The following is a list of all questions related to this question.
Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name a way someone can become a millionaire
Job Marriage Investments Win Lottery Inheritance Game Show
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tags: work investments gambling inheritance winning category: no points
2. Name A Term That Describes Someone Who Comes In At First Place.
winner 79 champ 5
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tags: competition contest kids hilarious category: 2 answers
3. Name A Type Of Contest You Might Enter At A County Fair
eating 36 cooking 27 beauty 19 singing 7
Answers are hidden.
4. Name Something You Associate With Fishing
Rod Fish Bait Line Boat
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tags: outdoors recreation water food animals contest category: no points
5. Complete the statement: "i can fit ______ hotdogs in my mouth at once."
Two Three Five One Four
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tags: funny food contest challenge carnival kids category: no points
6. Name A Good Gift For Someone Who Just Graduated From College.
car 40 money 29
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tags: school graduation gift celebration category: 2 answers
7. What Is The Best Gift For Your Boss To Give You Around The Holidays?
raise/bonus 55 days off 22 holiday food 8 gift card 7 jewelry 4
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tags: work gift ideas funny adults category: 5 answers
8. Name something your co-workers might ask you to chip money in for
Presents Gifts Exchange Gifts Open Gifts Offerings Wedding Gifts Parcels
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tags: work gift office coworkers workplace category: no points
9. Name A Gift A Child May Give to A Teacher For The Holidays.
apple 32 mug 11
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tags: school kids gift teachers holidays category: 2 answers
10. Name Someone Who Could Show Up In A Will That Would Be A Big Surprise To The Deceased’s Family.
mistress/lover 49 ex 29 pet 12 unknown child 5
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tags: family inheritance surprise category: 4 answers
11. Besides family, name someone rich people might leave money to in their will
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tags: money inheritance philanthropy legacy category: no points
12. Name something that mothers pass down to their daughters.
jewelry 37 advice/wisdom 25 clothes 14 looks/genes 12 cooking/recipes 5
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tags: family women inheritance tradition genetics category: 5 answers
13. Name a possession a mother passes on to her daughter
Jewelry Band Wedding Ring
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tags: family gifts inheritance women tradition category: no points
14. If someone left 12 million dollars to a dog, what would the dog buy with it?
bones 23 dog house 12 nothing 11 lots of food 11 treats 8 new owner 3
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tags: humor pets inheritance dogs wealth animals category: 6 answers
15. If you inherited a million dollars tonight, what's the first thing you'd do tomorrow morning?
pay bills 26 move 12 sleep in 9 buy a car 7 go to bank 7 go shopping 6 quit my job 6 donate to charity 5
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tags: inheritance finance money planning priorities hypothetical category: 8 answers
16. How Can You Tell The Jewelry Your Partner Gives You Is Made Of Fake Gold?
turns skin green 56 bite it/bendable 30 scratches easily 8 have it appraised 3
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tags: jewelry gift relationship category: 4 answers
17. Name something you could give a pirate to get on their good side.
Gold Jewels Alcohol Parrot
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18. Name a valentine’s gift that is practical but not very romantic.
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tags: practical valentine's day gift category: no points
19. Name a kind of party where you would be expected to bring a gift.
Birthday Baby Shower Wedding Bridal Shower
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20. Name something a husband does for his wife when he's feeling guilty
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21. Name Something You Buy At A Hospital Gift Shop
flowers 65 card 20 balloons 10
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22. Name something you might get a witch as a cottage warming gift.
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23. Name A Gift You Received In The Past That Seems Really Out Of Style Now.
clothes 69 record player 4
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tags: gift memories funny embarrassing category: 2 answers
24. Name something you might surprise your significant other with.
flowers 37 jewelry 22 dinner 15 vacation 10 car 9 gifts 7
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25. Name A Gift You’d Be Likely To Get As A House Warming Present From Your New Neighbors.
plant/flowers 40 dessert 38 wine 15 candle 6
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tags: home neighbors gift ideas category: 4 answers
26. Name something that would be a good gift for a pirate.
gold 39 alcohol 33 sword 16 eyepatch 7 parrot 5
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tags: kids gift ideas pirate category: 5 answers
27. Name A Good Gift For A Friend Who’s Moving To Alaska
Parka 64
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tags: moving alaska gift ideas friends category: fast money
28. Name a type of jewelry a man might wear
Chain 23
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tags: jewelry men accessories fashion gift style category: fast money
