hammer 42 saw/chain saw 34 screwdriver 5 drill 5 chisel 3 ax 2
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33. Name A Bad Job For Someone Who Always Tells The Truth.
lawyer 37 used car sales 21 politician 20 spy 17
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34. Name something you might wear in winter that you wouldn't wear in summer.
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35. What do kids aspire to become when they grow up?
Astronaut Race car driver Police officer Pilot Firefighter
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36. Name a job an athlete might have after they retire
Commentator Coach Actor Caster Tsn Sportscaster Journalist
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37. Name Something You Cant Do While Youre In The Dentists Chair
talking 56 eat 19 move 10 sleep 8 sing 6
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38. Tell Me A Place Where You Feel The Need To Get Up And Stretch Your Legs.
airplane 28 work 28 car/bus trip 15 place of worship 10 school 7 movie thearre 6
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39. Name a type of machine that requires coins.
vending machine 44 slot machine 28 payphone 12 washer 6 parking meter 3
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40. Name an animal you would not like to be compared to.
Pigs Dogs Monkeys Elephants Snake Bear
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41. Name Something That’s Hard To Do With Your Eyes Open
Sleep/Dream 1 Sneeze 1 Kiss 1 Swim/Dive 1
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42. Name a person who is paid to make decisions.
ceo 20 president 17 judge 16 supervisor 10 police officer 6 doctor 4 deputy 2
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43. Name a phrase that starts with the word "Make..."
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44. What Does A Businessman Use When Making Speeches, But Pastors Don’t During Their Sermons?
note cards 55 chart 14 pointer 11 powerpoint 11 projector 7
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45. Besides an inch, name another measurement of distance
Yard Mile Parking Meter Foot Feet Imperial Foot Meter
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46. Name a place where you get chewed out a lot.
work 56 school/principal 16 home/bedroom 16 doctor's office 3 in military 3 court 3
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tags: school work relationships kids funny category: 6 answers
47. Name Something People Don’t Like To Start.
fight 28 work 6
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48. Name a job that is underappreciated.
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49. Name A Chore People Do Most Often.
wash dishes 42 laundry 16 vacuum 12 cook 9 sweep 7 clean bathroom 6
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50. Name A Place That Gets Crowded At The End Of A Work Day.
bar 26 highway 20 bank 18 public transit 9 shopping center 9 grocery store 7 restaurant 6
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51. Name something a really smart little boy might want to be when he grows up
Physicist Scientist Physician Surgeon Medico Chemist
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52. Name Something You Might Keep In Your Top Pocket
Pen Calculator Phone Cigarettes
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53. Name a profession that uses a calculator.
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54. name an age that many people look forward to
16 21 25 18
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55. Tell me job where you might be working at 4 o'clock in the morning.
police officer 20 doctor 12 nurse 11 security guard 6 baker 6 postman 5
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56. Name a word that rhymes with 'poor'.
Door 42 More 26 Sore 13 Floor 12 Store 6
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57. What kind of high school clubs do you think Bill Gates was in?
computer 32 chess 24 debate 10 glee club 7 boy scouts 7 math 7 science 6
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58. At what grade does school stop being fun and start being work?
Ninth Sixth Fifth Seventh Third Fourth Tenth
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59. Which Trait Of A Good Teacher Would Also Be Important For A Good Con Man?
smart 54 outgoing 17 convincing 12 trusted 7 looks professional 7
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60. Name Something A Person Might Read Everyday.
newspaper 38 bible 14
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61. Name Something You Might Keep In An Envelope
Letter Money Stamps A Card A Photo
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62. Name something that is harder to do the older you get.
exercise 32 walk 18 see 13 bend down 10 remember 9 lose weight 7
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63. Name Something That People Rehearse
Speech Play Song Wedding Lines
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tags: work school performance kids funny category: no points
64. name A fear parents Have For Their Child When She Moves Out Of The House
money 35 drugs 23 death 14 safety 11 coming back 10 lonely 5
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65. Name something people file.
taxes 35 papers 30
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66. Name Someone Who Might Give A Lecture
Teacher Parent Professor Police Partner
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67. Name A Place Where You Often Yawn
In Bed At The Movies At Work In Church School
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68. Name something that parents would like their children to have when they grow up.
