All "Career" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name Something A Woman Might Wear To Appear More Professional.
Business Suit 54 Dress/Skirt 20 Glasses 15 High Heels 11
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category: 4 answers
2. Name a job title someone might have in a big company.
CEO 39 President 29 Vice President 16 Supervisor 8 Manager 3
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category: 5 answers
3. Name A Job, Often Depicted On TV, That You’ve Dreamt Of Having Yourself.
Doctor 30 Police Officer 26 Actor 16 Lawyer 12 Detective 7 Model 5
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category: 6 answers
4. Name Something That A Child Star Has To Do That The Average Kid Doesn’t.
Work 44
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category: fast money
5. Something About Current Job Better Than Former Job
Pay Boss Hours Co-Workers
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category: no points
6. Name Something Most Women Want To Be Successful At
Work Parenting Cooking Marriage
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category: no points
7. Name Something About The Future People Discuss With A Psychic
Love Life Money Their Marriage Who They'll Marry Their Life
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category: no points
8. Name A Reason Your Parents Might Want You To Join The Army
Earn A Living See The World Make Them Proud Grow Up No Other Prospects
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category: no points
9. Name Something That An Employer Not Allowed To Ask Interview
Age Race Religion Sexual Orientation Have Kids Weight Marital Status
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category: no points
10. Name Something A Taxi Driver Would Have To Stop Doing In Order To Be A Respectable Hearse Driver.
Stop Speeding Cursing Smoking Chatting Charging Fare Honking Picking People Up
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category: no points
11. Name a good college major if you want to make a lot of money
Medicine Business Programming Administration Medical School Computers Mba
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category: no points
12. What do you think your occupation would be if you had a genius IQ
Physicist Biologist Scientist Chemist Doctor Physician Medico
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category: no points
13. Name a job that requires a truck
Ups Building Delivery Fedex Pizza Delivery Carpenter
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category: no points
14. According to women: What career would the perfect man have
Entrepreneur Business Owner Physician Medico Owner Proprietor
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category: no points
15. Name a job where you might have to work all night
Bodyguard Security Guard Police Officer Ward Watchman Fuzz
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category: no points
16. Besides a doctor, name a profession people think has really smart people on it
Solicitor Attorney Litigator Barrister Advocate
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category: no points
17. Name a popular college major
Nursing Liberal Arts Law Engineering Business Administration
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category: no points
18. Name a famous person who's known for giving advice
Wine/alcohol Dr. Ruth Cigars Dear Abby Dr. Phil
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category: no points
19. What might you do right after your boss says, "You're fired"
Clean Out Desk Leave Ask/wonder Why Hit Him/revenge Look For A Job Cry Tell Them Off
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category: no points
20. Name a job that's hard to get if you have a prison record
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category: no points
21. Name an occupation many women fantasize about having
CEO President Reunion Birthday Birth Of Child
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category: no points
22. give a reason a person would be afraid to change careers
No Experience Pay Cut Age Fear Failure Lose Job Security
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category: no points
23. name a college major that might be useless when looking for a job
Philosophy Art English
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category: no points
24. name a foreign language a large corporation may require its employees to learn
German Frozen Pizza Chinese Spanish French
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category: no points
25. name something you wish your relatives would stop asking you about
Money Love Life Job
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category: no points
26. Besides asking for a raise, tell us something else people ask their bosses for
Vacation Bigger Office Promotion Respect Over Time
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category: no points
27. Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative
Accountant Secretary Fast Food Worker Police Officer
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category: no points
28. Name a reason where you might not get hired after an interview
Bad Attitude Phone Rings Being Late Inappropriate Attire Lying
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category: no points
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