The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something You’d Hate To Find Has Happened To Your Car While It was parked.
hit by another car 43 carjacked 17 keyed 13 broken into 10 flat tire 5 towed 4 parking ticket 3
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tags: car parking accidents animals food plants category: 7 answers
2. Name Something People Hate To Find On Their Windshield.
ticket 31 bugs 24 bird droppings 21 snow 8 a crack 7 fliers 6
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tags: parking weather animals food kids funny category: 6 answers
3. Tell me what most people hate.
skunk 43 onion 6 rotting food 6 ammonia 6 garlic 5 rotten eggs 4
Answers are hidden.
4. Name something you might try not to park your car next to
Fire Hydrant Semi Pick Up Moving Truck Big Rig Hydrant
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tags: parking vehicles cars safety animals kids category: no points
5. Name Something Youd Expect To Pay For At Disneyland
food 38 admissions 28 souvenirs 6 toys 5 parking 2
Answers are hidden.
tags: food rides souvenirs parking photos category: 5 answers
6. Tell me something warm and soothing you hate to get out of.
bathtub 54 bed 40 car 2 nightgown 2 chairs 2
Answers are hidden.
7. Name something people hate doing in the morning when they have a hangover.
getting up 68 going to work 10 talking 7 loud music/alarm 6
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8. Name Something That You Hate To Get In Your Eyes
Soap Sand Dust Smoke Insect Hair Sun
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9. Tell me a name that might be crossed out of Jennifer Lopez's address book
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tags: relationships hate books friends love category: no points
10. Name another word for "hate".
Dislike Despise Loathe Abhor
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tags: hate words synonyms emotions language category: no points
11. Name a gift kids hate to get.
clothes 56 socks 30 books 5 school supplies 3 a bath 3 pajamas 2 coal 1
Answers are hidden.
12. Name something you hate about your job.
the hours 39 boss 27 the pay 23 going 9 coworkers 7 boring 4
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13. Name something a 10 year old hates more than anything else.
cleaning 40 homework 19 taking a bath 14 brush teeth 4 getting kissed 4 school 3 sleeping 3
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14. Name A Place Cars Line Up To Get In.
car wash 35 gas station 14 drive through 8
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tags: parking fast food amusement park school grocery store doctor category: 3 answers
15. Name something people have to run to catch.
bus 44 pet 15
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tags: children funny hilarious food animals kids category: 2 answers
16. name something that gets in the way of a couple having time to spend alone with eachother
Friends Children Divorce Papers Work
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tags: children work animals hobbies friends food category: no points
17. Name something you would not like to get while trick or treating.
apple 35 toothbrush 24 vegetables 15 bad candy 11 trick 8 rocks 7
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tags: children food funny animals plants kids category: 6 answers
18. Name something that gets bigger in winter.
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tags: food animals children funny winter family category: no points
19. Name a gift you bring someone who's invited you for dinner
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tags: food drinks home decor plants animals children category: no points
20. Name Something About Your Car That’s Different When The Parking Attendant Brings It Back.
seats moved 47 radio station 5
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21. Name a big problem with owning a big car
Parking Maintenance Gas Fish Payments
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22. what do people do to avoid getting parking ticket
Park Legally Take Public Transit Move Car In Time Flirt With Checker Pay Meter Respect
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23. name a type of payment that a parking meter doesnt usually accept
Check Paper Bills Pennies Cleats Credit Card
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24. Name A Specific Place Where You Often Find The Parking Lot Full
Mall Restaurant Grocery Store Bank Doctor’s Office Sports Game
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tags: parking places school work hospital category: no points
25. Name something inconsiderate that people do in parking lots.
parking in two spots 32 take your spot 20 litter 8 scrapes 7 parking in handicap 7
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tags: parking driving manners etiquette funny category: 5 answers
26. Name a place in front of which people double park for a minute:
post office 50 store 14 bank 9 hospital 7 dry cleaners 6 airport 5 school 5
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tags: parking cars traffic convenience errands category: 7 answers
27. Name A Reason People Might Put Lawnchairs On The Sidewalk
parade 65 sunbathing 11 yard sale 7 throwing them out 4
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tags: neighbors pets community safety parking category: 4 answers
28. Name a type of ticket
Concert Sporting Event Movie Traffic Parking Airplane
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tags: school transportation travel parking concert category: no points
29. Name something you should never park in front of.
fire hydrant 78 handicap spot 6 bus stop 4 hospital entrance 4 driveway 3 red curb/zone 2
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tags: parking safety vehicles etiquette kids category: 6 answers
30. Name a type of vehicle that you’d hate to have to parallel park.
bus 33 semi 25 limo 16 van 8 suv 7 rv 5 tractor trailer 3
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31. Name something people are always looking for but rarely find.
