The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name A Term You’d Expect A Poker Player To Know
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tags: games gambling cards casino betting poker category: no points
2. Name something you see on a roulette table.
chips 33 ball 20 numbers 17 money 8 wheel 7 dice 7 cards 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: gambling casino games numbers colors category: 7 answers
3. Name something people who are at a casino do with dice right before they roll them.
blow on them 62 kiss them 19 shake them 8 spit on them 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: casino games entertainment gambling luck category: 4 answers
4. Name A Way People Choose The Lottery Numbers They Play.
birthdates 74 quick pick 10 social security 4 random 4 dreams 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: lottery numbers luck games gambling category: 5 answers
5. Name Something People Do While They’re Gambling.
drink 38 lose money 28 smoke 14 play cards 8 scream 7 sweat 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: gambling entertainment luck money casino cards category: 6 answers
6. What Might A Poker Player Do To Make Bluffing Easier?
wear sunglasses 50 kepp a straight face 41 drink 6 look away 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: poker gambling betting cheating games category: 4 answers
7. Name Something You’d Find on Top of a Poker Table
Poker Chips 2 Cards 1 Money 1 Green Felt 2
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tags: cards games betting casinos gambling fun category: 4 answers
8. Name A Sport That People Bet On
football 55 horse racing 32 boxing 6 basketball 5
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tags: sports gambling entertainment competition betting games category: 4 answers
9. Name a game you might play in a casino.
blackjack 41 slot machine 25 poker 19 roulette 10 craps 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: games casino entertainment gambling category: 5 answers
10. What are some things you would see in a casino?
Poker chips Slot machine Cards Money Dice
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tags: adults casino gambling games entertainment category: no points
11. Name a reason why people decide to play a certain lottery number
Birthday Senior Lucky Number To Win Win Teenage Number
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tags: lottery numbers luck traditions beliefs games category: no points
12. Name something people bet on.
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tags: sports games horses money gambling luck category: no points
13. Name a game you might win a lot of money playing.
the lottery 28 poker 28 family feud 18 who wants to be a millionaire 13 blackjack 11
Answers are hidden.
tags: games money competition gambling luck skill category: 5 answers
14. How do people at the racetrack decide which horse to back?
Odds Name Guess Racing Stats
Answers are hidden.
15. Name something a man owns that he might try to bet in a big poker game.
watch/jewelry 48 car 31 house 11 money 4 the farm 2 playstation 2
Answers are hidden.
16. Name something Atlantic City is known for.
gambling 70 casinos 12 boardwalk 10 miss america 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: casino beach entertainment hotel gambling category: 4 answers
17. Name Something In A Casino That May Give You A Headache.
noise 39 smoke 28 flashung lights 15 slot machines 13 alcohol 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: adults casino funny gambling noisy category: 5 answers
18. Name a type of business that flourishes in a gambling town.
casino 50 brothel 12 bar 7 hotel 7 strip joint 5 restaurant 4 pawn shop 3
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tags: business gambling money casino entertainment category: 7 answers
19. tell me something you need in order to win the lottery
Winning Numbers Ticket Luck Dollar
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tags: luck money numbers strategy dreams category: no points
20. Name A Reason People Give To Play Certain Lottery Numbers
Birthdays Ages Door Numbers Personal Significance Lucky
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tags: numbers luck superstition family tradition fun category: no points
21. Name A Number That People Consider Lucky. # Only
7 77
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tags: luck numbers trivia suspense kids family category: fast money
22. Name a type of business that might use the four-leaf clover as its logo.
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tags: business good luck gambling fortune category: no points
23. Name A Casino Game Most People Don’t Know All The Rules To
Help Wanted Poker Toilet Paper Missing Person Concerts 21
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24. Name Something A Guy Might Take With Him To A Poker Game.
money 54 beer 17
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25. Name something you might see on a table when a poker game is in progress.