29. Name someone you would send a Christmas card to.
parents 50 grandparents 23 friends 16 coworkers 6 santa 5
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tags: family friends holiday christmas gift category: 5 answers
30. Name the gift you've gotten from your spouse that you cherish the most.
ring 56 child 8 vacation 4 watch 3 clothes 3 their heart 3
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31. What Might You Buy With Fav Sports Team Logo On It
Hat Shirt Jacket Mug Ball
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tags: fashion accessories sports merchandise gift category: no points
32. Name Something You Might Gove Someone As A Housewarming Present
Plant Toaster Towell Glasses Vase
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33. name a reason why you might return the sweater you got for christmas
Itchy Already Have It Wrong Size Not Smiling Ugly
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tags: clothes gift christmas family funny category: no points
34. Name The Month Most People Start Shopping For Holiday Presents.
November 48 October 20 September 9 December 8 August 6 January 3 June 3
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tags: holiday shopping seasonal giving gift family category: 7 answers
35. Name A Popular Wedding Gift.
Toaster Money Blender
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tags: family wedding gift home kitchen appliances category: no points
36. Name Something You Buy From A Jewellery Store
Ring Watch Necklace Diamonds Jewellery
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tags: accessories engagement wedding gift luxury jewelry category: no points
37. Name A Good Gift For A High School Graduate
Car 34 Money 34 Luggage 4 Dictionary 4 Date Book 3 Back Pack 2 A Trip 2
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tags: graduation gift ideas students education future category: 7 answers
38. a popular wedding gift.
Toaster 1 Money 1 Chinaware 1 Silverware 1 Crystal 1 Blender 1 Candle 1
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tags: funny fun hilarious wedding home kitchen gift category: 7 answers
39. Name a gift you might give to your partner to apologize for something you did.
flowers 52 jewelry 16 candy 6 dinner 6
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tags: romance apology flowers chocolates gift food category: 4 answers
40. Besides A Rose, Name A Type Of Flower A Man Might Give To A Woman.
Carnation 29
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tags: plants nature romance gift ideas flowers category: fast money
41. Name a "his and hers" item that a couple might buy.
Towels Rings Bathrobes Cars Watches Shirts Sinks Pajamas
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tags: home couples relationships marriage wedding gift category: no points
42. Name a piece of jewellry
Ring Earrings Watch Necklace Bracelet
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tags: jewelry accessories fashion style luxury gift category: 5 answers
43. Name a gift a man would give his wife that she might consider an insult.
vacuum cleaner 23 appliance 9 drill 8 cookware 7 cook 6 exercise bike 5 mop 5 gym membership 4
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tags: relationships marriage gift ideas humorous adults funny category: 8 answers
44. Name something you might buy you father for Father's Day.
Tie Socks Nothing Shirt Card Gadget
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tags: father's day gift ideas family gadgets tools outdoors category: 6 answers
45. Name a gift for mom that siblings might chip in to buy.
Jewelry Flowers Television Car Perfume
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tags: mother's day gift ideas family home cooking relaxation category: no points
46. Name a complaint a high school teacher might have about her job
Children Kids The Kids Daughters Youth Babies
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tags: school work high school teachers teenagers category: no points
47. Name a trade someone might learn at vocational school.
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48. Name Something A Hollywood Stunt Person Gets Paid To Do, But Your Teen Would Get Punished For Doing.
crashing the car 43 speeding 22 fighting 17 jumping off roof 15
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49. Name a reason people take out a loan.
buy house 57 college 8 buy car 24 open business 3 marriage 2
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50. Name your favorite thing about your job.
send us your answers! 10 salary 54
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51. Name something people do once a year that they dread.
income taxes 45 christmas shop 16 doctor/dentist 10 spring cleaning 7
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52. Name something that people start up.
Car Business Conversation Lawn Mower
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53. Name a place where they have lockers you can rent.
gym 31 pool 29 train station 19 airport 14
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54. name a person who wears a black and white uniform
Referee Food Server Priest Prisoner
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55. Name something you would want to bring alive with mood slime.
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56. Name A Job That Ends With The Word “Guard.”
Lifeguard 34 Security Guard 27 Bodyguard 19 Prison Guard 7 National Guard 5 Crossing Guard 4
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57. Name something that might make you dizzy
Drinking Alcohol Spinning Around Carnival Rides Heights
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58. Duct Tape Can Fix A Lot Of Things, But Name An Expensive Item That It Would Probably Be Useless To Fix.
car/tires 37 tv/electronics 26 ring/jewelry 16 frige/appliance 13 glass/window 6
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59. Name a profession that usually has more females than males.
nursing 44 teacher 25 maid 13 hairdresser 8
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60. Other Than A Drivers License, Name Something For Which Some People Have Photo Id.
