All "Play" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something that parents encourage children to do
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category: no points
2. Name something a kid might dress up as for his school's Thanksgiving pageant
Colonist Settler Puritan Pilgrim
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category: no points
3. Name something kids take turns doing when they come from a big family
Going To Bathroom Toilet Lavatory Restroom Bathroom
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category: no points
4. Name a piece of equipment you would find at a playground
Teeter-totter See-saw Tire Swing Water Slide Swing Seesaw
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category: no points
5. Name a toy you might find in a little boy's room
Truck Teddy Cars
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category: no points
6. Name something that kids do when they skip school
Cruise Go To Movies Go To Mall Fish Go To Park Play Videos Go To Beach
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category: no points
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