All "Dating" Related Family Feud Questions
1. if you were dating someone 10 years younger name something specific you might have more experience with
Hair Salon/barber Dating Intimacy Finances Raising Kids
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2. in which job would a single person have an easy time getting dates
Model Bartender Waitstaff Towel Shirt Salesperson
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3. name a popular pickup line
Hey Baby Do I Know You Fall From Heaven? Come Here Often? What's Your Sign How You Doing
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4. name a reason why you might suspect that your blind date is actually a robot
Getting Married Voice Remodeling No Emotions Stiff Movement Made Of Metal No Personality
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5. name a relationship move that even a strong woman might wait for her partner to make first
Proposing Marriage Initiating Intimacy First Kiss Saying I Love You Housework
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6. name a way that you can tell someone has been kissing
Lipstick Smeared Lips Are Red Hickey Blushing Chapped Lips
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7. name something a teen dreads talking to their parents about
Hammer Future/goals Romance School
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8. name something a woman might say she needs before she accepts a marriage proposal
Time To Think Parents' Approval Ring Prenuptial Agreement
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9. name something people do differently for a first date than for a 20th date
Eat Open Doors Show Affection Dress
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10. name something that an unhappily married couple may no longer do together
Sleep Show Affection Have Kids Eat Meals Marital Status
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11. name something thats hard to guess about a woman youre just meeting
Name Rafts Personality Age
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12. name something you could do after a successful first date that would prevent you from getting a second date
Call Too Much Not Call Water Bottle Kiss Umbrella Say I Love You
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13. we asked 100 single men what would you love for a woman to love as much as you do
Live Together Being Physical Fishing Sports Balance Work & Home
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14. we asked 100 women name a place where you see lots of handsome men
Bar Heels Live Together Shopping Center Beach
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15. what might a cowboy do in order to catch a womans eye
Wink Lasso Skills Two Step Ride A Horse Tip His Hat
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16. what might a man ask a woman who hes trying to pick up
Buy You A Drink? Whats Your Sign? What's Your Name? How Old Are You? Phone Number?
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17. what might a man refuse to do early in a relationship that would make his new girlfriend suspect he was married
Go Out In Public Introduce Her Kiss Give Phone Number Invite Her Over Stay Overnight
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18. what occupation might your blind date say they have that would make you guess they were attractive
Hair Stylist Model Athlete Actor
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19. without saying anything what might your date do to make you worry that you have bad breath
Refuse A Kiss Cover/plug Nose Offer Gum/mint Turn Head Away
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20. If you were dating someone 10 years older, about what might you have different tastes
Music Pillow Showing Affection Food
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21. Name a good excuse to get your date to come inside at the end of the night
Nightcap Cold Out Coffee Use The Bathroom
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22. We asked 100 women: Name an animal which best describes your last blind date
Dog Cat
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23. Name something you might find in a person's shopping cart if they're planning on a romantic dinner
Candles Strawberries Bottle Of Wine Whipped Cream Champagne
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24. Name something a man spends more money on when he's in a relationship
Speed Flowers Gifts Eating Out
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25. Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile
Looks Income Spare Tire Their Age Profession Their Weight
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26. Name a way you might get ready for a date
Shower Coca Cola Buy Clothes Fix Hair Get Dressed
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