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tags: relationships knowledge parking happiness love category: no points
32. Name Something Police Will Give You A Ticket For.
speeding 81 run stop sign 13
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tags: tickets speeding parking driving kids category: 2 answers
33. Name a complaint people have about city streets
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tags: traffic noise pollution safety parking construction category: no points
34. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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tags: traffic school work police parking airport category: no points
35. Name A Complaint Next-Door Neighbor Might Approach With
Noise Dog Yard
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tags: noise pets property kids boundaries parking category: no points
36. Name something neighbors fight over.
Parking Noise Kids Fences Lawn Pets Trees
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tags: neighbors disputes conflict boundaries noise parking category: 7 answers
37. a crime that most cops have probably committed themselves.
Speeding 1 Stealing 1 Jaywalking 1 Littering 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious police law enforcement crime speeding parking category: 4 answers
38. Name Something That Would Be Harder To Do If You Lived In Los Angeles.
drive 56 ski 29 sleep 7 breathe 6
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tags: city life commute pets parking kids funny category: 4 answers
39. Name something neighbors might have a dispute about.
loud noise 35 property line 27 dogs 24 trees 9 kids 5
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tags: home decor noise yard work pets parking privacy category: 5 answers
40. Name something you associate with the song "Old McDonald"
E-I-E-I-O Farm Farmer
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41. Name A Place Where Only A Person With No Conscience Would
Hospital Church School Funeral
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42. What should you always be on the lookout for when you're driving?
pedestrians 46 other drivers 33 police officers 7 animals 6 red lights 2 potholes 2 bicycles 2
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tags: cars pedestrians animals children category: 7 answers
43. Where Might A Pet Lover Think Their Dog Should Be Allowed?
store 33 restaurant 18 park 16 hotel 12 work 9
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44. Name something you know about godzilla.
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tags: animals movies children family funny category: no points
45. What is something people wash their hands after touching
Beef Rib Eye Meat Tenderloin Red Meat
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tags: hygiene animals children dirt germs category: no points
46. Name A Famous Cartoon Animal That You Wouldn’t Want In Your House If It Was Real.
tasmanian devil 33 mickey mouse 23 bugs bunny 21 pepe le pew 7 road runner 6 wile e coyote 4
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tags: animals cartoons funny pets children category: 6 answers
47. Where Do Many Kids Think That Babies Come From?
the stork 56 heaven 16 a cabbage patch 7 mom's tummy 7 the hospital 6 santa clause 3
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tags: kids funny animals family birth children category: 6 answers
48. Name something you put a patch on
Eye Levis Denim Wheel Inner Tube
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tags: clothing medical home animals children funny category: no points
49. name an animal that many children want for a pet but seldom get
Monkey Pony Snake French Hens Swans
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tags: animals kids pets family funny children category: no points
50. Name something you see outdoors that rhymes with the word "brain."
Train Ronald Reagan Rain John F. Kennedy
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tags: outdoors nature kids animals children funny category: no points
51. Name an animal whos name children mispronounce
Rhinoceros Elephant Hippopotamus Giraffe Alligator Crocodile
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tags: school kids funny animals children hilarious category: 6 answers
52. Name A Place You’re More Likely To Visit If You Have Kids.
zoo 43 disneyland 18
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tags: kids family children entertainment animals learning category: 2 answers
53. Tell me one fact about Angelina Jolie
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tags: actors children movies people kids animals category: no points
54. Name A Pet That Makes A Good Holiday Gift.
dog 76 kitten 12
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tags: pets animals holidays gifts children family category: 2 answers
55. Name Something A Clown Might Be Carrying
balloons 28 pie 21 flowers 14 horn 12 ball 11 umbrella 9 handkerchief 4
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tags: circus funny children entertainment animals props category: 7 answers
56. what might a man complain that his wife treats him like
Buy You A Drink? Garbage A Dog Dirt A Child
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tags: children adults funny work animals kids category: no points
57. Name a boy's pet that a mother might dread feeding
Snake Spider Lizard Frog Rat Hamster
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tags: pets kids animals funny family children category: no points
58. Name something that can ruin a mailman's day
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tags: animals weather people vehicles children dogs category: no points
59. Name a household pet you could leave by itself for a couple of days.
Cat Fish Bird Dog Snake
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tags: animals pets children family kids funny category: 5 answers
60. Name Something You’d Hate To Have Happen If You Went Up In A Hot Air Balloon.
fall out 43 pops 28 collision 23 rains 4
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tags: travel fear heights weather animals children category: 4 answers
61. Name Something Specific That Causes You Honk Car Horn
Traffic Jam Cut Off About To Crash Slow Driver Animal
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tags: traffic driving animals children funny transportation category: no points
62. Name something that slows down line at a fast food restaurant.
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63. Name A Popular Children’s Food That’s Sold In Cups
jell o 44 ice cream 31 fruit 9 yogurt 8 apple sauce 3 mac & cheese 3
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64. We asked 100 parents: Name something your kids are always asking for
New Clothes A Ride Somewhere Toys/games Sweets Money
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tags: parenting children family food funny category: no points
65. name a flavorr that kids toothpaste comes in but adults doesnt
Bubble Gum Cherry
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66. Name something that children dislike
Household+chores 30 Vegetables 28 Rain 24 School 19 Homework 14 Bedtime 9
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67. name a food that kids eat more of than adults
Macaroni And Cheese Peanut Butter/ Jelly Hot Dogs Cereal Pizza Candy
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68. Aside from athletes, name someone who sports fans complain about
Referee/Umpire Coach Other Team's Fans Announcers Team Owner
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tags: work school hospital food children category: no points
