The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a part of a person's body starting with the letter T that might be described as ugly.
Toes Teeth Tongue Tummy
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2. Name The Last Thing You Read On The Internet That You Wish You Hadn’t.
news 53 email/spam 18 gossip 11 bills/accounts 8 blog/comments 4
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tags: funny embarrassing internet regret category: 5 answers
3. Name something people might regret doing to their body.
get a tattoo 41 piercing 25 plastic surgery 14 smoking 13 sunbathing 7
Answers are hidden.
4. Name something you regret not doing more of in college.
studying 54 partying 28 going on dates 14
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tags: college regret self-improvement category: 3 answers
5. Name something you might regret throwing away while spring cleaning.
Clothes 56 Pictures 21 Documents 12 Toys 7 Blankets 4 Jewelry Books Money Valuables
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6. Name something you wish you'd taken better care of when you were younger
Schooling Clothes Body Collectibles
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tags: regret health appearance relationships money time category: no points
7. Name a command a dog whisperer might find themselves using on humans.
Sit Stay Roll Over Fetch Quiet Heel Come here Lie down
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8. Name Something Birds Do That A Human Would Look Rediculous Doing
fly 40 eat worms 14
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9. Name someone with the last name of Boone
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tags: name humans people hilarious funny category: no points
10. What part of people's bodies do dogs bite most
Legs Bottom Ankles Hands Arms
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tags: family kids funny animals dogs humans category: no points
11. Name an animal which is often used to describe a person
Pit Bull Puppy Cur Canine Dog Rottweiler
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tags: animals humans personality food kids funny category: no points
12. If a witch was not paying attention to where she was flying, name something she might crash into.
tree 45 building 24 telephone pole 7 power line 6 plane 5 bird 4
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tags: funny kids animals trees buildings humans category: 6 answers
13. Name a body part that makes noise
Sniffer Schnoz In Mouth Proboscis Mouth Beak
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tags: body humans sounds trivia kids funny category: no points
14. Name something you jump on.
trampoline 48 bed 30 diving board 15 bouncy castle 7
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tags: kids funny animals humans food plants category: 4 answers
15. Name A Term For Someone Who Thinks Very Highly Of Himself
conceited 27 arrogant 19 cocky 17 stuck up 15 snob 9 vain 5 egotistical 5
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tags: personality humans self-esteem behavior funny category: 7 answers
16. We surveyed 100 married men...Tell me something you're sure a robot could do better than your spouse can.
clean 38 cook 19 iron/laundry 12 drive 4
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tags: relationships marriage tech robots humans funny category: 4 answers
17. Name a food dogs love just as much as humans do.
Steak 1 Chicken 1 Bread 1 Hamburger 1 Cheese 1
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tags: food dogs love humans family animals kids funny category: 5 answers
18. Which animal communicates best with humans
Subway Skating Rink Taxi Airfare Dog
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tags: animals communication humans kids category: no points
19. Name someone famous with the first name of Michael.
michael jackson 42 michael jordan 31 michael douglas 15 michael landon 6 michael j. fox 4
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tags: names kids people celebrities humans tv category: 5 answers
20. Past or present, name something people have used to travel the world.
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tags: travel history transportation humans kids category: no points
21. If animals could talk, which one would complain the most about humans?
dog 51 cat 23 mouse 4 horse 4 deer 3 cow 3 monkey 3
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tags: animals humans talking complaints category: 7 answers
22. Name something only a vampire would love an endless supply of
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23. Name Something That People Put Behind Their Ears
pen/pencil 50 hair 21 glasses 8 perfume 6 earrings 6 cigarette 2
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tags: accessories humans jewelry safety style category: 6 answers
24. Name Something People Supposedly Do Differently Than Animals
eat 43 walk 25 communicate 19 think 8 keep clean 3
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tags: animals humans behavior comparison psychology category: 5 answers
25. Name Something a Visiting Alien Would Say Is A Huge Problem On Earth
Computer Backpack Pollution
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tags: society humans lifestyle environment resources category: no points
26. If aliens visited the earth, who would they think ruled the world?
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tags: humans aliens society culture power government category: no points
27. Name a quality you get form a dog that you struggle to find in a human.
Loyalty Affection Championship Listens
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tags: relationships animals pets family friendship humans category: 4 answers
