All "Shoes" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something a woman is always shopping for
Tee-shirts Blouses
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category: no points
2. Name something that husbands think their wives spend too much money on
Fur Shirt Garment Dress Jacket Jeans
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category: no points
3. What is something women buy which men think is a waste of money
Soap Cosmetics Eyeshadow
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category: no points
4. Name something a person might forget to put on if they leave the house in a hurry
Sports Coat Fur Coat Parka Windbreaker Blazer Coat Jacket
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category: no points
5. Name something women get excited about
Purchasing Buying Mall Boutique Store Jewelry Shopping
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category: no points
6. Name something that some women's lives seem to revolve around
Spouse Clothes Kids Job
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category: no points
7. Tell me an occupation in which you deal with people's feet
Masseuse Reflexologist Manicurist Shoes Saleman Podiatrist
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category: no points
8. Name something women wear that hurts
Girdle/corset Ronald Reagan Thong John F. Kennedy Shoes/heels Bra
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category: no points
9. name a type of footwear that you couldnt wear while bowling
Sneakers Cleats High Heels Sandals Boots
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category: no points
10. name something men trade in for a new one once it gets old
Troll Pair Of Shoes Wife Car Beast
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category: no points
11. name something of her husbands that a woman might wear
Hat Shirt Boxers
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category: no points
12. name something people own many of but only use their few favorites
Articles Of Clothing Soda Cds
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category: no points
13. name something specific youd never buy without trying it on
Bathing Suit Pants Shoes
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category: no points
14. name something that needs to be shiny if you want to impress people at the bowling alley
Shirt Jewelry Shoes Ball
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category: no points
15. name something that youre more likely to have happen when you wear high heels
Blister Fall Sore Feet Twist Ankle
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category: no points
16. name something you have to wear in order to be let in to some restaurants
Shoes Suit Jacket Tie Shirt Sweaters
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category: no points
17. what would you wear to a job fair but not to a county fair
Tie Graduation Tassel Suit High Heels
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category: no points
18. Name something of yours that's falling apart
Body Life
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category: no points
19. Women can never have too many purses. What's something men can never have enough of
Clothes Tools Women
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category: no points
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