poker chips 45 money 24 cards 21 drinks 4
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tags: gambling entertainment cards games funny category: 4 answers
26. If you ran out of money, name something of value you might bet in a poker game.
Watch Car Ring House
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tags: gambling games entertainment money poker category: 4 answers
27. Name a card game people play for money
Texas Hold Em Bridge Cards Poker Blackjack Cribbage Hold Em
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tags: cards games gambling money family feud category: no points
28. What is your favorite casino in Las Vegas to lose all your money at?
caesar's palace 19 luxor 12 mgm grand 9 the mirage 8 harrah's 8
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tags: funny hilarious adults gambling las vegas games category: 5 answers
29. Name a sport a lot of people bet on:
horse racing 66 football 27 boxing 3 dog racing 3
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tags: sports gambling money games entertainment leisure category: 4 answers
30. Name a kind of place that's not much fun to go to unless you have a lot of spending money.
casino 53 mall 13 disney land 11 fair 5 new york city 4
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tags: casino amusement park category: 5 answers
31. Name a place people go when they might take a lot of coins with them.
casinos 62 video arcade 26 laundromat 8 bank 2
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32. Name A Place Where Youd Find Colorful Neon Lights
las vegas 23 theater 19 times square 18 bar 16 store 11 motel 8 theme park 5
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33. Name something in Las Vegas that starts with the letter "C."
Answers are hidden.
34. Give me a word that might complete the phrase "The three..."
three stooges 22 three musketeers 22 three little pigs 17 three bears 15 three blind mice 12 three wise men 6
Answers are hidden.
35. Name Something That You Can Get For Free At A Casino
drinks 49 food 33 entertainment 5
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tags: kids funny free casino entertainment learning category: 3 answers
36. name a place on your tax form where youd better not make a typo
Name Security Number Eyes Income
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37. Besides A Phone Number, Name A Set Of Numbers Most People Remember
Social Security Address Pin/Password Bank Account
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38. Name something you don't like about doing your taxes.
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tags: taxes money adults numbers paperwork category: no points
39. Name Something Kids Might Use to Help Them Count
fingers 57 flash cards 13 calculator 13 blocks 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: kids school education numbers math category: 4 answers
40. Name A Number Associated With A Used Car That You’d Want To Know Before Buying It
Price 48 Mileage 27 Year Made 15 Serial Number 6
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tags: cars vehicles transportation numbers important category: 4 answers
41. Tell Me The Most Number Of People That Could Squeeze Into A Telephone Booth (Numeric Only)
5 19 3 17 2 15 10 13 4 11 20 11 6 10
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42. Name a famous movie with a number in the title.
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43. Name something you keep in your wallet or purse that has a number on it
Permit License Driver's License
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tags: wallet purse numbers identification money category: no points
44. Name A Method People Use When Deciding What Lotto Numbers They’re Going To Play.
birthday 85 address 3 random numbers 3 anniversary date 2 id card number 2
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45. Name a number you might lie to your date about.
age 64 phone number 16 past relationships 5 weight 5
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tags: relationships numbers dating lying funny category: 4 answers
46. name an elevator button that doesnt have a number on it
Lobby Door Close Basement Open
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tags: elevator building numbers transportation funny category: no points
47. Name a profession someone should avoid if they're bad at math.
accountant 55 engineer 14 banker 8 scientist 7 cashier 6 teacher 4 architect 2
Answers are hidden.
48. Name something an accountant stocks up on for tax season.
pencils/pens 36 paper 29 forms 15 envelopes 6 stamps 5 calculators 3
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tags: work adults finance supplies taxes numbers category: 6 answers
49. When Shes Run Out Of Money What Might A Gambler Put On The Table
jewelry 43 car keys 19 credit card 14 articles of clothing 8 deed to house 6
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50. If You Were Able To See The Future, Name A Way That You’d Be Able To Make A Lot Of Money.
lottery numbers 52 betting/horse races 20 investment 18 invention 9
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tags: money future investments gambling category: 4 answers
51. What would a bank robber want to have plenty of while making his getaway?
money 37 gas 32 time 22 ammunition 3 speed 3
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52. Name something people think is bad luck.
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tags: superstition bad luck taboo category: no points
53. Name something people think brings bad luck.
black cat 47 under ladder 19 break mirror 15 open umbrella 5
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tags: superstitions bad luck kids category: 4 answers
54. Name something that a person with good luck has probably had happen to them.
won the lottery 35 found money 28 met true love 22 got a great job 8
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55. Tell me how much money an average person might lose in las vegas.