28. Name hot things.
Fire 1 Coffee 1 Tea 1 Stove 1 Fireplace 1
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tags: fire sun heat oven food humans animals weather technology kids category: 5 answers
29. tell me a hairstyle that nobody should attempt after age 16
Pigtails Braids Bowl Cut Mohawk Mullet
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tags: fashion beauty funny kids work school category: no points
30. other than bad vision name a reason why someone might wear glasses
Sun Look Smart Fashion Safety Spokesperson Hotel
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tags: school work fashion protection kids funny category: no points
31. name something a french painter wears
Overalls Scarf Talent Beret Smock Moustache In Shape
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tags: work clothing accessories fashion funny kids category: no points
32. Name Something Both A Logger And A Rock Star Wear
boots 50 hat 24 jeans 10 flannel shirt 6 sunglasses 6
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33. Name a piece of women's clothing men are glad they do not have to wear
Cinch Bra Corset Bandeau Girdle Body Shaper Spanx
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tags: work school fashion clothing funny category: no points
34. Name a kind of suit you would not wear to the office.
swimsuit 60 birthday suit 9 wetsuit 6 tuxedo 3 pant suit 3 plaid suit 2
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tags: work fashion clothing adults funny category: 6 answers
35. Name Something A Shy Man Might Wear To Hide His Face.
hat/headband 45 glasses 24 facial hair 16 scarf 9 hood 4
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tags: fashion appearance clothing school work funny category: 5 answers
36. Name Someone Who Might Be Dressed In All Black.
Priest 43
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tags: work fashion animals food plants funny category: fast money
37. Name A Kind Of Pants You Cant Wear To Work
jeans 61 sweats 22 leather 6 stretch pants 5 pajama pants 3
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tags: work clothing fashion pants humor funny category: 5 answers
38. Name Something That Supermodels Would Rather Do Without.
food/diet food 38 high heels 18 camaras 16 makeup 13 flaws 9
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tags: adults funny work fashion beauty lifestyle category: 5 answers
39. What Item That You Wear YearRound Gets Exceptionally Gaudy During The Holidays
sweater 32 hat 28 socks 21 earrings 11 tie/scarf 5
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tags: work holiday funny family winter fashion category: 5 answers
40. What Would A Pirate Need To Do In Order To Look Presentable For A Job Interview?
shave 34 remove eye patch 21 cut hair 19 change clothes 8 shower 7 leave parrot home 4
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tags: work funny pirates fashion interviews jobs category: 6 answers
41. Name something that people might be embarrassed to admit they wear
Diapers Wig False Teeth Hearing Aids
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tags: embarrassing clothing fashion school work funny category: no points
42. Name A Reason Somebody Would Wear A Hat All The Time
balding 63 bad hair day 19 protect from the sun 9 they're cold 4
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tags: fashion health weather work hobbies funny category: 4 answers
43. Name something women talk about with their hairdressers.
men 45 hairstyle 9
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tags: friends work family men fashion kids category: 2 answers
44. Tell me a job a man might have in which he works with attractive women.
photographer 38 bouncer 7 agent 6 actor 6 hairstylist 6 hair stylist 6
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tags: work women men models fashion kids category: 6 answers
45. Name An Occupation Where You Often See People With Stiff, Hairsprayed Hair.
model 33 hair stylist 26 actor 22 rock star 8 food server 7 news anchor 3
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46. Name something a businessman might wear to work.
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47. Name Something You Wear That Never Comes With Pockets
Underwear Socks Hat Shoes Swim Suit Watch Gloves
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tags: clothing accessories fashion men's fashion kids category: no points
48. Something Cowboy Wears Makes Him Sexy
Hat Jeans Chaps Boots
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tags: clothes fashion style clothing men's fashion cowboy category: no points