69. Name something mom might pack in a school lunch.
Sandwich Fruit Vegetables Chips Cookies Juice
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70. Name A Flavor Of Pudding
chocolate 40 vanilla 20 tapioca 11 banana 10 butterscotch 6 lemon 5 pistachio 4
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71. what are kids told to do when eating a food they dont like
Spit It Out Just Try It Eat It Anyway Leave Town Plug Your Nose
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72. Name a vegetable a parent forces a child to eat
Peas Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Carrots Brussels Sprouts Spinach Sweet Peas
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73. Name something you might find in a kid's lunch box
Juice Sandwich Snack Fruit
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tags: food school kids lunch children funny category: no points
74. Name something that people have "just one more" of
Gulp Glass Drink Water Sip
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tags: food drinks children pets office supplies category: no points
75. Name Something A Kid’s Moustache Is Often Made Of
milk 43 fake hair 21 marker/pen 14 plastic 7 kool aid 5 ketchup 3
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tags: kids food funny family friends children category: 6 answers
76. name something from art class that young children might take a taste of
Glue/ Paste Chalk Paint Clay Crayon
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tags: kids school food learning children hilarious category: no points
77. Name something that parents might think they can fix by themselves.
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tags: parenting children school behavior food funny category: no points
78. Name A Food On Kids Menu
Chicken Nuggets Hamburger Hot Dog French Fries Pizza Grilled Cheese Mac & Cheese
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tags: food kids family menu school children category: no points
79. Name a color of jelly bean that no one seems to want to eat.
Black 54 Green 25 White 12 Yellow 5 Orange 4 Pink Purple Blue Red
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tags: food kids funny family game children category: 9 answers
80. Name something most kids put in their mouths although it doesn’t taste good
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tags: kids funny family food children hilarious category: no points
81. Name something doctors tell us to avoid.
smoking 34 fat 20 salt 16 cholesterol 7 stress 4 red meat 3
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tags: health food drinks habits lifestyle children category: 6 answers
82. Name a food kids can prepare themselves
Cereal Sandwich Pizza Eggs Mac and Cheese
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tags: kids food family cooking children party category: 5 answers
83. Name a food you might find in a school cafeteria
Pizza 27 Chicken nuggets 26 Tacos 18 PBJ 16 Milk 13
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tags: work office school kids food cafeteria lunch children category: 5 answers
84. Name Something That Celebrities And Young Children Have In Common
spoiled 45 crave attention 15 have lots of toys 11 immature 10 no privacy 7 they pretend 5
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tags: children celebrities category: 6 answers
85. Name Something Associated With Melanie Griffith.
Movies 36 Actress 21 Antonio Banderas 20 Don Johnson 14 Blonde Hair 7
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86. We surveyed 100 11-year-olds...Something your mom is always telling you it's time to do.
clean room/bed 28 chores 18 go to bed 18 bathe/wash up 11 homework 10
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87. Name a sign of their child growing up that parents may have a hard time accepting.
going on dates 49 puberty 21 learning to drive 12 moving out/college 9 graduation 4 wearing make-up 3
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tags: parenthood children parenting category: 6 answers
88. Name something people do after it snows.
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89. Name Something A Grown Woman Might Lie About But A Young Girl Wouldnt
age 61 weight 28 love life 9
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90. Name Something You Do For Your Child, And Your Child Does For Her Imaginary Friend.
feed 65 talk 13 play with 13 read 4
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91. Name something a child might throw a temper tantrum over.
toy 57 candy 22 bedtime 14 no getting their way 7
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92. Name something karate experts break
Cinder Blocks Boards Ice Wood Concrete Bricks
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tags: martial arts training children category: no points
93. Name Something Associated With The Movie “The Sound Of Music.”
Singing/Songs 28 Julie Andrews 21 Mountains 20 My Favorite Things 18 Children 8 Nuns 4
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94. Name Something Children Like About The Circus
Clowns Animals Candy Floss Fun
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tags: kids family entertainment children fun category: no points
95. Name something kids ask their parents' permission to do.
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96. Name something that might melt a leprechaun's heart and cause him to give away his gold.
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tags: love kindness children friendship category: no points
97. We asked 100 people: name something a kid looks forward to.
Christmas Birthday Summertime Playing Allowance
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tags: kids family entertainment children category: no points
98. Name Something Kids Do With Bad Test Papers
Throw Away 43 Hide Them 5 Burn Them 5 Change Grade 5 Rip Them 3
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99. What do you want to be when you grow up?
1. Law Enforcement/First Responder 6 2. Veterinarian 5 3. Teacher 4 4. Doctor 4 5. Chef 2 6. Military 2
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tags: kids occupations careers children category: 6 answers
100. Name something both adults and kids do to get into trouble with their parents.
lie 48 swear 23 talk back 18 drink 4 smoke 4 steal 3
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