No Points Family Feud Questions
1. Name a dessert that might come in red, white, and blue
Cake Jello Cookies Pickles Popsicles
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category: no points
2. Name something you would miss if you were not in the U.S. for the 4th of July
Cookouts Flags Celebrating Fireworks Parades
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category: no points
3. Name a reason where you might not get hired after an interview
Bad Attitude Phone Rings Being Late Inappropriate Attire Lying
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category: no points
4. Tell me something people do at home when they can't afford to go out
Papaya Home Cooked Meal Watch Movies Watch Tv
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category: no points
5. Name a reason you might not answer the door when you're home
Jehovah's Witness Sales Person Using The Bathroom Bill Collector
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category: no points
6. Name an item of clothing you remove at the door
Scarf Boots Coat Bill Collector
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category: no points
7. Name something you might see in a children's playground
Merry Go Round Monkey Bars Sandbox Swing Set Slide
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category: no points
8. Tell me a place people work that starts with the letter "P"
Police Station Prison Pizza Parlor Post Office Pharmacy
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category: no points
9. Name an animal that starts with the letter "S"
Squirrel Snake Skunk Brut
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category: no points
10. Name something you might eat for breakfast
Toast Cereal Remote Control Eggs Pancakes Strips Of Bacon
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category: no points
11. Name something you wouldn't let people do in your house if you hosted Thanksgiving
Drink Smoke Pillows Eat In Living Room Wear Shoes
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category: no points
12. Name something someone might do to embarass them at Thanksgiving
Burp Overeat Work Dinner Fart Get Drunk
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category: no points
13. Name something from Thanksgiving dinner you couldn't carry on a plane
Carving Knife Turkey Gravy Cranberry Sauce
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category: no points
14. Name a U.S. state with a lot of beaches
Florida South Carolina California
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category: no points
15. If you're cooking Thanksgiving dinner, how many days in advance do you start preparing
5 7 14 30
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category: no points
16. Tell me something you can't control, but you wish you could
Other People Weather Government
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category: no points
17. Name something commonly associated with New Year's Eve
Lemon Party Count Down Oranges Times Square Ball Drop
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category: no points
18. Name a pet that doesn't require much maintenance
Dog Turtle Fish
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category: no points
19. Tell me something people are sometimes said to be under
Pocomo Weather Influence Pressure Spell Age
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category: no points
20. Name a way for a pirate to get his name out there
Steal Kill Someone Advertise Yell Find Treasure
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category: no points
21. Besides a captain's shoulders, name a place a parrot might hang out
Crows Nest Hat Sail Mast Cage
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category: no points
22. Name something in your house that you wouldn't see on a pirate ship
Refrigerator Television Microwave Bathroom
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category: no points
23. Name an animal that would look cute in a pirate's hat
Microwave Dog Parrot Monkey Play Cards
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category: no points
24. Tell me a word that rhymes with tree
Three See Free Bee Me
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category: no points
25. Name a moving violation you might get ticketed for
Boogers Speeding Hostile Running A Red Light Running A Stop Sign Broken Tail Light
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category: no points
26. Name something you associate with summer
Vacations Barbecues Partying Beaches Warm Weather Swimming Pools
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category: no points
27. Name something you're never too tired to do before going to bed
Use Bathroom Reading Watch Tv
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category: no points
28. Name something you might see in a wealthy person's house
Jacuzzi Team Building Butler Chandelier
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category: no points
29. Finish this sentence: Thanksgiving, not a good day to ___
Work Get Sick Diet Fight Shop
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category: no points
30. Name an occupation that starts with the letter "T"
Technician Tailor Teacher Telemarketer Truck Driver
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category: no points
31. Name something cats like
Mice Catnip Cat Food Technician Yarn
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category: no points
32. Name a sport associated with cold weather
Skiing Ice Skating Hockey Snowboarding Technician
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category: no points
33. Name a tool a man can't live without
Soap Screwdriver Wrench Hammer
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category: no points
34. Finish this sentence: When visiting ___, don't forget to bring your sunglasses
Florida California The Beach
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category: no points
35. Name a famous war
World War 1 Crimean War American Civil War Shuffle Board World War 2 Comedy Show
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category: no points
36. Name a brand of deodorant
Degree Dove Sure Comedy Show Secret Old Spice
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category: no points
37. Name something you hope doesn't break down while you're inside of it
Car Super Powers Elevator Clark Kent Airplanes
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category: no points
38. Name an animal you would not want to see sitting on your car
Skunk Elephant Bear
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category: no points
39. Name a country where you might need a jacket year round
Greenland Sweden Iceland Switzerland Canada Russia
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category: no points
40. Past or present, name a way to travel around the world
Passport Boat Hot Air Balloon Airplanes
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category: no points
41. Name an animal associated with America
Dogs Horses Bears Bald Eagles
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category: no points
42. Name something you buy and only use in the summer
Swimming Pool Shorts Swimsuit 1812 Boat
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category: no points
43. We asked 100 people: Name a TV family
Nose Picking Adams Family Bradys Be Nude The Huxtables
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category: no points
44. Name something you squeeze
Toothpaste Plank Pimples Lemons Ketchup Bottle
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category: no points
45. Name something you shouldn't do in front of the Queen
Curse Fart Smoke Pick Your Nose
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category: no points
46. Name a North American city that starts with the letter "M"
Montreal Miami Memphis Milwaukee Minneapolis Manhattan
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category: no points
47. Name a bird people don't usually eat
Jafar Penguins Pigeon Crows
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category: no points
48. Name a place you would go to get a better view
Mountain Jafar Roof Highrise
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category: no points
49. Name something super heros are not afraid of
Spare Tire Guns Danger Heights Villains
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category: no points
50. Name something people might lie about on their online dating profile
Looks Income Spare Tire Their Age Profession Their Weight
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category: no points
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