All "Work" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name a job that youd want your husband to have just for the sexy uniform
Police Army Construction Fireman
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2. name a job you need a license for
Medicine Bartender Real Estate Pilot Driver
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3. name a job you should never apply for if you dont like waking up early
Newspaper Deliverer Doctor Construction Worker Baker Mail Carrier Milk Deliverer
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4. name a job youd suspect a muscular person might have
Personal Trainer Wrestling Bouncer Furniture Mover Construction Worker Bodyguard
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5. name a less interesting part of the job that the tv show cops probably doesnt show
Booking Pudding Lunch Traffic Violation Tomato Sauce Paperwork Driving/waiting
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6. name a nuisance most people have to deal with if they work downtown
Parking Noise Crowds Commute
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7. name a perfect job for somebody who wants to spend all day on a golf course
Golfer Cooking Instructor Lawn Mower Caddy
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8. name a perk that would make you accept a job despite a lower salary
Company Car Benefits Paid Vacation Time Hours
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9. name a person who wears a black and white uniform
Referee Food Server Priest Prisoner
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10. name a phrase that ends with the word dating
Speed Dating Double Dating Blind Dating Online Dating
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11. name a place that a teenager might try to sneak into
Bedroom R Rated Movie Bar/danceclub
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12. name a place where people always seem to have to cram into
Car Elevator Bathroom Roller Rink Public Transport
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13. name a place where you might be given a ticket
Vacation Highway Movie Theater Schoolyard
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14. name a place where you take a number before being served
Dmv Vacation Deli Bakery
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15. name a place where you wish people wouldnt answer their cell phones
At Work Place Of Worship Library Movie Theatre In The Bathroom
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16. name a profession in which a man might go by a title other than mr
Doctor Professor
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17. name a profession in which you might drive a van
Mover Delivery Person Taxi Driver
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18. name a profession where you can lay down on the job
Clergy Fireman Drug Dealer Plumber Yoga/ Exercise Inst Mechanic
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19. name a profession where youd often say good job to someone
Teacher Photographer Sales Host News Reporter Police Coach
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20. name a public place where there is often a line for the bathroom
Movie Theatre Mall Concert Stadium
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21. name a question a taxi driver must hear a lot
Honesty How Much Do I Owe? Can You Hurry? Know Where This Is? Doing This Long? Shopping Center
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22. name a real occupation a little kid might idolize like a superhero
Firefighter Astronaut Doctor Singer
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23. name a reason why employees might get to go home early
Slow Day Too Much Paperwork Sick Bad Weather Fired Shares It With Child Holiday
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24. name a reason why people dread going to the dmv
Failing Test Preservatives Picture Taken Long Lines Expensive
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25. name a reason why someone might not get their hair cut
It's Winter Preservatives Save Money Growing Hair Out They're Bald
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26. name a reason you may quickly go on an unscheduled vacation
Boring Stress Business Trip Family Emergency Running From The Law
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27. name a skill a cowboy would put on his resume that wouldnt apply to your job
Horseback Riding Nice Weather Roping Shooting A Gun Riding In Rodeo
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28. name a specific complaint that many people have about their bosses
Bad Mood Mean Lazy Has Favorites Pays Too Little Micromanages Snobby
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29. name a specific reason why youd give your waitress a lousy tip
Rude Wrong Order Cold Food Slow Service Friday
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30. name a summer job a teenager would have to get training for
Lifeguard Fast Food Cook Waiter Babysitter Office Clerk Cashier Camp Counselor
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31. name a task that requires you to use a ladder
Roofing Stuffy Head Cooking Painting Window Cleaning Clean Gutters
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32. name a term or phrase with the word horse in it
Stuffy Head Horsing Around Horseshoe Whippersnapper Charley Horse Horseplay
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33. name a term that starts with the word final
Final Exam Final Answer Whippersnapper Final Countdown Final Destination Stuffy Head
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34. name a test that people get very nervous about taking
Pregnancy Test Drug Test Flop Sat/act Test Bluff Driving Test
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35. name a type of company which does especially brisk business during the winter
Ski Resort Gas Company Coffee Shops Wal Mart Snow Removal Toy Store
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36. name a type of professional who could not get away with having dirty hands
Nurse Cleaning Person Doctor Police Chef Accountant
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37. name a way to tell that your boss is about to start yelling
Accent Eyes Narrowed Red Face Lost
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38. name a way you may show your boss that you are interested in them romantically
Wink Flirt Send Flowers Send A Note Tell Them
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39. name a website people often visit while they should be working
Ebay Facebook Google Youtube Myspace
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40. name a word or expression that describes someone whos inexperienced
Novice Rookie Amateur Virgin Naive Green Ignorant
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41. name a word that means the same as coward
Chicken Yellow Belly Scaredy Cat Freeze Pause Moly
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42. name an accessory you might be given on your first day working at a factory
Name Tag Gloves Hard Hat Retail Ear Plugs Safety Glasses
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43. name an activity that you must pass a test before doing
Graduating Swimming/lifeguard Driving
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44. name an age at which people dont want to get any older
40 25 21 30 50
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45. name an age that many people look forward to
16 21 25 18
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46. name an article of clothing thats too sexy for a woman to wear to the office
Swimsuit Mini Skirt Bra
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47. name an occupatin that involves lifting boxes
Mover Wedding Delivery Person Warehouse Stocker Baptism
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48. name an occupation in which the uniforms look a lot like pajamas
Baptism Doctor Custodian Wedding Nurse
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49. name an occupation in which you might need to send a photo in order to be considered
Baptism Model Actor Wedding Photographer
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50. name an occupation in which youd be at greater risk of having a hernia
Wedding Mover Weight Lifter Construction Nurse
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