All "Babies" Related Family Feud Questions
1. Name something babies require a lot of.
attention 30 milk 22 love 14 sleep 9 nappies 8 cuddles 6 care 6 food 3
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category: 8 answers
2. Name something first-time parents are surprised their baby does so much.
cries 44 goes potty 12 laughs/smiles 10 sleeps 10 eats 8 talks 5
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category: 6 answers
3. What Are Some Milestones That A Baby Reaches In Their First Year?
walking 60 crawl 15 first word 13 first tooth 5 sitting up 3 smiling 3
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category: 6 answers
4. Name Something That Parent Of A Baby Is Constantly Listening For
crying 62 breathing 32 first words 5
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category: 3 answers
5. Name something babies have that their parents think is adorable.
dimples 39 sweet smile 21 chubby cheeks 14 baby fat 13 tiny toes/feet 5 curls/hair 3
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category: 6 answers
6. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach it.
cry 43 eat 16 smile 8 crawl 7 dribble 5 walk 3
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category: 6 answers
7. If Stuck With No Diapers, What Might A Desperate Parent Use Instead?
towel 48 shirt 14 napkins 13 rag 12
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category: 4 answers
8. Name Something A First-Time Parent Would Need To Do Before The Baby Was Born.
buy a crib 39 buy clothes 23 buy diapers 21 baby shower 7 parenting classes 5
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category: 5 answers
9. Name something a new Mom spends a lot of time doing.
breast feeding 39 changing diapers 35 feeding with a bottle 12 holding the baby 9
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category: 4 answers
10. Name Something A Mother-To-Be Might Ask Her Friends’ Advice On Before The Baby Is Born.
names 31 feeding 26 labor pain 15 potty training 10 must have items 9 sleeping schedule 7
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category: 6 answers
11. Name Something Babies And Puppies Have In Common.
cute 34 drooling 17 need attention 13 playful 9 sleep alot 8 cry 8
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category: 6 answers
12. Name Something On A Baby That Might Be Described As “Chubby”.
cheeks 48 legs 32 belly 7 arms 5 hands 3 feet 3
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category: 6 answers
13. Name something that almost everyone is born with a natural fear of:
darkness 24 falling 14 snakes 11 heights 10 death 9 fire 8 water 6 loud noise 5 bugs 5 pain 2
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category: 10 answers
14. Name a place parents should not be allowed to bring babies.
movies 43 church 12 restaurant 5 work 5 concerts 4 store 4
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category: 6 answers
15. Name Something A Baby Spends A Lot Of Time Doing.
Sleeping 66 Crying 22 Eating 6 Going To The Bathroom 2
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category: 4 answers
16. Name Something You Hope Doesn’t Happen When Holding Someone’s Baby.
Have To Change diaper 43 Drop It 24 Spit Up On You 16 Cry 9 Snneze/Cough On Baby 8
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category: 5 answers
17. Name Something New Dads Do Immediately After The Birth Of Their New Baby.
Hand Out Cigars 35
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category: fast money
18. Name Something A Couple With A Baby Might Take Turns Doing.
Feeding 30
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category: fast money
19. Name something you hope doesn’t happen when you’re holding a baby
Fall 24
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category: fast money
20. What would you name a boy born on Thanksgiving?
Tom Pilgrim
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category: no points
21. Name Something A Parent Wants To See Baby Do 1St Time
Walk Talk Smile Crawl
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category: no points
22. Why Might Parents Wait Until After The Baby Is Born To Give It A Name?
Find Out Sex Looks Personality Indecisive
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category: no points
23. What Do New Parents Wish Baby Learn Quickly
Potty Train Walk Talk Sleep Eat
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category: no points
24. Name Something Babies Need A Lot Of.
Milk Love Attention Diapers Sleep
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category: no points
25. How Many Times A Mother Changes Newborns Diaper
4 5 6 7 8 10 12
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category: no points
26. Name Something A Baby Can’t Do On Own At Birthday Party
Blow Out Candles Sing Eat Open Presents Cut Cake Drink Make Small Talk
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category: no points
27. If babies could talk, name something they might ask for
Suppers Nutrients Food Tucker Lunches Sandwiches Meals
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category: no points
28. Name a reason a baby might be cranky that is also a reason some grown-ups are cranky
Peckish Sleepy Famished Snoozy Starving Needs Nap Hungry
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category: no points
29. When Paris Hilton was a baby, what do you think her first word was
Cash Coinage Currency Wealth Bucks Riches
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category: no points
30. Name a part of a baby's body that is chubby
Gut Cheeks Visage
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category: no points
31. Name something people do to try to get a baby to go to sleep
Cuddle Rock Carry Chants Hug Embrace
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category: no points
32. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach it
Crawl Cry Eat Dribble
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category: no points
33. Tell me something that smells great when it's new
Sneakers Car Upholstery Microwave Chain-link Leather
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category: no points
34. If you were a baby, tell me a reason you'd cry
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category: no points
35. Name something a baby does that you don't have to teach him
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category: no points
36. What's the first thing a wife does after learning she's pregnant
Call Mother Cries Freaks Out Tells Her Husband Lake Tells Her Friends
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category: no points
37. Name something that might keep new parents awake at night
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category: no points
38. Name a way that parents pose their babies in portraits that they don’t pose their older kids
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category: no points
39. What might a new parent wish their baby would learn to do quickly to make life easier
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category: no points
40. Name something parents do to try and make a baby laugh
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category: no points
41. name a keepsake that people put in their babys scrapbook
First Tooth Booties Pictures Hospital Bracelet Foot/hand Print Lock Of Hair
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category: no points
42. name something some babies have that other babies dont
Teeth Hair Dimples Fuller Brushes Birthmarks Colic
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category: no points
43. name something some people make for their baby instead of buying it
Blanket Baby Food Diapers
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category: no points
44. what do most parents use to quiet their baby
Rocking Bottle Music Pacifier
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category: no points
45. Name something babies throw out of the crib
Blanket Pillow Rattle Philippines Bottle Pacifier
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category: no points
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