Job Money Family Home Degree Manners
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69. Name a beverage served hot.
coffee 63 tea 21 hot chocolate 12 apple cider 2
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70. Name Something You Might Get Tangled
Hair Fishing Line Wool Rope String Tongue
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71. Name An Occupation In Which Someone With A Baby Face Might Have A Hard Time Providing Their Authority
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72. Name The Worst Part About Riding The Bus
crowded 30 stinky 18 bumpy 12 noise 12 takes longer 7 hot 6 bus fare 6
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73. Name A Place Where People Like To Listen To The Radio
Car Bathroom Bedroom At Home Living Room At Work
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74. tell me something you take to work only on special occasions
Car Jack Presents Kids Dessert Blanket Jumper Cables
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75. Name A Way A Kid Might Get Around Town
bike 42 bus 15 parents 14 walking 13 scooter 9 skateboard 7
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tags: transportation kids funny work school category: 6 answers
76. Name a superhero costume that you don’t want to see your child wearing.
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77. Name A Sport You Play In Teams
Football Hockey Basketball Rugby Volleyball Polo
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78. Name an animal that would make a great bodyguard.
Dogs 37 Bear 21 Lions 21 Tiger 11 Ape 10
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79. Name a four-letter word that's something everyone wants.
love 36 cash 22 food 22 gold 4 hope 4 luck 3
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80. other than hallowee name a reason why you might wear a costume
Costume Party In A Play Wearing Hats Christmas/santa Just For Fun
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81. Name An Animal That You See On A Motivational Poster
Dog Lion Cat Monkey Tiger Eagle Bear
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82. A Mistake Determined Never To Make Again
Get Married Smoke Drugs Not Finish School Date Wrong Person Get Pregnant Cheating
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tags: relationships school work kids funny category: no points
83. Name a project you and your mom might work on together.
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84. Name A Place That Has Alarms Installed
Bank Shop Office Car Factory
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85. Name a kind of place where people let their attention wander.
church 21 work 15 school 11 movie theater 9 beach 7 park 6 shopping mall 5
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86. Name a good food to throw in a food fight.
mashed potato 41 pie 20
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87. Name something you might accidentally leave on a bus.
purse 31 backpack 15 cell phone 13 jacket 11 books 10 umbrella 9 gloves 6 wallet 5
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88. Name A Practical Joke You Might Purchase From A Joke Shop
whoopie cushion 47 rubber chicken 7
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89. Give me another word for "large".
Big Huge Grand Immense Enormous
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90. Name someone who does your bragging for you.
parents 58 spouse 23 friend 6 children 5 siblings 2 grandparents 2
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91. Name a holiday that falls on a certain day of the week.
thanksgiving 47 easter 38 labor day 7 memorial day 6
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92. Name something proud parents hang on their refrigerator.
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93. name something people commonly daydream about
Winning Lottery Romance Ships Vacation
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94. Name Something That Begins With Micro
Microwave Microphone Microscope Microchip Microfilm
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95. Name someone who might boss you around.
Parents Spouses Boss Sibling Coach
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96. Name something you can write.
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97. Name something a boss has that the worker might envy.
money 43 prestige 13 authority 11 nice office 9 nice car 6 more time off 3
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98. Name a job you need a lot of training for.
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99. Name Something You Might Find In the Boot Of A Car
Spare Tyre Jack Tools Spare Petrol Tank Jump Leads
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100. Name An Occupation That Adult Men Still Dream About Having
Firefighter Pro Athlete Astronaut Actor Race Car Driver Pilot President
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