1000 500 100 200 5000
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tags: money gambling vacation adults funny category: no points
56. Name a way someone can become a millionaire
Job Marriage Investments Win Lottery Inheritance Game Show
Answers are hidden.
tags: work investments gambling inheritance winning category: no points
57. Name Something That People Are Bound To Do In Las Vegas
gamble 61 drink 15 get married 9 see a show 5 shop 4 eat too much 4
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tags: gambling shows nightlife weddings dining category: 6 answers
58. Name Something That Might Happen If You Had Bad Luck On Your Honeymoon.
Break Up 38 Bad Weather 33 Don’t Get Along 7 Miss Flight 6 Get Sick 6 Lose Luggage 5
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tags: travel vacation honeymoon bad luck category: 6 answers
59. Name a problem that you think st. patrick would be able to solve.
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tags: religion christianity luck ireland category: no points
60. When you really think about it, what's something you are lucky to have?
family 51 health 25 home 5 my life 4 friends 3 education 2
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tags: gratitude family luck appreciation category: 6 answers
61. Name A Nursery Rhyme Character With Bad Luck
Humpty Dumpty Jack/ Jill Red Riding Hood Lil Bo Peep
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tags: bad luck fairy tales kids category: no points
62. Besides money, what would you wish for if you caught a leprechaun.
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63. Name something that might be thrown from a st. patrick’s parade float.
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64. Name something people kiss for luck.
blarney stone 24 rabbit's foot 22 person 17 cross 9 4-leaf clover 5 lucky penny 5
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tags: luck tradition superstitions fun facts category: 6 answers
65. Name Something Specific You’d Probably See On A Brochure For Las Vegas.
casino/slots 32 money/coins 25 poker chips 13 bar/restaurant 12 show girls 9 fountain 6
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tags: travel gambling entertainment nightlife casinos shows category: 6 answers
66. Besides Gamble Name Something People Do In Las Vegas
drink 37 get married 28 eat 16 see shows 9 shop 7
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tags: hobbies entertainment gambling nightlife food drinks category: 5 answers
67. What sight would make it obvious that you are in an Old West Saloon and not your neighborhood bar
A Horse Cowboy Hats Cowboys Swinging Doors Guns
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tags: wild west entertainment alcohol gambling cowboys category: no points
68. Name a reason someone might say they love living in Las Vegas.
gambling 54 nice weather 12 entertainment 11 lots of money 6 bright lights 5 cost of living 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: entertainment nightlife casinos gambling shows shopping category: 6 answers
69. Give me a word or phrase containing the word "chip":
chocolate chip 31 chip off the old block 20 potato chip 20 chip dip 7 chip on shoulder 6 chipmunk 3 poker chip 3 computer chip 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: food technology gambling kids funny animals category: 8 answers
70. Name A Reason A Casino Dealer Might Complain About Someone At Their Table
cheating 44 drunk 15 smoking 12 winning too much 10 loud 7 rude 4
Answers are hidden.
tags: work adults gambling funny people money category: 6 answers
71. Name something you can see a lot of in a Las Vegas casino.
slot machines 41 patrons 24 chips 15 lights 9 show girls 4
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tags: travel adults gambling money lights funny category: 5 answers
72. What Does Las Vegas Have Per Capita That Other Cities Don’t
Money Casinos Lights Tourists Hotels Wedding Chapls Crime
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tags: population gambling tourism entertainment nightlife marriage category: no points
73. Name Something Las Vegas Has More Of Than The Average City
Casinos Bright Lights Beautiful Women Night Life Money
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tags: casinos entertainment lights tourists hotels gambling category: no points
74. Name something specific you're afraid will happen to you on Friday the 13th.
car accident 45 black cat...path 16 fall down 8 break mirror 7 die 7
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tags: superstitions fears bad luck humor funny category: 5 answers
75. Name something that might be considered a good luck charm in asia.
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tags: luck superstitions tradition animals plants category: no points
76. Tell me the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery.
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77. Name Something That Superstitious People Believe Will Bring Bad Luck.
