All "Finances" Related Family Feud Questions
1. According to married women: Name something a husband better not buy without consulting them first.
vehicle 38 funiture 10 house 8 clothes 7 anything 6 television 3
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category: 6 answers
2. Name Something Teens May Be Afraid Of When Moving Away To College
expenses 41 being alone 25 leaving home 12 making new friends 5 difficult classes 4 new roommate 3
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category: 6 answers
3. Name Something A Couple Starts Fighting About Once They Move In Together
money 41 space 38 cleaning 7 bathroom 7 tv 4
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category: 5 answers
4. Name A Monthly Bill Where The Amount Changes Every Month.
electric 41 phone 24 gas bill 21 credit card 7 water 4
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category: 5 answers
5. Name something men think they know more about than women.
cars 52 sports 33 driving 8 everything 7
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category: 4 answers
6. Name something you worry you won't have money for.
retirement 31 bills 19 college 17 food 6 gas 6 entertainment 5 new car 4 medical 3
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category: 8 answers
7. If a millionaire loses his money, name something else he might lose.
mate/family 30 mind/sanity 29 house 17 dignity/respect 12 friends 3 the limo 2
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category: 6 answers
8. Name the first thing you would spend money on if you won the lottery.
house 39 car 20 travel 14 debts 8 children 7
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category: 5 answers
9. Name something a wife tells her husband he needs to change.
clothes 48 attitude 25 hair 5 staying out late 4 eating habits 3 job 3
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category: 6 answers
10. Name something you have that you hope someday to get rid of.
excess weight 21 bills/debt 20 car 15 junk/trash 10 spouse/mate 8 pain/ailments 7
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category: 6 answers
11. Name someplace in the house where people hide their money.
under mattress 65 freezer 11 drawer 8 vault 3 coffee can 3
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category: 5 answers
12. Name Something You Buy To Save Money In The Long Run.
Economical Car 36 House/Improvement 26 Stocks/Savings Plan 15 washer/Appliance 9 Insurance 6 Groceries 5
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category: 6 answers
13. Name A Reason Someone Might Chop Up His Credit Card
Maxed Out Expired Paid It Off Fraud Got A New One
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category: no points
14. Name A Bill You'd Be Afraid To Pay Late
Electricity Council Tax Rent Gas Child Support
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category: no points
15. Which Luxuries Are People Least To Give Up When On A Budget
Food Car Cable TV Cell Phone Vacation Shopping Coffee
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category: no points
16. As Newlyweds Name Something You Disagreed On How To Do
Spend Money Cook Children Household Chores Show Affection Communicate Decorate
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category: no points
17. Name something men fear about getting older
Going Bald Hair Loss Of Hair Salt And Pepper Weight Gain Balding Grey
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category: no points
18. Name a reason why you might have to cut your vacation short
Illness Sickness Malady Distemper Infirmity
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category: no points
19. Name something people often lie about
Adolescence Age Teenage Maturing
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category: no points
20. Name something people do when they are short on cash
Loan Lend Iou Borrow Visa Owe
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category: no points
21. According to men: Name a way you might know that a woman is rich
Gemstone Earring Necklace Jewelry Bracelet Gold
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category: no points
22. If you inherited a million dollars tonight, what's the first thing you'd do tomorrow morning
Sleep In Go Shopping Quit My Job Pay Bills Go To Bank Buy A Car Move
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category: no points
23. Name a famous person who's known for giving advice
Wine/alcohol Dr. Ruth Cigars Dear Abby Dr. Phil
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category: no points
24. Name something you own that might get repossessed
Taxi Airfare Subway Skating Rink Car
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category: no points
25. Name something a man might charge on a credit card that would make his wife suspect he's cheating on her
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category: no points
26. We surveyed 100 men...Name something men worry about more than women
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category: no points
27. We surveyed 100 men...Name something you've learned the hard way to never criticize a woman about
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category: no points
28. If you lost your job, name something you'd stop spending money on
Gasonline Clothes Eating Out
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category: no points
29. Name a job that you hire a professional to do but your parents probably didn't
Plumbing Car Repair Lawn Care Large Appliance
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category: no points
30. name an advantage of renting a home versus owning one
No Taxes No Mortgage Can Move No Upkeep/ Yardwork Don't Make Repairs
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category: no points
31. name something a teen dreads talking to their parents about
Hammer Future/goals Romance School
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category: no points
32. what is something a divorced couple will stop sharing
Bed Wrestling House Rugby
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category: no points
33. We asked 100 married women: Name something you almost have to force your husband to spend money on
Dine Out Clothes Vacation Home Repairs
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category: no points
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