All "Traffic" Related Family Feud Questions
1. name something police cars do that youd be ticketed for doin
Tailgate Run Red Light Speed U Turns Tie
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category: no points
2. what do drivers do when they see a police car behind them
Panic Text Message Slow Down Arrive Late Pull Over Look In Mirror Chew Gum
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category: no points
3. what do people do to avoid getting parking ticket
Park Legally Take Public Transit Move Car In Time Flirt With Checker Pay Meter Respect
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category: no points
4. what might a bicyclist use to keep safe at night
Neon Clothes Headlight Reflectors
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category: no points
5. what might a driver fail to do that could cause an accident
Signal Stop Beg For A Date Pay Attention Say Wrong Name Yield
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category: no points
6. whats the first thing you do when a cop pulls you over
Get License Roll Down Window Swear Panic
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category: no points
7. why might a cop who pulls someone over not give them a ticket
Dirver Is Cute Driver Cries Just A Warning Light Out Driver Flirts Cop Is Nice Cop Is A Friend
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category: no points
8. Name a reason why a car would be pulled over on the side of the road
Out Of Gas Stopped By Police Flat Tire Broke Down Accident
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category: no points
9. Name a reason people don't like living next door to an airport
People Remote Noise Airplanes
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category: no points
10. Name a moving violation you might get ticketed for
Boogers Speeding Hostile Running A Red Light Running A Stop Sign Broken Tail Light
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category: no points
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