49. Name something pirates look cool wearing, but you would not.
Eyepatch Hat Hook Pegleg Bandana
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tags: fashion accessories school work hilarious category: no points
50. Name A Type Of Hat
Top Bowler Cowboy / 10 Gallon
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tags: work school fun animals hobbies fashion category: no points
51. Name Something A Guy Might Have To remove From A New Dress Shirt Before Wearing It
Labels Price Tag Cardboard Collar Straight Pins
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tags: clothing fashion men apparel work formal category: no points
52. Name Something Womens Magazines Give Advice On
intimacy 46 romantic relationships 24 makeup 6 hair 5 keeping fit 5 fashion 4
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tags: relationships work health beauty fashion category: 6 answers
53. Name Something Women Talk About During A “Girls’ Night Out.”
dating/relationships 63 kids 14 work 11 clothes 9
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tags: friends relationships work life fashion category: 4 answers
54. Name a reason a person might wear a hat.
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tags: work fashion weather animals sun protection category: no points
55. Name A Way Of Holding Up Your Trousers
Belt Fat Tummy String Braces Rope
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tags: fashion clothing work parties style accessories category: no points
56. name an occupation where people rarely wear their uniform after work
Fast Food Employee Police Officer Military Janitor Doctor
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tags: work uniform clothes fashion style humor category: no points
57. Tell Me Something You Hate To Wear Too Short
skirt/dress 57 pants 19 shorts 13 hair 9
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tags: clothing fashion style school work outfits category: 4 answers
58. Name Something That A Businesswoman Must Always Wear To Work.
Suit 58 Bra 14 Heels 12 Nylons 6
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tags: work fashion business women office attire category: 4 answers
59. Name A Color Some Men Never Wear
pink 65 purple 18 yellow 9 red 5
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tags: school work hospital clothing animals fashion category: 4 answers
60. What Do People Wear To Work Now That Would Have Been Considered Too Informal 50 Years Ago?
jeans 66 flip flops 10 shorts 9 mini skirt 6 tennis shoes 4 t shirt 3
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tags: fashion work dress code workplace casual category: 6 answers
61. Name Something Teenagers Did In The 50’s.
Danced 53
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tags: school work music cars fashion dating category: fast money
62. Name something you might wear to a job interview.
suit 44 blouse 30 skirt 19 high heels 7
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tags: work professional attire clothes fashion pants category: 4 answers
63. In Which Profession Might You Have A Large Assortment of Wigs?
actor 42 hair stylist 36 model 11 clown 6
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tags: work fashion costume entertainment beauty theater category: 4 answers
64. Name An Occupation Where You Might Wear Suspenders.
firefighter 40 clown 15 farmer 14 construction 13 fisherman 7 barber 6 lumberjack 5
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tags: work school fashion clothing style accessories category: 7 answers
65. Name A Kind Of Hat Men Like To Wear.
Baseball 62
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tags: clothing fashion accessories men's fashion hats category: fast money
66. According to single men: Name something you hate women giving you advice about.
women 39 marriage 21 clothes 16 money 9 parenting 6 driving 3
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tags: relationships money fashion work life skills sports category: 6 answers
67. Name An Article Of Clothing Women Think Men Look Handsome
Suit Tie Shorts Blue Jeans Hat
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tags: clothing fashion men's fashion style category: no points
68. Name Something A Girl In A Pageant Would Know How To Do But Most Little Girls Wouldnt
id 49 hair 19 name 18 facial hair 10 glasses 3
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69. Name Something You’d Buy For Your Daughter’s Barbie Doll, But Probably Not For Your Daughter.
skimpy clothes 47 car 26 dream house 13 ken/friends 9
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70. Name Something Your Teen Likes To Wear But You Hope Hell Leave Home On Picture Day
baseball cap 71 piercing 12 makeup 7 sunglasses 7
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71. name a type of clothing that comes with a matching top and bottom
Dress Suit Colby Pajamas Sweat Suit Bikini
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tags: clothing fashion outfits kids funny category: no points
72. Name Something You Wear At The Beach, But Not At Grocery
Swim Suit Towels Life Jacket
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73. Name an article of clothing that you wouldn't expect to see a superhero wearing.