black cat 65 breaking a mirror 18 walk under a ladder 9 number 13 3 step on a crack 3
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tags: superstitions bad luck beliefs folklore traditions category: 5 answers
78. Fill in the blank: Pamela Anderson owes her success to her _______.
body 68 face 18 baywatch 9
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tags: work tv beauty intelligence luck popularity category: 3 answers
79. Name something superstitious people think is bad luck.
black cat 39 under ladder 28 broken mirror 13 13/friday 13th 7 split in pole 5 step on cracks 2 sweep over foot 2
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tags: superstition bad luck folklore beliefs traditions category: 7 answers
80. Name A Reason A Hunter Might Say He Had A Bad Day.
Didn’t Get Anything 80
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tags: animals weather equipment luck skill category: fast money
81. Name An Occasion For Which You Might Wear Your Lucky Underwear
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
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tags: clothes luck special occasions funny category: 8 answers
82. Name something that makes spirits smile.
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tags: parties laughter peace rest good luck category: no points
83. Name something you wish you had been born with more of.
money 59 brains 11 hair 10 height 5 family 4 good looks 3
Answers are hidden.
tags: skills time patience appearance money luck category: 6 answers
84. Name something a superstitious person might carry with them on halloween night.
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tags: superstitions halloween good luck beliefs traditions category: no points
85. Name something that might annoy a gardener.
bugs 31 weeds 19 dogs 10
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tags: plants animals weather pests tools bad luck category: 3 answers
86. Name Something You Might Do When You Make A Wish
Blow Out Candles Close Eyes Cross Fingers
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tags: luck wishes dreams stars birthday kids category: no points
87. Name An Object Considered To Be Good Luck
four leaf clover 38 rabbit's foot 38 horseshoe 14 penny 9
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tags: good luck superstition school work objects category: 4 answers
88. Name Something A Pro Athlete Might Wear That’s Lucky
Socks Underwear Jewelry Shoes Athletic Supporter
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tags: sports superstitions athletes good luck clothing kids category: no points
89. Name something that people think is lucky.
four leaf clover 50 rabbit's foot 37 horsehoe 7 penny 6
Answers are hidden.
tags: lucky superstitions good luck fortune beliefs traditions category: 4 answers
90. Name something that might be shallow.
pool 39 people 21 lake 11 puddle 5 river 4 grave 3
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tags: relationships appearances material possessions knowledge emotions luck category: 6 answers
91. Name something people rub for good luck.
rabbit's foot 44 four-leaf clover 5
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tags: objects good luck superstition body parts school work category: 2 answers
92. an occasion for which you might wear your lucky underwear.
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: funny fun hilarious adults party work special occasion luck category: 8 answers
93. Name an occasion for which you might wear lucky underwear.
Hot Date 2 Job Interview 2 Casino/Gambling 1 Sporting Event 2 Wedding/Night 1 Anniversary 1 Valentine’s Day 2 Exam/Finals 1
Answers are hidden.
tags: luck underwear special occasions clothes funny work school interview animals parties category: 8 answers
94. Name a category in Trivial Pursuit
Legacy Sports And Leisure Leisure Past Chronicle History And Leisure
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tags: trivia games entertainment board games family fun education category: no points
95. Name a board game that requires the most skill
Risk Monopoly Trivial Pursuit Pursuit Scrabble Chess
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tags: games family friends trivia board games adults category: no points
96. Name A Card Or Board Game That Many Families Play Together
Monopoly Scrabble Clue Spades Cranium
Answers are hidden.
tags: family games board games cards kids funny category: no points
97. What sport would be the most boring to play as a video game?
Golf Tennis Soccer Cricket Swimming Curling
Answers are hidden.
tags: games sports boredom video games funny category: no points
98. Name An Adult Board Game
Trivial Pursuit Monopoly Chess Scrabble Pictionary
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tags: games board games adults leisure entertainment category: no points
99. Name a way you could spend a rainy day that does not require electricity.
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tags: board games crafts reading games kids category: 9 answers
100. Name A Board Game A Family Might Play Together.
monopoly 82 scrabble 9 game of life 5
Answers are hidden.
tags: family games kids board games funny category: 3 answers
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