Passport 49
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tags: school work hospital gym category: fast money
61. Name a holiday most people don’t get off from work.
President’s Day 40 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 26 Valentine’s Day 18 Columbus Day 11
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62. Name another word for intelligent.
Smart Brilliant Genius Bright Wise
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63. Give me a short phrase containing the word "mind."
your own business 22 mind over matter 13 waste 13 lose my/your mind 13 mind-boggling 7
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64. Name a reason why someone might want to enlist in the army.
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65. Tell me something people jump into.
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66. Name A Profession Where Youd Have To Smile A Lot
model 41 salesperson 24 flight attendant 15 receptionist 8 news reporter 5 photographer 4 host 3
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67. Name a type of martial art
Kung Fu Tae Kwon Do Fu Karate Kwon Do Do Judo
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68. Name a profession that requires a specific degree.
Doctor Lawyer Teachers Engineer
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69. Name something that might ring.
send us your answers! 10 telephone 49
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70. Name something specific that you file:
income tax papers 38 nails 29 bills 8 receipts 4 insurance papers 3 letters 3
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71. Name a computer term that everybody knows
Wi-fi Service Megabyte Web Service World Wide Web Net Mouse Internet
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72. Name a place where kids might not be allowed to skateboard.
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73. Besides a cop, name someone who carries a badge
Security Guard Bodyguard Ward Federal Bureau Of Investi Firefighter Guard Watchman
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74. What is your excuse for not doing homework?
Forgot at home Fever Left at school Book got stolen Dog ate it
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75. Tell me an animal that starts with the letter "T."
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76. Name a sport in which foreign athletes are usually superior to Americans.
soccer 52 hockey 11 gymnastics 10 running/track 7 basketball 6
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77. Name a job that a student might have at their college.
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78. Name something specific everyone complains about.
Money Weather Taxes Work Traffic
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79. Name another word for "weak".
Frail Fragile Whimpy Feeble Limp
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80. Name something that college students consume a lot of.
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81. Besides a police officer, name a profession where it's important to carry identification.
doctor 36 firefighter 23 government employees 15 teacher 8 lawyer 6 security guard 4
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82. Name something specific you might hide:
money 68 jewelry 7 diary 5 gifts 3 keys 2
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83. What is a word people often use in place of "whatchamacallit?"
Doohickey Doohicky Thing-A-Ma-Jig Thing-A-Ma-Bob Thingy Thing-a-ma-jig
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84. Name Something A Boy Scout WouldnT Need To Start A Fire But You Do
matches 46 lighter 25 gasoline 12 kindling 11 newspaper 4
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85. Name a type of worker who often goes on strike
Factory Mill Plant Manufacturing Assembly Line
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86. Name a place where someone gives their car to a stranger.
restaurant 38 auto mechanic 34 car wash 13 hotel 8
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87. Name an occupation in which a man would meet a lot of women
Medico Bartender Stylist
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tags: work school parties bar gym dating category: no points
88. Name a kind of place where people pretend to be paying attention.
school 51 church 29 meeting 7 movies 4 concert 3 sports event 2
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89. Name Something A Teacher Might Use To Help Them Teach Their Class
books 28 computer 23 chalkboard 13 maps 13 videos 11 newspaper 5
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90. Name something that might set off a metal detector in an airport.
keys 34 belt buckle 23 gun 15 change 9 knife 7 watch 6
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91. Name something you associate with fingers
Counting Hands Toes Nails Rings
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92. Name a month with 31 days.
january 44 july 19 october 9 march 8 december 8 may 5
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93. Name a type of person who carries a sword.
knight 26 marine 21 gladiator 15 samurai 11 musketeer 6 soldier 6
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94. Name something you see on a student's desk
Calculator Pen Pencil
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95. What are some uses of paper?
To write on Wrapping something To make cards Paper bags Arts and crafts
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96. Name something you might learn how to make in shop class.
birdhouse 52 bookshelf 22 dresser 16 candlestick 10
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97. Name something you might think twice about getting rid of.
Clothes Spouse Car Pet
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98. Give me another expression for prison.
jail 54 penitentiary/pen 16 the joint 6 the slammer 5 big house 4 hoosegow 3
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99. Name something People Drink To Keep Them Awake
coffee shop 71 energy drink 16 soda 9 tea 3
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100. Name an occupation where you don't have to look your best.
trash collector 17 miner 16 construction 14 janitor 12 telemarketer 10 gardener 7
Answers are hidden.
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