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tags: clothing fashion superheroes funny kids category: no points
74. What Item That You Wear Year-Round Gets Exceptionally Gaudy During The Holidays?
Sweater 32 Hat 28 Socks 21 Earrings 11 Tie/Scarf 5
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tags: holidays fashion clothing funny kids category: 5 answers
75. Name Something People Wore More Of In The 1800s Than They Do Today
hats/bonnets 45 dresses/hoop skirts 25 wigs 16 corsets 12
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tags: clothing fashion history kids funny category: 4 answers
76. Name something of yours that's getting older and looks it.
face 27 car 16 hair 12 skin 8 shoes 4
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tags: home appearance kids funny fashion category: 5 answers
77. name a type of belt thats not used to hold pants up
Tool Belt Conveyor Karate Belt Seat Belt Fan Belt
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tags: clothing fashion accessories kids funny category: no points
78. Name a man famous for wearing women's clothing.
dennis rodman 37 rupaul 22 dustin hoffman 10 j. edgar hoover 9 milton berle 7
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tags: fashion entertainment celebrities funny kids category: 5 answers
79. Name Something A Person Might Wear Even If It Has A Hole
Socks Underwear Jeans Tee Shirt Shirt Shoes
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tags: clothing fashion accessories kids funny category: no points
80. When you imagine pirates, what are they wearing?
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tags: clothing fashion history kids funny category: no points
81. name something a person should remove before laying out to get a tan
Diving Board Shirt Glasses Jewelry
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82. Name a type of shoe you might not wear socks with.
flip flops 67 sandals 67 slippers 9 moccasins 9 stilettos 8 heels 8 high heels 8 platforms 8 pumps 8 penny loafers 4 loafers 4 clogs 3
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tags: clothes fashion footwear kids funny category: 12 answers
83. name something the founding fathers wore that would look funny if worn today
Top Hat Vision Hearing Suspenders Cholesterol Stockings Powdered Wig
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84. Name something people do when they put on their jeans and they can't get them up all the way.
lie down on bed 26 hold breath/gut 25 wiggle/jump up 20 pull harder 6 curse/yell 6
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tags: fashion clothes pants funny embarrassing kids category: 5 answers
85. Name A Garment People Wear On Their Head
Crown Poncho Hat Tiara
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tags: clothes fashion accessories style kids funny category: no points
86. Name something you might find on the bottom of a shoe.
gum 58 sole 24 dirt 7 dog poop 3 tack 3
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tags: footwear fashion clothing accessories kids funny category: 5 answers
87. Name something specific Captain Hook might ask for help with when getting dressed.
shirt buttons 34 pants zipper 28 his hook 16 tying shoes 11
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tags: pirates children clothing fashion kids funny category: 4 answers
88. Name something a superhero wears that most men don’t.
spandex pants 47 mask 29 cape 16
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tags: clothes fashion kids funny superheroes adults category: 3 answers
89. Name Something That Might Be Mead From Denim
Jeans Jacket Skirt A Bag
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tags: home clothing style fashion kids funny category: no points
90. Name something you need to sew a dress.
needle 33 sewing machine 28 thread 23 fabric 11 pin 3
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tags: sewing clothing fashion kids adults funny category: 5 answers
91. According to women: Besides underwear, what item of clothing will men wear even if it has a hole in it
Denim Top Stockings Levis T-shirt Socks Jeans
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tags: clothing fashion funny relationships category: no points
92. Name an article of clothing that men will wear even if it has a hole in it
Underwear Sweater T Shirt Socks Jeans
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93. Name something a woman will never wear if it's dirty, but a man would.
underwear 62 shirt 20 socks 11 coat 3 pants/jeans 3
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94. name something that youre more likely to have happen when you wear high heels
Blister Fall Sore Feet Twist Ankle
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95. Name Something Men Buy To Wear That Don’d Try On In A Fitting Room
underwear 55 t-shirts 14
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96. Name An Article Of Clothing That Makes You Feel You Can’t Move
coat 27 jeans 26 girdle 18 tights 9 snowsuit 6
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97. Name an article of clothing you don't wear two days in a row
Underwear Spouse Socks Shirt
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tags: clothes daily life fashion funny kids school category: no points
98. Name Something A MAn Asks His Friends For A Second Opinion On
His Live Life Buying A Car His Career His Outfit His Finances
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tags: relationships fashion home improvement kids funny food category: no points
99. Name some animal prints you see on clothes.
Snake Cheetah Tiger Zebra Leopard
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tags: adults clothes fashion animals nature kids funny category: no points
100. name a reason a model may be told not to smile
Bad Teeth Not Married Too Young Serious Photo Peace & Quiet Causes Wrinkles
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tags: fashion beauty modeling photography funny category: no points
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