All "Marriage" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name An Important Date Some Men Forget.
Wedding Anniversary 51
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2. If Your Husband Had His Say, What Activity Would He Want You To Do On A “Romantic” Date?
Sports Game 46
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category: fast money
3. We Asked 100 Husbands: Name Something You Wish Your Wife Would Do Less Of Around The House.
Clean 39
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4. Name A Famous Woman Who’d Probably Make Her Husband Sign A Pre-nuptial Agreement.
Oprah 40
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category: fast money
5. Name Something A Wife Likes To Her From Her Husband
I Love You 60
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6. Name An Excuse Married Men Give For Not Wearing a Wedding Ring.
Doesn’t Fit Lost It
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category: no points
7. Name something a woman does right after a marriage proposal
Cry Say Yes
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category: no points
8. Name something couples exchange when they get married
Vows Rings
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9. Name Something A Groom Hate To Lose Before Wedding
Ring Bride Tux
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10. Name Something A Couple Shouldn’t Do Until They Have Known Each Other For A Long Time.
Become Intimate Get Married Live Together
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11. Past Or Present, Name A TV Couple Whose Marriage You Don’t Want To Emulate.
Al/ Peggy Bundy Homer/Marge Simpson RoseAnn/ Dan Conner Archie/Edith Bunker
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12. Man Do On First Date To Be Husband Material
Open Door Pay Bring Flowers Cook Dinner
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13. Something Woman Do To Show Affection A Man Rarely Does
Kiss Cuddle Hug Hold Hands
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14. Name A Specific Sign Of Affection Woman Wants From Husband
Kiss Hug Flowers/ Gifts Holding Hands
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15. Marriage About To Fail, What Do You Do To Save It
Counseling Talk Vacation More Time Together
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16. Name Something Most Women Want To Be Successful At
Work Parenting Cooking Marriage
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17. Name Something A Person Might Do Differently Around Their Partner Once They’re Married
Show affection Dress Clean Communicate
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18. Married People Only: How Many Guests Did You Invite To Your Wedding? Numeric Only Please.
100 20 200 150 300
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19. Name Someone In A Man’s Life Who You’D Want To Meet Before Marrying Him
Parents Kids Best Friend Sublings Ex
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20. Name The Youngest Age A Person Should Get Married
20 18 25 21 22
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21. Name The Most Important Occasion In A Mans Life
Marriage Becoming A Dad His First Car 21st Birthday His Birth
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22. Name Something A Couple Might Save From Their Wedding Day
Cake Pictures Ring Wedding Dress Cake Or Ornament Flowers
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23. What Does Las Vegas Have Per Capita That Other Cities Don’t
Money Casinos Lights Tourists Hotels Wedding Chapls Crime
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24. Profession That Would Make Women Think Twice About Marrying
Policeman Garbage Man Lawyer Stripper Truck Driver Drug Dealer Fireman
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25. You Use Cheese To Catch A Mouse, But What Do You Use To Catch A Spouse?
Money Looks Food Smile Love Flirting Flowers
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26. Most Important Thing Couple Has To Pick Out For Wedding
Rings Dress Cake Location Date Flowers Menu
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27. Name Something A Man Does That Gets Him In The Doghouse With His wife.
Infidelity Lie Stay Out Late Go Out Drinking Forget A Birthday Have An Argument Forget Anniversary
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28. Name a famous woman who has had a lot of husbands
Liz Taylor Zsa Zsa Gabor Taylor Electra Carmen Electra Elizabeth Taylor Gabor
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29. Name something associated with Prince Charles
Prince William The Peoples Princess Princess Diana Peoples Princess Diana Big Ears
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30. Name a purchase you should consult your spouse about before making
Vehicle Automobile
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31. According to married women: What do you do while your husband watches sports on TV
Prepare Dinner Clean Tidy Dust Scrub Roast Neaten
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32. According to women: Name something your husband hates about your friends
Newsmongering Rumors Gossip Nightclub Backchat Empty Talk Going Out
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33. Name something a woman should change after getting divorced
Family Name Last Name Surname Name Nest Egg Account Moniker
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34. Name something a wife might be desperate for
Jalopy Days Off Car Vehicle Automobile
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35. According to married men: Name something your father-in-law is most critical about
Childcare Fathering Rearing Raising Care Giving Parenting Mothering
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36. According to married women: If you did not cook for your husband, what would he do
Dinner Roast Prepare Dinner Bake Make Dinner Cook
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37. According to women: Name something you do to let your man know you are mad at him
Noiseless Quiet Mum Soundless Ignore Hushed Silent Treatment
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38. Name something every wife would like more of from her husband
Regard Mindfulness Notice Courtesy Civility Awareness Attention
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category: no points
39. According to men: What does George Clooney have that you don't
Coinage Cash Currency
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40. According to married women: Name something in your home your husband doesn't know how to clean
Shower Bathtub Commode Latrine Loo
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41. According to married women: Name something your husband knows you spend money on but has no idea how much
Skirt Shirts Socks Clothes Style
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42. Name something women fall out of
Romance Adoration Hug
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43. Fill in the blank: Every girl wants to marry a _____
Valuable Man Millionaire Rich Man Wealthy Billionaire Loaded
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44. Name something that chauvinistic males command their wives to do
Roast Make Dinner Cuisine Prepare Dinner Bake
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45. Name something a wife might change about herself that her husband would not notice
Dye Hair Hair
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46. Name a place where a woman might go to meet a rich husband
Hot Nightspot Golf Course Swanky Club Country Club Party Club Nightclub
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47. Name the hardest part about being a homemaker
Forever Never-ending Always More Ongoing Does Not End Lasts Forever No End
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48. Name something men say they hate to give up when they get married
Emancipation Celebrating Autonomy Liberty Drinking Freedom Merrymaking
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49. Name something men think women do more of after they are married
Groan Protest Complain Remonstrate Moan Whine Grippe
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50. Name the first thing a newly-married couple fights about
Currency Wealth Bucks
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category: no points
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